Planes: Fire & Rescue

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Re: Planes: Fire & Rescue

Post by Dacey » April 23rd, 2014, 5:36 pm

Planes was PG...for some reason. I guess it was that?

But then again, I'm still trying to figure out why Frozen was PG, so...
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Re: Planes: Fire & Rescue

Post by EricJ » April 23rd, 2014, 5:38 pm

Ben wrote:Planes was sold as a Cars spin-off, Pixar name-check or not.
Which, technically, it was--A spinoff of the franchise.
Dusty might not show up in the Cars movies, but a few minor anonymous Cars characters do often make in-joke cameos in the Planes movies. Good fences make for good neighbors.
It was released as a major summer Disney animation release with no indication to the average moviegoer that it was a DTV in theatrical clothing.
At which point, if it was in theaters, it longer a DTV. :wink:
Most people still feel a bit "burned" on Return to Neverland and Jungle Book 2 being upgraded to theatrical, also to fill theaters during vacation time with no presumption to be considered part of studio canon (in fact, some of the audience still buy RtN's line about "We put it in theaters because the animation was so much BETTER than the usual DTV's!"), and when you mix in a little burning Cars 2 grudge, well, it's not pretty.
Some people need to move on and forget.

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Re: Planes: Fire & Rescue

Post by Dacey » April 23rd, 2014, 5:43 pm

I never have fully bought that Return to Never Land was ever truly intended as a direct-to-video sequel. I don't ever remember seeing it listed as anything other than a theatrical feature, and the production budget was roughly four times the amount that Disney was spending on their DTVs at the time. Also, RTNL looked great in a theater. Arguably better than Home on the Range did (and I say that as a very genuine fan of that film).
Last edited by Dacey on April 23rd, 2014, 6:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Planes: Fire & Rescue

Post by eddievalient » April 23rd, 2014, 5:46 pm

Question: Why is it considered completely acceptable to heap a crapton of hate on Planes (or the Cars franchise in general for that matter), but not Frozen? Those of us who were (mostly) unimpressed with Frozen have to deal with being surrounded by people who imply there's something wrong with us because we don't think it's "OMG Best Movie Evar!", which leads to angry posts (like this one), which leads to counterposts from fans defending their sacred cow, creating a vicious cycle. Why? Why is Frozen considered "untouchable"? Why the double standard? What is so radically different? Seriously, I'm asking because I genuinely would like to know.
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Re: Planes: Fire & Rescue

Post by Scar » April 23rd, 2014, 5:49 pm

I don't care if you hate Frozen but I don't appreciate the way EricJ insults anyone who likes the film or uses deragotory insults towards people with mental disorders or who are gay.

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Re: Planes: Fire & Rescue

Post by Dacey » April 23rd, 2014, 5:53 pm

Okay, Eddie, you asked for this one...

Lois: I think you just got to be in the "out" group. Whoever's on top, whoever's in power, whoever's successful, you gotta be on the other side or you don't feel like the smartest guy in the room. All you are, my dear, is a contrarian.
Brian: Oh, please, you could not be more off base.
Lois: Oh, yeah? Let me ask, what did you think of the movie Titanic?
Brian: Horrible, one of the worst movies ever made.
Lois: Mm-hm, what about Slumdog Millionaire?
Brian: Overrated, just a terrible movie.
Lois: Cocktail.
Brian: Actually, not a bad film. You know, as classically structured cinema, Cocktail was one of the best films of its era.
Lois: You make me sick, Brian.

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Re: Planes: Fire & Rescue

Post by Scar » April 23rd, 2014, 5:58 pm

I thought Eddie didn't like whiney people?

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Re: Planes: Fire & Rescue

Post by Bill1978 » April 23rd, 2014, 6:02 pm

LOL Dacey.

