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Post by Randall » September 2nd, 2010, 12:12 am

Looks like we may get the original DVD special features after all. I'll hold onto my Fantasia Anthology set for now, though.

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Post by EricJ » September 2nd, 2010, 3:58 am

The reason for the BD + DVD releases is for all the knuckleheads who haven't figured out DVD players won't play BD's as well as giving options for people who don't want their BD's destroyed by little kids AND adults who don't want to read.
...Um, ACTUALLY, it was originally invented to let DVD users "stockpile" the first limited-edition Platinum releases ahead of time--seeing as Sleeping Beauty and Pinocchio would only be available for 14 months--for consumers who weren't sure or couldn't afford their first player for a few more years yet to still be able to buy the disks now.
That way (they thought), forward-thinking DVD buyers would still get their classics, and they wouldn't get all that knee-jerk whining about fans not getting the chance to buy Bambi before it went back into the Vault.

If most people don't know that, it's only because Disney extended the idea to all their other non-limited Blu titles, the Blu users immediately thought the disks were for them, and even repackaging the Snow White Blu-combos in DVD boxes still didn't thump DVD users on the side of the head (who felt more at home complaining about the DVD release being "cruelly delayed")...
And now, in the ultimate triumph of stupidity, Disney's own promos for the Combo disks sell the "A spare disk for your laptop!" myth-interpretation.

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Post by EricJ » September 2nd, 2010, 4:01 am

Randall wrote:Looks like we may get the original DVD special features after all. I'll hold onto my Fantasia Anthology set for now, though.
Since we'll probably be getting the BD-Live "Virtual Museum" features in 480p anyway, I'll donate my old movie disks as usual, but keep my old "Legacy" Disk 3 from the Anthology set.

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Post by Ben » September 2nd, 2010, 6:24 am

Hmph...the way I read Disney's announcement, the only original DVD features that were being carried over were the commentaries. It can be read here: ... l-details/

Better than previously thought, but along the lines of Snow White, taking out a great deal but adding in very little new, even if it's valuable. I'm holding on to all my previous versions (the VHS with the CD soundtracks, the LD with the different documentary and book, and the Legacy DVD with all the extra material).

George...we don't need new "Disney Blu-ray updates" every time the Bits posts them - just stick 'em in this joint topic now, along with the Fantasia news (topic name renamed). I've also moved to our more appropriate Movies thread.

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Post by EricJ » September 2nd, 2010, 1:06 pm

The press statement said "Original features from Legacy disk", which I took to mean that I didn't have to worry and F2K would still have the "Toot, Whistle, Plunk & Boom" short on it. :)
(As well as the original DOStiers-narrated featurettes for both films, which offer a brief overview of some of the sketches and discarded concepts found in the Museum extras.)

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Post by Ben » September 2nd, 2010, 1:21 pm

What hasn't been seen is how the original announcement was presented. The way it's laid out, "original features from the Legacy DisC" was presented as a heading, not necessarily a "feature", with the commentaries listed underneath.

Although the Bits have taken this to mean we get all the Legacy features, I took it to mean that from the original Legacy features, we'd get the audio commentaries only, which makes more sense since the first disc, Fantasia, doesn't get any "original Legacy DVD features", only the commentaries.

Hopefully I may be wrong, but I still think this is going to junk a lot of material like Snow White did, and only add what we can plainly see listed. Snow White also had "Classic DVD Features" listed, and eventually that revealed itself to be a title heading for a couple of things carried over: the audio commentary, the Dopey game and the through the decades thing, but not everything.

Just going by the amount of material that would need to fit on that disc, it doesn't fit: there's no way they can pack in the 82 minute Dali documentary and everything else and then still have all the Legacy extras on there too. I'm hedging my bets, but I think the commentaries is it, and you'll need to keep your Legacy sets for everything else. Perhaps if we'd got the planned Diamond Edition with a full Fantasia World bonus disc, we'd be more happy, but that doesn't seem to have happened...

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Post by ohmahaaha » September 2nd, 2010, 8:24 pm

GeorgeC wrote:Why are you complaining?

