Uh, the people who said Scorsese "should" have won for any of his previous classics, and that Departed was only getting it because he "should get it for something by now"?
(There was a joke at the time, that we were all dreading being buried under the insufferably quirky artificial-marshmallow sludge of "Little Miss Sunshine" that year, but when Jack Nicholson read The Departed for Best Picture, "How do we know that was what was
really on the envelope?"
Knowing the Academy that year....I have my 1% of doubt. Seriously.
And maybe not ALL post-04, but....doesn't Crash vs. Brokeback just kinda
stick in your mind as a historical dividing date?
Dacey wrote:There were quite a few "contenders" that didn't get the BP nod in 08, Eric. It wasn't just "Wall-E" (which I honestly don't even remember really being considered for the Oscar).
...YOU don't? I remember rather the hue and cry that it had been "snubbed" or "shut out" of five nominations.
(More so than Dark Knight ever got, as all but the diehard fanboys were happily satisfied that Dead Heath got his due, but Wall-E going home with "only" the trivial little Animated it was expected to was seen as an "injustice".)
Oh, and the ten nominations came the very next year.