Sym-Bionic Titan

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Re: Sym-Bionic Titan

Post by Dacey » March 26th, 2011, 6:39 pm

It seems as though new animated shows really never get much of a chance these days...
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Re: Sym-Bionic Titan

Post by ELIOLI » March 26th, 2011, 7:34 pm

I heard it SBT slots were moved due to The Problem Solvers...eek.
Compare SBT to TPS...seriously..

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Re: Sym-Bionic Titan

Post by Darkblade » March 30th, 2011, 6:17 am

I happen to enjoy the show, but I am saddened that its canned. Also I found a video that is currently trying to bring back titan. Is it safe for me to post it on here?

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Re: Sym-Bionic Titan

Post by droosan » April 9th, 2011, 1:08 pm

Just finished watching the series finale.

WOW. :o What a GREAT show.

My thanks -- and congratulations! -- to the entire Sym-Bionic Titan crew for giving us all one heck of a ride.


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Post by Randall » April 9th, 2011, 6:03 pm

Here's hoping for a complete series set on DVD (or even Blu-ray)! I usually watch stuff on disc these days, so I'd like to see it come out this way.

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Re: Sym-Bionic Titan

Post by droosan » April 10th, 2011, 7:55 am

This was a show that was well-worth following in 'TV time' .. there were running sub-plots and situations which raised questions that one could ponder during the week between episodes .. making the 'world' of the series seem bigger than it actually was. This sense of anticipation/reflection is often lost when one can view the entire series in one sitting; though, it is still a very enjoyable show, in either case!


While I'm hoping for a home video disc release, too .. the unceremonious manner in which CN dumped this show doesn't inspire confidence. :| They don't even have any S-BT re-runs scheduled for the foreseeable future. :?

:arrow: however, all 20 episodes of Sym-Bionic Titan are available for purchase via iTunes (iPod/iPad), Playstation Network (PS3/PSP) and X-Box Live media stores.

caveats: at ~US$1.99 per episode, it works out a fair bit 'pricier' than a DVD set (about US$40 for the entire series) .. and -- due to DRM -- it would likely have to stay on the device to which you download it.


I now have the complete series on my PS3; the 20 episodes take up just a bit over 5GB on the local drive. Even though it is 'standard-def,' it looks fantastic on a 40-inch screen. 8)

So -- whether a DVD doesn't happen, or even is just a long time coming -- I can enjoy watching this excellent show at my leisure. :)


Post by GeorgeC » May 5th, 2011, 3:23 am

Good thing you got those episodes while PSN was up, Droo!

I don't know who Sony hired to set up PSN but I'm sure they're scrambling to get a better software team in place.

The hijacking and teardown of PSN is one of the biggest techno-busts of the decade so far... It's far from the worst case of online identity theft and card-stealing but it's gotta give people pause. And make gamers think twice before taking promises of secure information from any of the gaming companies.

XBox Live has been compromised a few times, too, but no gaming network has been down this long before....

DO NOT GIVE OUT CREDIT CARD INFO ON NETWORKS IF YOU HAVE THE OPTION TO USE PRE-PAID CARDS! That goes for Amazon and all the other websites. IF you have the option, buy a gift/pre-paid card. Your bank account and credit rating will thank you in the future!

Sony will NEVER get a credit card number from me in the future. It's all PSN cards and I'm going to max them out in a single turn so that I don't lose much money if somebody decides to steal the 53 cents I didn't spend off a $10, $20, or $50 PSN card.


Getting back to CN and its practices of playing favorites with creators and TV series, I wrote a bit about this on my newest Brave and the Bold post ==> ... 204#p73204

I'm telling you there's a real good ole boy network going down at CN or somebody is doing favors to executives for their series. There is something really slimey about the preferential treatment shown towards some series and creators and the way others are getting shafted.

I'm not a huge fan of Genndy Tartakovsky's work in general -- it tends to be bit too design-oriented and utilitarian for my likes -- BUT he was a huge force there in the past and producer/creator on some of their most celebrated shows.

He must have lost all the support he had before he left the Network to go try his hand at feature films (which never got anywhere). There must be nobody left in the head office who knows what he did at CN before in its earlier days or that really cares now. That's a darn shame and a huge sign of what's wrong in show biz.

Then again, CN didn't use to have all the reality series and show all the live-action movies that it does now, either.

I'm not against the Scooby-Doo series or movies -- you have to have something that draws in kids for animation to be successful... there just isn't a big enough adult nostalgia crowd or adult audience, period, for non-kid stuff to work well in prime time if you're not McFarlane or Groening (and even now .they are way past their fresh period and what they're doing now is coasting on 10-year-old farts).

CN has sort of circled back in on itself and the head is eating devouring its tail like a snake caught in a circle. It's literally regressed to the pathetic state it was in when it debuted in the early 1990s...

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Re: Sym-Bionic Titan

Post by droosan » May 5th, 2011, 3:51 pm

My PS3 is primarily used as a Blu-ray player (I have one 'single-player' game for it, which I've rarely played), and is connected to the internet only if I need to apply an update in order to read a newer disc. I only recently signed-up for the Playstation Network when I learned I could buy S-BT episodes from them. That remains the only purchase I've made there.

I did change the passwords for my e-mail and credit card accounts (as a precaution) after I'd learned of the PSN 'breach' last week. I've kept a wary eye on that card :shock: but nothing 'fishy' has happened with it, yet.

As for the S-BT episodes, I have backed them up to an 8GB thumb drive .. but Sony's TOS dictate that they can only ever be played on a PS3 which is tied to my PSN account .. so, it looks like I'll be keeping both around, unless/until CN releases the series on a home-video 'disc' format.

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