Have you paid attention to the releases Disney has done on Blu ray already?

The vast majority of the newer releases give the option of BD + DVD, BD + DVD + Digital Copy, or DVD-only!

I can't understand half the time why people complain about new releases.

Nobody's forcing you to buy this stuff... Get it or don't get it. Your choice. But please, can we spare some bandwidth on people complaining about re-releases of older films!?!? This gets done because certain films are guaranteed money makers. I can think of a half-dozen films from other companies that have had more re-releases than any Disney film to date has had on home video.

The reason for the BD + DVD releases is for all the knuckleheads who haven't figured out DVD players won't play BD's as well as giving options for people who don't want their BD's destroyed by little kids AND adults who don't want to read. (That latter reason is why I DON'T lend my movies to relations. I am related to people who are convinced they can't read instructions for taking care of video equipment and discs to save their lives! This in spite of the fact that most instruction manuals are written at a sixth-grade or lower reading level. It's ridiculous!)

In addition, the DVD disc is there for people to bring over to a friend's/relation's house who doesn't have a BD player.

Again, I don't understand what is so difficult to understand about that and why all the complaining.

Besides, most major Disney titles are getting DVD-only releases within a month of the BD release. It's true that you may not always be able to buy the BD by itself with a DVD copy of the film but you're generally not getting charged much extra for that and in many cases can find those sets for at least $10 off MSRP in stores. OR, you can wait 6 months to a year and the vast majority of the movies do get marked down to move them off shelves.
So if you already had one or both of these on DVD you wouldn't mind shelling out for a set that has both the Blu-Ray and the DVDs which you already have?

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Post by Ben » September 3rd, 2010, 5:36 am

I think, to be fair to the combo packs, that at least on the whole they include the updated DVDs rather than the one you actually have, with either new transfers or extras.

I know it's still basically redundant, but then again the packs go for a lot less than their SRP online, which essentially knocks off any $5 addition for including the DVD in the first place.

A copy of a catalog title on BD is going to go for around $20-25 with the DVD bundled in or not, so it's not like anyone's being fleeced (and could actually make some back if you eBay your original disc, like Rand does).

My beef is with the useless Digital Copy discs, which we do know we are charged roughly $5-10 for in any given set, and which don't do much other than provide a disc that half the people don't use, since they either rip the DVD themselves or download their films online.


Re: Disney Blu-ray plans...including FANTASIA updates

Post by American_dog_2008 » September 6th, 2010, 4:47 pm

I have the first Fantasia on VHS, but the Blu-ray will be an early birthday present.


Post by GeorgeC » September 10th, 2010, 12:55 pm ... -dubs-subs

Confirmation of the releases of Castle in the Sky and My Neighbors the Yamadas on Blu ray later this year in Japan!

Japanese BDs will have English subs for Castle in the Sky and the English dub for Yamadas. Why there is no confirmed dub for Castle in the Sky I don't know...

(CORRECTION: Reread the release and the English dub IS in 5.1 ch on the BD for Castle in the Sky/Laputa. The Japanese soundtrack is 2.0 ch...)

Japanese BD's are Region A and are cross-compatible between American and Japanese stand-alone BD players and PS3's.

Of course, these BDs will probably cost at least $80 a-piece import unless you can find a cheaper deal in Japan/greater Asia.

The North American will probably not street before June 2011. It's standard Ghibli/Disney policy to street the American releases 6 months after the Japanese versions to give Japanese sales a maximum push. Reverse importation of cheaper NA releases is something Japanese home video companies want to avoid...
Last edited by GeorgeC on September 10th, 2010, 1:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by Ben » September 10th, 2010, 1:09 pm

I thought that we were supposed to get a second wave of Ghibli updates this fall, weren't we? I've not heard anything since...


Post by GeorgeC » September 11th, 2010, 5:32 am

It's the Japanese release pattern.

North American releases can't be officially confirmed until a set amount of time AFTER the Japanese schedule.

Sure, we all knew Ponyo was coming out in the US but I think it took at least 3 months AFTER the Japanese announcement before the US release was made official.

