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Re: Zootopia

Post by Dan » April 18th, 2016, 12:42 am

One thing in the movie has been crossing my mind.

What Guns N' Roses (or rather Guns N' Rodents) song(s) does Judy have on her playlist? :lol:

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Re: Zootopia

Post by droosan » April 18th, 2016, 5:42 am

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Re: Zootopia

Post by EricJ » April 18th, 2016, 12:52 pm

I didn't expect the explanation to be voodoo per se. I just had no idea where the plot was going at that point and didn't rule out some sort of magic as a possibility. But the drug idea crossed my mind as well, and I definitely would have preferred that over the ultimate reveal.
The "Nudist" scene, AFAICT, was supposed to plant in our mind the idea that animals could revert to their natural ways if some new-age trend lured in the gullible, so we could have been meant to be red-herring'ed off early into expecting some "natural" cult gone wrong or nefarious (and that the flowers were the psychotropic herbs used), for the social point about pursuing our own deeper self-indulgent natures.
As for Judy's neighbors, I never said that they are a gay couple; just that they could be perceived that way. But looking at the IMDB cast listing, it's worth noting that the characters share a hyphenated last name: Oryx-Antlerson.
Didn't notice that, but the idea that they might be "shuddup!"-squabbling room-sharing brothers never crossed our mind? (Especially when they look alike?)

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Re: Zootopia

Post by Jpcase » April 18th, 2016, 6:15 pm

They could be brothers (or cousins for that matter). I've considered that as a possibility. The film certainly doesn't make it clear what the exact nature of their relationship is, but one does have to question why the directors would bother giving the characters a hyphenated last name, if it wasn't meant to imply something.

Again, I didn't bring this up to make some big, political point. If (if) the characters are intended as a couple, then sure, I do think that it's praiseworthy of Disney to embrace the message of Zootopia in a way that could make a real-world difference. I'd imagine that it's probably nice for gay kids growing up today to have one couple, however minor, in the Disney pantheon that they can relate to - especially characters that don't fall into being broad stereotypes. But it would be silly to turn the Oryx-Antlersons into gay pride mascots, especially considering that the movie does leave the characters open to interpretation. The only reason I brought them up was to illustrate the difference between forms of modernization that I find acceptable from Disney and those that I find more bothersome.

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Re: Zootopia

Post by Bill1978 » April 18th, 2016, 6:58 pm

Finally got a chance to see this movie. It's tough to see a cinema release when your town doesn't have a cinema. But the joy of being on holidays is you have more time to travel 30 minutes to see a movie. While it isn't the greatest Disney movie since [insert iconic movie of your choice], it was still very enjoyable and worthy of a re-watch.

There were plenty of laughs available to me as a typical movie watcher and as a Disney freak. I was the only one to chuckle at the Weselton/Weaselton joke. And the reference to Moana and Gigantic, something I imagine the general public will only notice AFTER those movies have been released. Pretty sure everyone in my cinema groaned at the Let It Go joke, which to be honest I felt wasn't needed in the movie at all. It kinda broke my heart a bit that Disney was bagging itself out.

I really appreciated the effort that went into creating this non-human world. I can only imagine on re-watching all the little visuals references I missed. About half way through the movie I realised that all the animalised company names were subtle. As it you had to be looking for them as the scenes played out (most of the time), unlike a DreamWorks movie where the camera would pan across the shops to force as to notice the name changes for a forced laugh. My main disappointment in the beautiful world created is that the crew of Disney Infinity didn't deem Zootopia worthy of a play set. Cause I would really love to run around in Zootopia.

In regards to the message being knocked into our skulls at every opportunity, to be honest I didn't notice it. But then the frame of mind I was in that day may have meant that instead of groaning about the message I was internally cheering and thinking 'See, see that's what I was talking about'

Quick question about the localised news reader. In Australia, we obviously got a koala. I noticed in one of the press related scenes a koala. Just curious to know if everyone got a koala in the press scene or if this koala is localised as well?

And in terms of all the easter eggs referencing other movies. Is it just me, or when Judy and Nick cross a street in the opposite directions to a herd of gnus did anybody else get a Wilderbeest Stampede from Lion King vibe?

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Re: Zootopia

Post by EricJ » April 18th, 2016, 7:07 pm

Bill1978 wrote: My main disappointment in the beautiful world created is that the crew of Disney Infinity didn't deem Zootopia worthy of a play set. Cause I would really love to run around in Zootopia.
Well, I don't play the game, so don't know what you mean by "set":
http://www.amazon.com/Disney-Infinity-3 ... B016LGYTJO
http://www.amazon.com/Disney-Infinity-3 ... 01ALRCD38/
Quick question about the localised news reader. In Australia, we obviously got a koala. I noticed in one of the press related scenes a koala. Just curious to know if everyone got a koala in the press scene or if this koala is localised as well?
It's localized--Most of NA got a moose.
And in terms of all the easter eggs referencing other movies. Is it just me, or when Judy and Nick cross a street in the opposite directions to a herd of gnus did anybody else get a Wilderbeest Stampede from Lion King vibe?
Think that was the idea, and less subtly than the Jennifer Lee "Let It Go" jokes.

