Official Star Wars Thread

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Re: Official Star Wars Thread

Post by Dacey » December 23rd, 2017, 4:52 pm

All in all, I liked TFA more...which is apparently popular opinion.

Also, that "riding llamas to destroy Vegas planet" sequence was...yeah.

I'll say more for my year end review, and then may post more thoughts here after that. But it is notable that Mark Hamill was apparently really unhappy with how the movie treated Luke. But the "awesome moment" Ben mentioned (pretty sure I know what he's talking about?) was worth the price of admission alone. :)

(Also, Luke wasn't tempted "every other scene" in Empire and Jedi. Pretty sure he was only really tempted towards the end of the ROTJ. :) )
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Re: Official Star Wars Thread

Post by ShyViolet » March 20th, 2018, 11:01 pm

I don’t agree with every word of this, but in my opinion it is an interesting argument because I really do think Abrams is overrated. Don’t get me wrong, I found TFA to be extremely entertaining, but TLJ has so much more depth to it. And I only saw Abrams’ first Star Trek film, probably due to the fact that most of it was unbearable for me. Not exactly because it changed details of canon, more because I just found the characters to be extremely unlikable, the story muddled, and the entire idealistic outlook of the Federation replaced with dialogue from Top Gun. :roll:

Anyway, it’s quite long, (same writer as The Simpsons piece) but very comprehensive and interesting:
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Re: Official Star Wars Thread

Post by EricJ » March 20th, 2018, 11:37 pm

ShyViolet wrote:Not exactly because it changed details of canon, more because I just found the characters to be extremely unlikable, the story muddled, and the entire idealistic outlook of the Federation replaced with dialogue from Top Gun. :roll:
Think you misspelled "Dialogue from Star Trek II: the Wrath of Khan".

(Y'know, for being so presumably a "Star Trek fan", you'd think JJ would shamelessly homage more than one Trek episode or movie...Especially when making two films.)

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Re: Official Star Wars Thread

Post by Dacey » March 20th, 2018, 11:48 pm

I loved the new Trek films (welp, actually not so new anymore, as the first one turns ten next year!), Khan references and all. Since the universes are meant to "mirror" each other anyway it all made perfect sense to me.

But I still stand by my initial opinion that J.J. gave the Star Wars fans what they wanted, while Johnson may have wanted to "stir the pot" just a little too much for many people's tastes. And it's telling that I saw TLJ once in theaters while I saw TFA three times (over the span of about two weeks).

All of that is beside the point, though. Nice to have you around again, Vi! :)
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Re: Official Star Wars Thread

Post by Randall » March 21st, 2018, 12:37 am

Yay, Vi!

It was my understanding that JJ didn't actually know Star Trek at all, and really wanted to do Star Wars all along. And you can tell. His Trek films don't adhere to the basic emphasis of Trek TV.

Still, I enjoyed the first JJ Trek a lot, finding it quite entertaining, though one really needs to read the comic book prequel "Countdown" to make sense of it. (And it's a great story, too.) I hated the second one, which didn't try hard enough to be Nu Trek, lamely homaging Star Trek II to death.

JJ's Star Wars film was filled with fan service and regurgitation... and yet I loved it. It was just such a relief after the prequels. But it was important for SW to go in a new direction after that, which TLJ did, to mixed results.

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Re: Official Star Wars Thread

Post by James » March 21st, 2018, 9:37 am

Randall wrote:...It was my understanding that JJ didn't actually know Star Trek at all, and really wanted to do Star Wars all along. And you can tell. His Trek films don't adhere to the basic emphasis of Trek TV...
To be fair, while true that JJ's "Trek films don't adhere to the basic emphasis of Trek TV", the new Treks are pretty much in line with most of the other Trek films in that they focus more on action than traditional TV Trek storytelling. So it's not like he started that trend.

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Re: Official Star Wars Thread

Post by ShyViolet » March 21st, 2018, 3:30 pm

Aw thanks guys. :)
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Re: Official Star Wars Thread

Post by Randall » March 22nd, 2018, 12:30 am

James: Agreed.

ShyVi: Stick around. We missed ya.

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Re: Official Star Wars Thread

Post by EricJ » March 22nd, 2018, 5:40 am

Randall wrote:It was my understanding that JJ didn't actually know Star Trek at all, and really wanted to do Star Wars all along. And you can tell. His Trek films don't adhere to the basic emphasis of Trek TV.
Still, I enjoyed the first JJ Trek a lot, finding it quite entertaining, though one really needs to read the comic book prequel "Countdown" to make sense of it. (And it's a great story, too.) I hated the second one, which didn't try hard enough to be Nu Trek, lamely homaging Star Trek II to death.
When we get the expected joke where young Kirk actually does "make it with a green-skinned (Orion) girl", I suspected we were not perhaps in the presence of a 100% sincere Trek fan.

Still, we know he was enough of a fan to think the young-Kirk canon revolved around every line from Wrath of Khan. But darn, he forgot to have Cpt. Pike pardon Kirk's test-cheating with a "commendation for original thinking" at the end of the first movie.
JJ's Star Wars film was filled with fan service and regurgitation... and yet I loved it. It was just such a relief after the prequels. But it was important for SW to go in a new direction after that, which TLJ did, to mixed results.
As Mad Magazine put it, "Twenty years ago, fans complained about Jar-Jar, now we complain about JJ." :lol:

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Re: Official Star Wars Thread

Post by Dan » May 3rd, 2018, 11:52 pm

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Re: Official Star Wars Thread

Post by Dacey » May 24th, 2018, 11:32 pm

Quick take on Solo: it's fun! And that should be enough to satisfy most fans, especially after the arguably overly cynical tone of The Last Jedi.
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Re: Official Star Wars Thread

Post by Randall » May 25th, 2018, 12:38 am

I do suspect that many of us will like Solo more than Last Jedi.

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Re: Official Star Wars Thread

Post by EricJ » May 25th, 2018, 9:09 pm

Randall wrote:I do suspect that many of us will like Solo more than Last Jedi.
We could have had a decent, sensible, coherent, OT-pedigreed Lawrence Kasdan-written Last Jedi if it hadn't been for THIS movie. :(

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Re: Official Star Wars Thread

Post by Ben » May 26th, 2018, 10:16 am

Dacey wrote:Quick take on Solo: it's fun!
Told ya! ;)

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Re: Official Star Wars Thread

Post by Dan » May 29th, 2018, 10:17 am

Certainly was a fun film. I also enjoyed a few of the easter eggs whenever I could spot them.

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