Official Star Wars Thread

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Post by Ben » October 27th, 2010, 7:56 am

I would actually take this for real, or at least the fact that Lucas is looking into the possibility of making more (three?) movies.

"It's not for certain if they will be the long awaited Episodes 7, 8 and 9 but could instead be Episodes 10, 11 and 12 or possibly even further out in the Star Wars timeline."

Oh boy, here we go again. So he could go for 10/11/12 or more out there, and then go back and fill in the gaps? If he has any smarts, he'll finish out the 7/8/9 films he originally announced after he decided Star Wars was really a trilogy of trilogies, when Empire hit so big in 1980.

Personally, SW is about the Skywalkers, one way or another. To stretch out of that is to have Indy Jones without Indy Jones. Oh, wait...he's kind of doing that too...

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Post by eddievalient » October 27th, 2010, 12:06 pm

More Star Wars is always good, but my take on this is that any future SW films should be done by Lucasfilm Animation so at least they can get the original actors to voice their characters (since it's highly likely that most of them may not physically be able to do it at this point).
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Behind the Scenes "Empire Strikes Back" Photos

Post by GeorgeC » December 22nd, 2010, 2:30 pm

Recently, I borrowed The Making of The Empire Strikes Back book from the local library.
This is by no means the first book on the making of this film -- there was another book published in 1980 that was written by a LucasFilm PR man.

What separates this newer book from the 1980 "Making of" book is that TESB has assuredly become the most critically acclaimed and, in most fan's eyes, the best Star Wars film ever made. The film never seemed like it was going to work at times during productions. There were cost overruns, problems with inadequate studio space for shooting, as well as cast sicknesses, and emotional/physical meltdowns for both Mark Hamill and Irvin Kersher.

What I'm about to share are scanned in photos that are behind the scenes. They capture the cast in more relaxed times for the most part and tomfoolery that happens in filmmaking to relieve stress and boredom... There's also a concept drawing or two thrown in.

The true Master of The Empire was not the Emperor, but the late Irvin Kershner, the director of TESB. Here, he confronts his apprentice, Vader...
Kershner was offered the opportunity to direct Return of the Jedi as well but passed on it saying that he didn't believe he could top his work on TESB. He probably lived at least 5-10 additional years by NOT directing Jedi! :lol:

Unfortunately, film crews often forgot there was A MAN inside the C-3PO costume!
Someone made a nice placard to remind them 3PO was alive... I'm sure they still forgot 3PO was a costume with a man locked inside, NOT furniture!

One of the inspirational images for Boba Fett was this poster of Clint Eastwood's "Man With No Name." Compare to the image below of Fett.

The cast member who was most physically stressed by production was Mark Hamill. Besides having to spend the most time on-location, outdoors in sub-freezing weather(!) in Norway, he had to learn choreographed blade movements for the duel with Darth Vader, most often portrayed by stuntman Bob Anderson in the duel scenes. Dramatic points involving dialogue and significant gestures by Vader were most often played by Dave Prowse, the actor/stuntman most associated with Vader.

Below are two images from the final scenes of the big lightsaber duel in TESB. The first image portrays Hamill during rehearsal wondering what Kirsh wants now; the second is primary footage before the lightsaber blades were animated. Anderson plays Vader in this scene.

There were not many times during filming that the full primary cast of Star Wars characters were photographed together. A lot of cast members filmed scenes separately from the rest, and there were few, if any, scenes with all the primaries together. Total production time for shooting live-action with the cast totalled at least 6 months in 1979(!) during which Mark Hamill's first child was born (in England).