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Re: Zootopia

Post by droosan » April 18th, 2016, 7:46 pm

EricJ wrote:
Bill1978 wrote:Quick question about the localised news reader. In Australia, we obviously got a koala. I noticed in one of the press related scenes a koala. Just curious to know if everyone got a koala in the press scene or if this koala is localised as well?
It's localized--Most of NA got a moose.
I believe Bill1978 is referring to the press conference scene, which featured multiple field reporters shouting questions at Bellwether & Judy (as opposed to the anchor-desk reporters in the 'TV newscast' scenes, which he'd already acknowledged were localized).

I do think I recall seeing a koala at the press conference .. but I'd have to see the movie again to be certain (it's been a few weeks since I've seen it, but I was planning to catch it again before it leaves theaters, anyway).

Actually, it would kind-of make sense if all the various 'localized' animal reporters made an appearance in the press conference sequence; I'll have to look and see if I can spot some of the others there, too.

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Re: Zootopia

Post by Dan » April 18th, 2016, 10:27 pm

EricJ wrote: Well, I don't play the game, so don't know what you mean by "set"
A playset is a kind of like a story-driven series of levels, almost like you're playing an independent game instead of messing around in the Toy Box making up your own levels.

It's not surprising Zootopia doesn't have a playset at the moment. Even Frozen doesn't have a playset. But it's not so much a knock at the developers for not making certain playsets as they're under the clock to come up with any one playset that they feel would contain enough content to develop as an aforementioned independent game. Remember that they had previously been release a new version of the core game annually and there's only so much time they had to put things together before having to restructure to accommodate the updated gameplay and physics. It's probably why they're holding at the 3.0 version for now so that they can devote more time to develop new playsets.

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Re: Zootopia

Post by Bill1978 » April 19th, 2016, 1:12 am

Oh I understand the complexity of making a playset, I was just feeling selfish and wanted to explore the Zootopia world more. The art design really impressed me. And thanks for explaining the concept of a playset to Eric for me. I had no idea how to explain it.

Also forgot to mention, that Shakira must have some smart managers. A lot of adults in the cinema I was in kept saying,' I need to stay to see who voiced who'. And were forced to sit through the Shakira song before getting their wish. So rather than hearing 30 seconds of the song they had to endure 3 minutes, meaningthe song was more likely to get stuck in people's head. Of course it may have had nothing to do with Shakira's team and more to do with increasingthe change of an nom for Original Song at the Oscars since of the silly rules dealing with the visual representation of the song playing into the nomination process.

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Re: Zootopia

Post by droosan » April 24th, 2016, 1:53 am

Bill1978 wrote:Quick question about the localised news reader. In Australia, we obviously got a koala. I noticed in one of the press related scenes a koala. Just curious to know if everyone got a koala in the press scene or if this koala is localised as well?
Just caught Zootopia again, tonight .. and, nope; there are no koalas at the press conference, in the North American version. The two main reporters whom we see asking questions of Judy are a beaver and a pig.

Though .. there is a koala among the crowd when
Bellwether is marched into prison, at the end.
Since the movie is in its 8th weekend here, I was expecting an almost-empty theater .. but I was pleasantly surprised to find myself in a nearly-'sold-out' audience! :) Granted; this is Burbank .. and it was in one of the smaller-sized theaters of a 16-screen cineplex.

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Re: Zootopia

Post by Dacey » April 24th, 2016, 3:27 pm

Even more impressive considering that Disney's own Jungle Book was supposed to take its audience away. But the drops haven't seen any significant difference since then.

I expect a sequel (or series) to eventually be announced. The ending is certainly open for more adventures with Judy and Nick.
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Re: Zootopia

Post by droosan » May 3rd, 2016, 11:57 am

Zootopia is still in theaters (and is also still within the 'top 10' U.S. box office!), but it will hit home video & streaming services starting June 7th.

95 days from theatrical release to Blu-ray..! :o

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Re: Zootopia

Post by EricJ » May 3rd, 2016, 2:50 pm

droosan wrote:Zootopia is still in theaters (and is also still within the 'top 10' U.S. box office!), but it will hit home video & streaming services starting June 7th.
95 days from theatrical release to Blu-ray..! :o
And...IN 3D Blu-ray combos. :shock: Yes. Not a Pixar film or Marvel. An actual WDFA film made after 2014.
No word yet of whether sanity has spread to the live-action studio--so no word of 3D yet on Jungle Book, and that 3D Force Awakens is still, quote-fingers, "later", like Frozen was--but this a major crack-open of the door, that deserves forcing open with a crowbar.

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Re: Zootopia

Post by Daniel » February 5th, 2020, 3:55 pm

From the Super Bowl halftime show:


Life imitates art. ;)

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Re: Zootopia

Post by Ben » February 5th, 2020, 7:04 pm

Well, try everything, as they say... ;)

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