Visiting Ringling

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Visiting Ringling

Post by ELIOLI » July 2nd, 2011, 7:45 pm

This may not seem important here, but me and my sis will be visitng Ringling in Sarasota, FL this month to take a look at the campus. We are going to the 12th grade this year and we are currently interested in their CA (Charcater Animation) program. Things will have to be arranged: money, scholarships, housing, ect.
Just so you guys know, if we get accepted in the coming years and then graduate, wherever we end up at, we will be sure to give you good quaility/story driven movies, appealing charcaters, blah de blah. Haha. Just letting you guys know, you have been a great sorce of news for these two animation fanatics! keep up the great work! Sorry we don't post as often, but we feel like we will be ran over by those that are more knowledgeable in the field. ;)
While we are at it, here is our art blog.
It is definately not at a professional level. (Feel free to look at older posts.)
We have had some comments from a Nikelodeon storyboard artist regarding our work and frequently are in contact with Tom Bancroft among other amazing artists. We are also doing some work for a pediatric office in Las Vegas as well..via email of course.

Umm..well, that's just life at the moment, and thanks for reading! If you have any other suggestions and or know anything about Ringling and how to save money, please let us know!

Do not suggest anything on the West coast though...that means MORE money!

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Post by Randall » July 3rd, 2011, 1:15 am

I've visited the Ringling site a couple of times, and was close to applying there myself years ago... before life got in the way. (My "perfect world plan" went out the window when I got laid off from my job in Florida prior to getting my Green Card.) At the time, at least, the program was quite well-regarded. It's a cool town, too; very artsy. Gotta love the beaches, too! Good luck to both of you!

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