An off-shoot photograph of Mark Hamill posed with Kermit the Frog, Miss Piggy, and Yoda, distant relation of The Muppets. (Kermit was probably checking in to see that Piggy wasn't making time with Hamill or Yoda if you get my drift...!) Miss Piggy and Yoda were voiced by Frank Oz. While Piggy was also puppeteered by Oz, there were many other puppeteers helping to manipulate Yoda's expressions since that puppet was far more sophisticated than The Muppets and HAD to appear as lifelike as possible to work. That Yoda was convincing and became a popular Star Wars character was a remarkable achievement for TESB. Later appearances of Yoda in the Prequel Trilogy were primarily computer animation with voicework by Frank Oz. The last known on-screen appearances by a Yoda puppet were in non-walking scenes in The Phantom Menace...
During the time he spent in England, Mark Hamill guest-starred on an episode of The Muppet Show during a "time-out" in shooting. Hamill portrayed both himself and his "cousin" Luke wearing the Rebel uniform he sported in TESB. Perhaps that's the beginning of all those Piggy affair rumors??? (Note that on his Muppet Show appearance, Luke NEVER had a lightsaber on him!)

ILM crewmembers got very little sleep in the last few months of production on TESB. Like Star Wars, they were literally working up the last minutes solving problems and completing special effects shots in TESB. Compared to Star Wars which had fewer than 150 special effects shots, TESB had just above 400 special effects shots!
A sleepy Darth Vader seemed like a good cartoon mascot for the stressed-out ILM nightshift workers...

There's more that I scanned but I felt these were the most entertaining off-filming photos that I got from the TESB book... The rest of what I have are Boba Fett concept drawings, concept art for the theatrical poster as well as the most iconic TESB theatrical poster, and a couple of other cast photos and publicity stills.

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Post by LotsoA113 » January 5th, 2011, 8:20 pm

Tomorrow there will be a big star Wars announcement of some sort in Vegas. I think it might have to do with either the Blu-Rays or the 3D reissues. Either way, I think this topic will be buzzing by tomorrow evening.
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Post by EricJ » January 5th, 2011, 8:48 pm

Considering Panasonic is involved, some say both... :shock:

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Post by Ben » January 6th, 2011, 5:58 pm

Haha...just noticed something. You think the very tired Vader in the Night Crew tag above is wanting to go to bed with his Lots O'Lovin' Bear!? ;)

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Re: Official Star Wars Thread

Post by LotsoA113 » January 6th, 2011, 6:06 pm

Well here's the amazon link for the 9-Disc Complete Saga blu-Ray: ... eimprovemz

there is also a Prequels only and Classic Trilogy only blu-Ray set, couldn't find the links though.

The trailer on the Amamzon page is nice, though the quality differences between teh two trilogies is immensley noticable.

Your thoughts?
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Post by GeorgeC » January 6th, 2011, 11:22 pm

No word if the original theatrical versions of the first trilogy films will be available on Blu ray...

Three discs of extras are exclusive to the full 6-film saga -- these are the discs that contain documentaries, deleted and alternate scenes that will NOT be on the separate saga (3-disc) sets!

September, TBA.

Oh, and Lucas is supervising the transfers and (new) edits, too! :shock:


I'll still get the darn Blu rays -- I REFUSE to pay for 3-D versions, though(!) -- but I feel like I'm giving money to the Empire instead of a good Revolution...


Amazing how the Young Turks of the 1970s helped turn the Studio system into the gutless meat-packing machinery that it is today. A consequence of being very successful and not applying the right lessons.

Think about it -- a lot of directors like Michael Bay wouldn't be around today if not for the successes of Lucas' and Spielbergs earlier popcorn films. Has this been a good thing in the long run?????

For every good Star Wars film there's been several dozen lousy blockbuster wannabes. For every Indiana Jones film, it seems like there's 100 or more really mediocre action films.

I wonder if these films have inspired more mediocrity than serious attempts at creating new mythologies...

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Post by Randall » January 7th, 2011, 7:56 am

I watched the video promoting the Blu-rays, and I'll be darned--- I still got a tingle up my spine watching those scenes. Aside from the frustrating lack of original versions, it's sure to be an impressive set.

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Post by Ben » January 7th, 2011, 9:26 am

So...yep, it's the announcement of SW on BD. :)

As soon as I read the top line of a story I saw online I thought to myself that I'd likely get the full six-film set, seeing as I don't have any of the prequels on any format anyway. That there's a further three discs exclusive to that set seals the deal.

