Official Star Wars Thread
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For some reason Vadar choking his guards when they tick him off reminds me of Michael Eisner getting rid of his lieutenants when they displease him (Katzenberg, Ovitz, etc....)Vader never choked Piett. He did choke AND kill Admiral Ozzel near the beginning of The Empire Strikes Back because Ozzel brought he Imperial fleet out hyperspace "too close to the Hoth system." Piett was promoted to Admiral upon Ozzel's death

I agree. There's this hilarious interview with him in Entertainment Weekly where he goes all over-the-top and tries to compare taking medication to shock therapy, or drug abuse--cocaine et al.... He's like: "In the 80s everyone said drugs are bad and now I"m saying it and people think I'm nuts." Or something like that. Then he claims that Jung (a well-known figure in psychiatry) was a Nazi, psychiatry equals Nazism because the Germans used drugs in their experiments, etc., etc....He's really off the wall abouth this.P.S. -- Seriously, I think Tom Cruise is a d***** for promoting Scientology and ragging on ALL psychiatrists so hard. It's very dangerous and irresponsible for someone who is clearly out of their mind and in thrall to a cult to be giving medical advice to everybody else.
I mean, if he had ever taken meds himself he might understand that some people do have a need for them because their brains simply work differently than others, and that there are legitimate scientific reasons why people get put on meds. You wouldn't tell a diabetic to get off that insulin, would you? They're not a "quick fix" because they take a while to work and usually don't do much unless a person is willing to change his/her life as well as seek therapy. Pushing Scientology in people's faces and telling them that it will solve all their problems--that's much more suspect in my opinon.
Oh well. I still like Tom, he's a great actor and I'm looking foward to WOTW. I just think he should maybe do a little research on WHY he's attacking something before he goes all crazy on Oprah.
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!
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He should realize that his stature as a mega-star means that he has a lot of influence on the masses of society, and that there are probably a lot of uninformed people out there who believe the crazy things he says. I think it's totally irresponsible of him to be spewing this garbadge without even citing legitimate sources for his opinions. Of course ALL the media sucks up to him because he's "Tom Cruise." (They all do, even if they pretend like they "don't.")
What if he said something like: "Hey, all you diabetic kids! Stop taking your insulin, it's evil! Read Dianetics instead!"
As for Katie, PLEASE. Good for him, it's nice that he's in love, but so what? Doesn't he realize that all the time he spends going on and on about himself he can spend helping others? He truly does seem to believe that the world revolves around him.
What if he said something like: "Hey, all you diabetic kids! Stop taking your insulin, it's evil! Read Dianetics instead!"
As for Katie, PLEASE. Good for him, it's nice that he's in love, but so what? Doesn't he realize that all the time he spends going on and on about himself he can spend helping others? He truly does seem to believe that the world revolves around him.
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!
For those of you who still don't know, ROTS DVD on 11/1
It's official... Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith gets a 2-disc multi-region release on November 1, 2005. Mark your calendars if you care although I doubt they'll be sold out of this disc even if you wait a day or two to buy it...
<Sigh> Waiting for Star Wars used to be a worthy event until the Prequels came out. The only way most people will get excited again about this increasingly sad series is if they release the ORIGINAL theatrical versions of the original trilogy in an official DVD release.
<Sigh> Waiting for Star Wars used to be a worthy event until the Prequels came out. The only way most people will get excited again about this increasingly sad series is if they release the ORIGINAL theatrical versions of the original trilogy in an official DVD release.
Saddam obviously was a Star Wars fan! ... BID_Stores
This IS for real.
I'm a member of the Replica Prop Forum that talks about recreations of movie props and apparently a few members are active military/Guardsmen who were over in Iraq and saw these helmets in storage...
Gee, it's kind of like the Allies finding out Hitler was a big Flash Gordon fan and had helmets made up to make his SS troops look like members of Ming's elite Mongo guard!
This IS for real.
I'm a member of the Replica Prop Forum that talks about recreations of movie props and apparently a few members are active military/Guardsmen who were over in Iraq and saw these helmets in storage...
Gee, it's kind of like the Allies finding out Hitler was a big Flash Gordon fan and had helmets made up to make his SS troops look like members of Ming's elite Mongo guard!
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Re: For those of you who still don't know, ROTS DVD on 11/1
And why is that exactly?GeorgeC wrote:It's official... Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith gets a 2-disc multi-region release on November 1, 2005. Mark your calendars if you care although I doubt they'll be sold out of this disc even if you wait a day or two to buy it...
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Well....maybe I was kind of jumping to conclusions, but that was just my feeling since he already put a CGI Jabba in Star Wars and then (from you actually) I heard that he's replacing Yoda in both Empire and Jedi.
Oh well....
Oh well....

You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!