New Heavy Metal animated movie in the works.

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Post by Randall » March 31st, 2009, 9:25 pm

I invited friends over to watch Urotsukidoji one night, years ago. It sounded cool... "erotic horror" the VHS case said. Like Dracula, right? ...Uh, no.

It actually made us lose our appetite for pizza.

Yes, it's that disturbing.

After watching it, I quickly got rid of the tapes. I felt so dirty. :shock:

That Nazi scene was remarkable in its way, though. And no, I won't describe it for those that haven't seen it. These are family boards. But we were amazed that anyone could come up with that stuff. Pretty sick. We felt traumatized for months afterwards. And anytime my buddy Kevin wanted to make me jump thereafter, he'd shout "Overfiend!", then cackle like a madman.


Post by GeorgeC » March 31st, 2009, 10:57 pm

Overfiend is one of those OVA series/films that will determine what kind of films you'll watch from there on out. It also says something about persons who have watched it based on their reactions.

I can handle soft-core stuff/ecchi that's typical for anime but I DO NOT like watching anything that's "too intimate" or features brutal torture and humiliation of people. I don't have problems with nudity per se (a consequence of figure drawing classes), but I don't care to watch or hear about sexually intimate details, either.

Violence is another thing, too. Based on context, I have different reactions to it. I don't care for violence for its own sake but I don't like watching films about war that tend to glamourize it and downplay the real human suffering and maiming that happens in war. That's a big part of the problem I had with GI Joe: The Animated Series even when I was a kid. Both the original Macross and various Gundam series have dealt with violence (without being gratuitously disgusting about it most of the time) and loss far more realistically and sensibly than any GI Joe series I've ever seen...

I've watched perhaps a total of 3-4 NC-17/X-rated films and I do not care to add to that total.

Overfiend was too much for me when I saw it, and is still too much for me today.

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Post by Ben » April 1st, 2009, 5:47 am

You know, just out of having said I've seen it, I need to find a copy of this. As an "experience", it sounds like one of those kind of things, like Fight Club, where you either are or you aren't.

But you know me and Japanimation...I'd probably say "yeah, but in that scene where the Nazi is doing this and the girls are doing that, I just felt the frame rate wasn't high enough to be convincing"... ;)

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Post by Randall » April 1st, 2009, 10:04 pm

Be careful, friend. One you've seen tentacle rape, you're never the same again.

But back on topic.... I'm looking forward to seeing a new Heavy Metal movie!! :)


Post by GeorgeC » April 1st, 2009, 10:50 pm

I'm not going to say, "Amen," Rand, but yeah, basically I agree with you.

Overfiend is the reason I want to keep my mind PG-13/soft R at the most!

There are some things that are just vile beyond words.

Overfiend is definitely one of those things...

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