Nope...I don't think we'll get original edits, or even the 2004 edits that were on DVD. My guess is that these will be what's being converted to 3D, though there will HAVE to be even more added to those editions, because who's going to shell out for a big set like this and then go and see the same films again in fake 3D? And then who's going to buy those ones all over again when they come out in whatever format we're watching by 2018/2019!?

Anyway, I now know what I want for my birthday this year... ;)


Re: Official Star Wars Thread

Post by GeorgeC » January 7th, 2011, 11:28 am

I refuse to shell out for 3D for films that weren't originally shot in 3D to begin with! That's like buying colorized versions of B & W films. That kind of thing never turns out well.

Heck, I imagine Tangled will look better in 2D Blu ray that it did in the 3D format I watched in theater...!

I also think that unless you buy from the worst video retailer in the world that you will NOT have to spend much more than $100 for the 9-disc. Online knows this is going to be the best-selling set of this year unless people are fed up and really don't buy which -- which most of us know ain't gonna happen! So, $90-$100 sale price is very likely for the big set which anyone who's interested in behind-the-scenes filmmaking or the last minutae of the Star Wars films is going to buy.

You must aren't going to save much on the individual trilogy sets unless you absolutely hate the prequels and only want the original trilogy. I can see far more people buying the original trilogy-only than prequels-only. The only crowd I can see getting prequels-only are the kids that saw the prequels-only in theaters. Unless you're only interested in wire-fu and fast lightsaber fights I don't think very many people who've seen all the films on home video would argue the original trilogy was worse than the prequels.

P.S. -- For anyone who DOESN'T have Close Encounters on Blu ray yet, this is the week to buy it at Best Buy. I went out yesterday to do a favor for an ex-classmate and stopped buy to look at home video and videogame releases. Close Encounters, the 30th Anniversary BD set, is on sale for $7.99 this week only!

I just might slip back to Best Buy and get a copy myself... It's been on my "to get when it's cheaper) list for quite a while! The set's been marked to $20 for a long time and very often shows up for $15. The price is right to pull the trigger and get the set now!

P.S. P.S. BEN, --
Here I scanned in a picture of a "Muppet Family reunion" from The Making of The Empire Strikes Back and you talk about "Yawning Vader"????!??!?!

I thought you were a Muppet fan! :lol:

Yeah, that Vader drawing was a great ILM logo for a while...


Re: Official Star Wars Thread

Post by American_dog_2008 » January 7th, 2011, 1:29 pm

Why first september?

Can't wait! :!:



Post by GeorgeC » January 7th, 2011, 9:55 pm

Ben wrote:So...yep, it's the announcement of SW on BD. :)
Nope...I don't think we'll get original edits, or even the 2004 edits that were on DVD. My guess is that these will be what's being converted to 3D, though there will HAVE to be even more added to those editions, because who's going to shell out for a big set like this and then go and see the same films again in fake 3D? And then who's going to buy those ones all over again when they come out in whatever format we're watching by 2018/2019!?
Yes, no original theatrical versions in Blu ray... YET.

(Part of me believes the original versions will only show up after Lucas dies...)

The 9-disc set is definitely the one to get if you want the extras. Who knows what will be carried over from the previous OT DVD boxset???

As for edits, yes these are new edits of the OT. No 1997 or 2004 versions -- all new edits because Lucas is either ashamed of these films or is so confounded underhanded because he knows people will buy the films all over again.

Darn shame he doesn't LucasFilm's most memorable and reputation-establishing work with more respect. Even the National Film Registry has a better view of the films than he seems to!


Post by GeorgeC » January 13th, 2011, 1:13 pm

Return of the Jedi alternate ending...


Post by GeorgeC » February 5th, 2011, 1:11 pm

Mini-Vader Volkswagen Commercial... airing during the Superbowl on Sunday.

The commercials will be better than game which I WON'T be watching. Probably watch a disc or two that I haven't peeked at yet.

"When Anakin was young, he was not so strong in the Force...
but was he ANNOYING around the house!

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