Tangled (formerly Rapunzel)

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Post by Bill1978 » January 30th, 2011, 1:33 am

I didn't think it was Eastern Europe either, I was just trying to find an example of where it could occur in current times and I kept flashing to those little countries that use to be in the USSR. I got the vibe that it existed in generic fairy tale land, which we all know is a timeless place.

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Post by Dusterian » January 30th, 2011, 12:42 pm

Bill, your points aren't really arguing against my exact points. Simply put, the things I stated and my reasons for them still stand. But for the things that you did bring up which did debate some of my points, I will address. The first is that cynics existed back then, but cynicism was not up to that level in Disney films of the past. The next is that the kingdom is clearly long ago when Rapunzel could have been written, if you must, read the Art of Tangled or wait till the home video comes out and I'm sure they'll tell you it was. Finally, I already gave my points for why I accept the Genie's humor, he is a timeless being who can see across times, and the fact that I didn't understand the references as a kid, but still got what they were about enough to enjoy them, shows that it was a fine choice. As for the Genie popping up at the end, that is more alright because Aladdin was a comedy all the way through and the Genie has magical powers which would allow him to turn into the moon or lift the screen. He did something funny which kept the idea of happily ever after. The Genie did what he did after the beautiful moment ended, and we cared about the Genie being happy like Aladdin and Jasmine, he was part of the main characters. But the Cupid thug floated up with an ironic smirk like he thought he was so funny as he floated up over/during the beautiful happily ever after moment. At least the Genie waited till the carpet with the couple on it and fireworks disappeared.

It's more that the Cupid thug was unsightly, he had no bearing the happily ever after's happiness, he just showed up to mug the camera by being actually rather offensive looking and had a cynical smirk on his face about it.

Aladdin was funny the whole way through, but Tangled had more of a fairy tale ending like Snow White or Sleeping Beauty. It's like if you put an old half-naked man in front of Aurora and Phillip dancing.

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Post by Macaluso » January 30th, 2011, 12:55 pm

Did you just happen to hear the word "cynical" and decide "Yep. I'll just throw this word anywhere and everywhere in my post, it doesn't matter what it actually means!"

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Post by Whippet Angel » January 30th, 2011, 2:04 pm

Dusterian wrote: Aladdin was funny the whole way through, but Tangled had more of a fairy tale ending like Snow White or Sleeping Beauty. It's like if you put an old half-naked man in front of Aurora and Phillip dancing.
Good lord, this just keeps getting better and better. :mrgreen:

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Re: Tangled (formerly Rapunzel)

Post by Dacey » January 30th, 2011, 2:19 pm


I love the movie the way that it is, as do many, many other people, otherwise the movie wouldn't still be in the top 15 after ten weeks of release.

As has been said, Dust, NONE OF US KNOW FOR SURE what Walt would've done with the film if he were alive today. But we do know this much. He hated repeating himself. He was about moving forward. But you seem to think that Disney should be doing the opposite of that.

At the end of the day, the romance is interesting because of Flynn's attitude of the world in comparison of Rapunzel's. Flynn has a "been there, seen that" view wheras she hasn't seen anything. Her free spirit is what makes him see that his life just might be missing something.

And, for what it's worth, he's funny. And, really, how is he more "cynical" than Grumpy, who spit and was much meaner to Snow White than Flynn ever was to Rapunzel (even though we all know that Grumpy was secretly caring about Snowy the whole time). He's one of my favorite Disney heroes now, and Rapunzel's now quite possibly my favorite Disney heroine...ever.

However, if they had "done things the classic way," Flynn and Rapunzel would've maybe interacted for one or two scenes, and spent most of the movie apart. Because that's how ALL of Walt's fairy tales worked. Snow White and her prince, Cindy and her Prince, Aurora and Philip...all of them pretty much fell in love with each other and that was that. And I'm fine with that. But that wouldn't sell today.

"Tangled" has proved to be quite popular with couples who are dating from what I've heard. And it's easy to see why, because it's really a wonderful romantic comedy. And it's also a wonderful fairy tale. It's just plain a good movie.

Oh, and for what it's worth, Walt wasn't always perfect when it came to titles. His original title for "Fantasia" was "The Concert Feature," after all. As Steve Martin said, I think we're all glad that they changed the name.

I don't hate you, and I'm not trying to be mean. Really, I'm not. But maybe we could talk about something else in this topic now? It's just a thought. ;)
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Post by Ben » January 30th, 2011, 4:52 pm

I'm gonna have to go see this movie now, aren't I? ;)

Just came out in the UK, but I have no interest in 3D and by the time they put it on in 2D in the smaller (not as good sound) theater, it's going to be close to coming out on BD, which is how I've seen the past few animated feature films.

