Ben wrote:(come on, do you really think we'd be getting Finding Dory if Carter had launched a franchise?
For the very reason Dory was scheduled in the first place (yes, that freakin' Circle again), we would eventually at some point anyway, just not with Stanton.
Don't fall into the trap of thinking "Pixar made all those sequels because they WANTED to!" The sequels we got were good because they
didn't want to, and were trying to claw their way back to creativity again.
Ben wrote:While a sequel to The Incredibles won't be original original, Bird is being very smart when it comes to playing the Hollywood game.
Also, unlike a certain other sequel-obsessed studio we could name, Pixar doesn't
LIKE sequel-sequels.
There always has to be some kind of twist that makes it a completely different entity, to dull the pain of it not being a completely new and original story--Even when Monsters U, Toy Story 3 and Finding Dory were forced on them by legal obligations, and Cars 2 from the top, they went in distinctly different directions from what we were expecting, and worked anyway. (Well, okay, Cars 2, but still, have to admit, we weren't expecting
I still bang heads on tables whenever I hear unimaginative fans saying "Well, they ended it with the Underminer, so what's he going to do in the next film?"--Any who might be saying that, abandon all hope of a job with Pixar.
I'm still putting down bets that we're going to get a
THAT'S an opened-up Pixar Brain-Trust sequel that's got Brad Bird's name all over it.