The Disney DVD Vault

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Re: The Disney DVD Vault

Post by Ben » June 8th, 2012, 3:45 am

I *did* say "if anything". And I only say that since 2016 would realistically be the last time Disney could release it on packaged media. An on-demand or special collectors' only edition (offered and bought direct from Disney by people who know what they're buying) could be the way to go (damn, I wish that SOTS/So Dear To My Heart Treasures set had happened).

After that, we're looking at 2021 as Rand says, but it wouldn't be a Blu-ray (the film has been restored in HD). A downloadable file could make it easier or harder for Disney to control its release (depending on how they did it), but realistically, if they're going to attempt to mine any real money from it at all then it's got to be a Blu-ray issue, and 2016 is the most obvious date.

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