But I must say I'm itching to see Tangled, and given the conversation it's sparked here, I might have to get over the crummy, picture-degrading 3D aspect and just go see the thing.

It's a debate over Tangled and Black Swan for Monday night, though I've a feeling my lady will win out (as always!) on Swan, but...we'll see...hahahaha... ;)

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Re: Tangled (formerly Rapunzel)

Post by Dacey » January 30th, 2011, 5:09 pm

"Black Swan" is...interesting. Brilliant, but...yeah, I'm not sure what word I'm looking for here. ;)
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Post by Ben » January 30th, 2011, 5:28 pm

Deranged? Hysteric? They're both words I've heard to describe it, which is what intrigues me! ;)

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Post by Dacey » January 30th, 2011, 5:33 pm

Yes, but it doesn't really get that way until the last 30 minutes...
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Re: Tangled (formerly Rapunzel)

Post by LotsoA113 » January 30th, 2011, 10:19 pm

After seeing Clash of The titans over How to Train Your Dragon waaaaaaaaaaay back in April, Ben, I think you owe us all by seeing Tangled. Trust me. You'll like it. And if you don't...well Dusterian has something to talk about don't she? :wink:

Oh, and to just add on to the topic of who's who...if George C. is the crumudgeon (the cool, funny Star Wars lovin'-like-me crumudgeon BTW) then I'm the random nerd who just pops in every once and a while. Whaddya think?
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Post by Dacey » January 30th, 2011, 10:50 pm

Nah, I think you're just the evil teddy bear. ;)
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Re: Tangled (formerly Rapunzel)

Post by GeorgeC » January 30th, 2011, 11:13 pm

Evil Teddy Bear?

The only evil bears I've seen are the ones that talk and say "I Love You" or have heart symbols on their chest. Talking animals ((voice chips) and ones that proclaim parables on their chests have always freaked me out. Nothing is scarier on TV than Barney the Dinosaur and Carebears.

Lotso is just pink...

And yes, I do like parts of Star Wars -- but only the original parts before it became an unending franchise like Star Trek...

And this is probably the last time I'll poke my head in here.

It's a battlezone and long past talking about the merits of a film that's coming out on home video relatively soon.

Dusty's just NOT receiving things on the same wavelength as the rest of us... Please take off the tin-foiled hat, Dusty, and STOP trying to put words in Walt's cremated mouth.

Walt's getting close to fifty years dead and was fairly inexplicable to a bunch of people who worked with him when he was alive. NOBODY knows what Walt would think today! The point is moot!

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Re: Tangled (formerly Rapunzel)

Post by Ben » January 31st, 2011, 3:12 am

LotsoA113 wrote:After seeing Clash of The titans over How to Train Your Dragon waaaaaaaaaaay back in April, Ben, I think you owe us all by seeing Tangled. Trust me. You'll like it. And if you don't...well Dusterian has something to talk about don't she?
Who wants to tell him? ;)

We've decided on Swan for tonight, but I'll likely go down on Wednesday's cheap(er) night to catch Tangled. At least then I won't feel like I'm paying for the 3D I don't want to see... :)

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Post by EricJ » January 31st, 2011, 4:46 am

Ben wrote:But I must say I'm itching to see Tangled, and given the conversation it's sparked here, I might have to get over the crummy, picture-degrading 3D aspect and just go see the thing.
It's a debate over Tangled and Black Swan for Monday night, though I've a feeling my lady will win out (as always!) on Swan, but...we'll see...hahahaha... ;)
While the obvious answer would be "You'll be sor-ree! :P " (not a big fan of Aronofsky), seriously--See Tangled, if you haven't yet, and darnit, why haven't you? 2-D, 3-D, 4-F, WHATEVER. Just see it.

(Remember when we felt that underwhelming socks-for-Christmas dissatisfaction coming out of Princess&Frog, but told all the mean naysayers, "Aw, c'mon, they're just warming back up--One more fairytale musical and they'll get it right"? We were right--They DID.
This was the 90's-throwback movie we wanted to see happen in the first place.) :mrgreen:

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Re: Re:

Post by Ben » January 31st, 2011, 2:18 pm

EricJ wrote:See Tangled, if you haven't yet, and darnit, why haven't you?
Um...because it only just came out here in the UK at the weekend?

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