Now that I think about it, the US BD release was only about 3 months after the Japanese release. Japan got Ponyo on BD around Christmas last year. It was early March when it was released in the US. Basically the same discs but more subtitles on the US version for the special features.

You're not only spending twice as much money for the Japanese version but you're also getting a ton of features you can't enjoy unless you understand Japanese without subtitles!

I don't know that there is any set amount of time anymore for these releases. I'm guessing the Japanese division of Disney Video wants more than one month between releases to avoid reverse importation. Six months doesn't seem to be the norm for Disney-controlled releases but it's definitely more than one month still.

I'm waiting to see what gets done with the one Ghibli feature that never got an official US release. "Only Yesterday" has only been shown on TCM in the US. My guess is that Disney WON'T reverse its decision on that film's non-distribution on American video and that the only credible way many North American will be able to get their hands on that film is if they import the eventual BD version. There is a DVD version out now in Japan with English subs but for most of us it's still a bother to get it because of price and region-lock issues. At least with the BD you're not paying much more for it and can rest assured Region Lock won't be an issue for American BD players.

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Post by Ben » September 11th, 2010, 8:54 am

Yes, but wasn't a second wave announced as coming "later this year" after the "World Of Ghibli" reissues that we had with the Ponyo BD/DVD?

As I said before, in the dedicated Ghbili thread, the only ones I'd really go for (and prepared to wait for on BD) would be Porco Rosso, Spirited Away and Pom Poko. I still need to see Kiki, though, which always gets good praise whichever dub is heard and, of course, Castle Of Cagliostro is excellent, if we're allowed to count that. ;)


Post by GeorgeC » September 11th, 2010, 12:39 pm

That I couldn't say, Ben.

I really haven't heard that much and despite having Ponyo on BD have only seen it a a theater thus far... (Was really disappointed that I never got to see Tales From Earthsea at a theater but I sort of understand why that's not going to happen.)

I just know that because the Japanese producers want to make as much money off the video releases as possible that they will stagger the Japanese and American video releases.

The Ghibli films are one of the few anime properties that could be considered anything like profitable off of the home video releases. Most other anime, if at all profitable, makes the bulk of its money off of licensing other than home video. The amount of DVDs and BDs being sold in Japan is incredibly miniscule for most productions. The Ghibli films are among the few that can be expected to sell hundreds of thousands of copies on home video.

Since the North American releases can be expected to be nearly identical to the Japanese versions (at least 50% cheaper) it's reasonable to expect delays for the Ghibli home video releases.. It has happened before that the North American DVD releases of certain shows (ex: Cowboy Bebop) have trickled into the Japanese market and taken sales away from the R2 (NTSC, Japanese) releases. This situation on BD is aggravated by the fact that Japan and the US are now the same region on BD (Region A).

Other than what's been announced and released so far in Japan, I have not heard of any other Ghibli BD upgrades. Of course, for the reasons I stated earlier, the American releases are being kept close to the chest and not being announced for the time being. They will still happen but only months after the Japanese debuts.

I believe Castle of Cagliostro is already out on BD in Japan but nobody's optioned that film for hi-def release in the US thus far. It's not a Ghibli release per se; it was produced and directed by Miyazaki years before Ghibli was formed. It's one of those anime that has multiple dubs. There were at least two English dubs produced for the US market -- one by the defunct Streamline Pictures (the company co-founded by Jerry Beck and the late Carl Macek) and the other by Manga Video (US division based in Chicago). Whether both these dubs are available on the Japanese BD or not, I couldn't honestly say. I'm not that huge a Miyazaki that I'm going to hunt down the BD without seeing the film first... It's another one of those films I happen to have on DVD that I haven't gotten around to seeing yet in spite of the fact that I like the Lupin III character...

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Disney alice wonderland animated coming to blu-ray

Post by gaastra » September 22nd, 2010, 5:13 pm

Disney alice wonderland animated coming to blu-ray

They just rereleased it on dvd but the blu-ray is coming anyway.

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