I meant
The reality of spaceflight has been so disappointing! Trapped in orbit for over 40 years and that's darn boring manned flight-wise.
I think even Stanley Kubrick would have been disappointed that his movie looked MORE futuristic than current manned spaceflight does!
(Then again, look what's happened in movies! The USS Enterprise in 1979 had a more convincing engineering section than it did in 2009! The 2009 version looked liked a brewery! Gee, I wonder why?

I guess... I guess art design for some reason occasionally looks WAY MORE appealing and futuristic than real-life does at times! It seems to go in 'good' and 'bad' waves in the movies, too. You know that I DON'T think the sci-films today are (in general) as well designed as they were in the late 1970s and 1980s.
2001 was an exception... that was a HECK of a lot better designed than any other sci-fi film prior to Star Wars...
Okay, on second thought, I'll give the Germans credit for
It Came From Hollywood used to be shown on TV ALL the time where I live. I think I last saw it on Comedy Central in the late 1990s.
(The film ISN'T that hard to find online...)
The ironic thing is that probably a half-dozen or so of those films would be considered public domain so there shouldn't be an issue with copyrights with THOSE films. Unfortunately, there's still enough of it that's still owned by somebody that they won't let it be licensed because of stupid clearance issues if they have them!
Here's a list of what films have clips in It Came From Hollywood =>
Yeah, this film is clip clearance hell right there! It's sad that the film owners have gotten greedier and stupider about this stuff as time has moved on. You would think it would be in the best interests of these companies TO LET films like this be released with less fuss on home video because THIS film (It Came From Hollywood) is THE BEST kind of advertising for all those OTHER old movies!!!!!!!! Darn the beancounters and other money people... Yeesh!
This film is where I learned about some other crazy junk like "Prince of Space" and was also reminded of the pre-Rocketeer movie serials I saw on reruns in the 1970s. I just made my point about advertising right there!
I dunno... It could also be something as dumb as the fact that whoever owns that film doesn't even know they own it!
The last time it was released on home video was ON LASERDISC!!!! They had plans for a 2002 DVD release but according to a movie fan on IMDB that DVD release got cancelled because of clip clearance issues. The Paramount home video rep said it wasn't worth their time trying to get all those other film clip owners to sign off on the home video release!