I just checked my copy of Planes and it got a G rating in Australia. With the standard disclaimer of some scenes may frighten very young children (who should not be exposed to anything traumatic until they sneak into a cinema to watch Saw XVI and the age of 10)

And Eddie, while I love Frozen I personally have some issues with the film that I feel prevent it from being declared an 'OMG! Best Movie Ever!' Maybe one day I will share my opinions on how it could have been improved. But I do understand your frustration, I had to stop visiting the IMDB board for that reason. Heaven forbid you say anything negative about the film, Elsa or Let It Go over there.
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Re: Planes: Fire & Rescue

Post by eddievalient » April 23rd, 2014, 6:04 pm

Dacey wrote:Okay, Eddie, you asked for this one...
Well, you got me there. :lol:

Seriously, though, it's not that I dislike anything popular (I really enjoyed Avatar, for instance, and can't wait for the sequels), but I am getting tired of the general attitude that says "How dare you disagree with the majority? What's wrong with you?" I see it constantly every single day and I have just about had it with fanbases of anything because even fans of things I like have this attitude. It's extremely annoying.
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Re: Planes: Fire & Rescue

Post by Scar » April 23rd, 2014, 6:37 pm

And yet I constantly see people on every Internet site I go to ranting about these supposed fanatical Frozen fans and how over-rated it is so Frozen critics can't be too terribly shunned.

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Re: Planes: Fire & Rescue

Post by eddievalient » April 23rd, 2014, 6:45 pm

Yes, and I left one forum in disgust (I'll be polite enough not to say which one) after being shouted down one too many times by the fanatical Frozen fans when I was trying to discuss it's pros and cons in an intelligent, civil manner (Yes, really. Stop laughing). Apparently it doesn't compute with these people that their "beloved masterpiece" isn't universally thought to be one.
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Re: Planes: Fire & Rescue

Post by EricJ » April 23rd, 2014, 7:10 pm

Again, that's what happens when people attach a film to their "identity"--All of a sudden, you're not pointing out the film's flaws, you're making social judgments about THEM, speaking sacrilege against all the positive support and life-change that the movie was "teaching" them, and disrupting the unity they feel as fans.
(Which was the reason I joked about Frozen fans acting "like Bronies with icicles" :wink: There's a little bit more to the eye going on with that fan group, too.)

I liked Wreck-It Ralph well enough, but If someone who hadn't seen it said "So, it's just a videogame movie about Sonic the Hedgehog?", I didn't try to socially demonize his assault on my person and civil rights.
It's when you start letting your specific fandom live your life FOR you that you start being willing to sacrifice your own individual senses of right and wrong in public, and that's when you gotta start asking some basic questions.

To bring it back to topic, just try telling a loyal Pixarista that the Cars franchise wasn't, y'know, that bad, even though Pixar in their minds has now become a symbol of the higher aspirations that all movies should become, and that icky sequel had cruelly "betrayed" those dreams...

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Re: Planes: Fire & Rescue

Post by eddievalient » April 23rd, 2014, 7:32 pm

And that icky sequel wasn't even bad to begin with. I thought it was on par with Brave, which was not terrible, but not tremendously great either. Kind of sad, then, that Monsters University (which was better than both and equal to its predecessor) got snubbed. If the Oscars didn't want to give Pixar yet another award, fine, but it should have at least been nominated since it was their best film in several years.
Last edited by eddievalient on April 23rd, 2014, 7:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Planes: Fire & Rescue

Post by Scar » April 23rd, 2014, 8:57 pm

Well right now part of me frankly feels like leaving these forums because of the rude, offensive, and insulting way Eddie and EricJ have treated me.

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Re: Planes: Fire & Rescue

Post by Dacey » April 23rd, 2014, 10:32 pm

At this point, it's best if we get the discussion back to Planes (somehow this got hijacked by the very same Frozen conversation which was going on in another topic). Also, if anyone could merge this with our old Planes thread, that would be great. :)

Box Office Mojo predicts that Fire and Rescue will actually do better than the first one due to a severe lack of competition at the box office this summer:
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