And if it doesn't, what will Katzenberg do? Why, the same thing he ALWAYS does, whenever he has to take $57M write-downs!:ShyViolet wrote:Uh-oh: ... z30OOzcz9B
Hopefully Dragon will make up for this.
Does he reappraise the studio's future, and take into account the changing taste in the growing animation industry, and that their own style may need to change with the times? No, that would be suggesting they weren't universally popular to all audiences.
Instead, he claims it's the problems of a Dying Industry--Like the "Dying disk-sales industry", when nobody bought Shrek 2 on disk...Or the "Dying 2-D traditional animation format", when nobody went to see Sinbad.
Obviously, MP&S's poor showing was due to the theatrical industry dying off in comparison to audience's new streaming/pre-order tastes! ... ness-model
(Y'know, I should've tried that in high school--Tell the teacher I didn't do my homework, because pen and paper would be dead in five years. )