Happy Feet

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Post by bullwinkle » November 17th, 2005, 9:19 pm

dancing penguins :?: :?: :?:

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Post by Brandon Neeld » November 17th, 2005, 9:57 pm

Dancing Penguins Rock! We all learned this in Marry Poppins. Besides - Penguins sell - it's a fact. Who had the best gags in Madagascar???

*scnene opens*

Exec 1: We need to have a movie that is a two hour National Geographic documentary narated by Morgan Freeman but still convince people it's entertainment so they come annd watch.

Exec 2: That's impossible.

Exec 3: It is. Unless...

All: Penguins!

Morgan Freeman: (Narrating) And thus - March of the Penguins was born.

*end scene*
"We're Dead! We're Dead! We Survived but We're Dead!!!" -Dash- "The Incredibles"

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Post by Josh » November 17th, 2005, 10:04 pm

Meg wrote:Nothing wrong with a bunch of dancing penguins! :P
Not if you're watching a Coca-Cola Holiday commercial.

I'm not saying the film will be bad. In fact, I'm still looking quite forward to it. However, I just don't view the teaser trailer as anything amazing- but I don't think it's bad either.
Last edited by Josh on November 17th, 2005, 10:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by bullwinkle » November 17th, 2005, 10:05 pm

yeah but the Madagascar Penguins are funny. they did not dance. and the Penguins looks really life like. kind of creepy. not like the
Madagascar Penguins. is it a book our something i just wanted to know. because everbody is saying this looks so good. i think it just looks ok. so is there book. is that why everbody is so excited.

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Post by Macaluso » November 17th, 2005, 11:27 pm

Mickey wrote: Just a bunch of dancing penguins.
Exactly why it's so amazing.

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Post by Sullivan » November 18th, 2005, 1:41 am

I just saw a trailer about a movie where a fat superhero tries to put on a belt. I swear, he keeps trying to put it on, but he can't. Is that all the movie is going to be? That sounds lame. Fat superhero? What's good about that? The WHOLE trailer had him trying to put it on, and his wife is like, "come for dinner" and he's like "gimme a salad!" That movie is so going to suck. I hope they have better ideas than that. Besides, the fat superhero was already done before. It's obvious they're ripping off The Tick. Does the movie even have a villian, or is the villian a giant sandwich or something that the fat superhero eats? Seems like a pretty thin idea (pun intended) to base a whole movie on.

If that's the BEST THING in the movie, and it's so great it's their whole trailer, you know the rest of the movie is lamer than that. Sell your Pixar stock now, it's gonna bomb!


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Post by Josh » November 18th, 2005, 2:05 am

In case I'm one of the people you are writing to, all my negative comments have been regarding the trailer, not the film itself.

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Post by Sullivan » November 18th, 2005, 2:33 am

Not directed to anyone in particular. Sorrry Mickey if I gave the wrong impression.

Just illustrating my opinion that trailers are trailers and not the entire movie. They give different impressions to different people. 10 people can look at the same trailer and come away with 10 different impressions about what the movie itself will offer.

Don't judge a book by its cover. A trailer of dancing penguins is just a trailer. It can't possibly convey every nuance of a full film.

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Post by Josh » November 18th, 2005, 2:45 am

Sullivan wrote:Not directed to anyone in particular. Sorrry Mickey if I gave the wrong impression.
That's okay. I simply wasn't sure whom you were writing to. Hence, I thought I would respond, just in case. :)

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Post by Ben » November 18th, 2005, 10:03 am

Macaluso wrote:It does not matter what the plot is, because it has dancing penguins.

That's all that matters.

That's all that ever matters ;_;
Very true, my friend.

To be honest, I didn't notice the soulless eyes - I'll have to rewatch, but I was blown away for a debut film from a debut animation company that's not Pixar/Disney/DreamWorks/Blue Sky et al...

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Post by Sullivan » November 18th, 2005, 2:01 pm

I don't find them soulless. They're naturalistic, but not dead like Polar Express eyes.

Lots of animals have dark eyes without much eye white. It doesn't keep them from being cute or expressive.

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Post by Macaluso » November 18th, 2005, 2:08 pm

Sullivan wrote:I don't find them soulless. They're naturalistic, but not dead like Polar Express eyes.

Lots of animals have dark eyes without much eye white. It doesn't keep them from being cute or expressive.

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Post by Sullivan » November 18th, 2005, 2:22 pm




Oops. Two outta three ain't bad.

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Post by Meg » November 18th, 2005, 2:37 pm

Sull, you just made my day. :D

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Post by Josh » November 18th, 2005, 4:21 pm

About the eyes:
Mickey Mouse, Chicken Little, etc... don't think I hadn't already thought of these. But Mickey Mouse and Chicken Little still show a tremendous range of emotion through their facial muscles and expressions. I didn't notice that with the penguins in Happy Feet.

In fact, Sullivan proved my point, showing two cartoon animals and a realistic one. "Two outta three ain't bad," he said. There is a difference, isn't there? :)

But once again, it's just a teaser trailer, so maybe I will notice the expressions in the actual film. I repeat, I don't find a bunch of dancing penguins to be anything fantastic, especially considering there's a Coke commercial playing on television right now that offers the same thing. However, don't think I'm naive enough to assume that I won't like the movie, just because I don't like a brief teaser trailer.

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