Now, onto more opinions, I do agree with Ben that things have been way, way overblown on this one. One thing I, and many other box office pundits, got blinded by in anticipating this thing is that Dragon 2 isn't a happy-go-lucky adventure like Despicable Me 2. It's different, and that can frighten away some potential moviegoers. It will make up for it in the coming weeks; I'm really interested to see how it's first weekday numbers shape up this week, as those will be great idnicators as to how it'll hold up against Transformers and the ultimate competition to the family market, Think Like A Man Too

Oh, and EricJ, you've actually made a couple of great points, mainly that bullying is a common theme in their movies (interestingly, their best, like Kung Fu Pandas 1 & 2 and the HTTYD movies I feel completely avoid that trope that only really seemed to fit like a glove in Shrek), but I am so, so sorry, but Phil Lord and Chris Miller are freaking geniuises. The LEGO Movie was amazing (about to go pick up its Blu-Ray in a few minutes actually) and I absolutely adored 22 Jump Street. The dudes know how to consistently make good movies that surprise people; DreamWorks has the ability to surprise people but their consistency needs work.
Also, speaking of DreamWorks: who else has seen this new GEICO ad that uses DreamWorks new CGI models for Rocky & Bullwinkle as well as Tom Kenny as the plucky moose? I went in with basement level expectations, but it actually turned out OK. Hope it isn't the last time we see these two; ... inkle.html
OK, I'm done with the gratuitous self-promotion; let's use my two cents now to advance the conversation!