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Post by The Zany Bishojo Evalana » July 2nd, 2008, 1:30 am

I just saw WALL-E tonight (technically yesterday), and I thought it was really good. I really want an image of Mary and/or John, but I can't find any. Does anyone know if any images of those two exist, and if so, where?

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Post by Ben » July 2nd, 2008, 6:30 am

Macaluso wrote:hook me up ben HOOK ME UP
Will grab my grappling irons and do my best Mac and droo!

That's a most un-user-friendly website though...many of the links are not active (at least to me) and I can't even find the right CD.

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Post by Once Upon A Dream » July 2nd, 2008, 3:40 pm

I can't wait to see it :D.

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Post by Foxtale » July 2nd, 2008, 10:33 pm

*too many pages to read*

Saw Wall-E was not disappointed at all, it held up to the standards I had set for it and then some. Not perfect but I think my problem was with the movie screen (and the fact I need glasses)

And I missed the reference to Finding Nemo, what was it?

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Post by Meg » July 3rd, 2008, 5:04 pm

I saw it today, and thought it was really great! The first 45 minutes or so are PERFECT, although the 3rd act is a little less so. I didn't mind that though because the main characters are so endearing and well-developed.

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Post by Dacey » July 4th, 2008, 12:24 pm

Haven't posted my thoughts here yet, but I saw it on opening day and thought it was a very good film. Everyone at my screening seemed to enjoy it. And I think that it really says something about the quality of the movie when I tell you that I was crying for the robots by the time the end credits rolled. It was a surprisingly emotional story.
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Post by Whippet Angel » July 5th, 2008, 1:38 am

Yes, I agree. The film is very emotional. I find this amazing considering the fact that the two main characters don't actually speak (not in English anyway :wink: ).

I just saw it for the second time last night. I felt the need to see it again, as I didn't really get a "proper" viewing when I saw it opening weekend. This was because the theater was packed when I got there, meaning I was stuck up front where the neck-craning seats are. I was stuck next to a bunch of loud, overly-giggly children (I'm glad they enjoyed the movie, but they laughed hysterically anytime something slightly funny happened X___X ). I also had trouble concentrating on the second half due to a killer migraine.

Last night was MUCH better! I convinced the Boyfriend to go with me, showed up a half hour early, got the best seats in the room, and kept some emergency tablets in my purse. :P

Oh, and yes, the soundtrack is awesome! I LOVE that Peter Gabriel song (that's mainly why I bought it). ^____^

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Post by Dusterian » July 6th, 2008, 11:23 pm

Well Ben, that's a good theory, but it still doesn't change the fact that they are less human and more negatively portrayed in animation. If Pixar messed up, Pixar messed up.

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Post by Whippet Angel » July 7th, 2008, 1:30 am

Since you seem to be the only person who has made that connection, I really wouldn't consider it a big deal.

As I said before, you're probably reading too much into things.

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Post by Josh » July 7th, 2008, 2:02 am

You seem to think that the sole purpose of the live-action humans becoming animated was to show that the humans were 'cartoons' of their former selves. But if that were the case, why didn't the humans become at least a little more live-action at the end of WALL-E?

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Pixar's Wall-E

Post by Dusterian » July 7th, 2008, 12:15 pm

Josh...hey, if Pixar messed up, Pixar messed up.

All I know is how insulting it was to see the photographic photos of good, in-touch-with-Earth captains evolve into bad, more-blob-than-human cartoons. It says, "Animation is for blobby imitations of humans, not portrayals of real ones." Oh, and robots. And other inhuman things.

At least James did sort of touch on the problem, with the live-action humans. So he reviewed the film...just not...all of it.

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Post by Josh » July 7th, 2008, 1:46 pm

Dusterian wrote:Josh...hey, if Pixar messed up, Pixar messed up.
But maybe Pixar didn't mess up there.

Honestly, like a lot of people, I'm not sure why Pixar chose to make the earlier humans live-action.

Perhaps Andrew Stanton wanted WALL-E to watch Hello, Dolly! But he thought, 'Rather than animating footage of Dolly, I'd rather just include the actual film. That way, people will know without a doubt that WALL-E is watching the original Dolly. Plus, seeing that old footage will help audiences remember a simpler time in history.'

But then Stanton realized that the footage of Dolly's real humans would look a little out-of-place with all of the other humans in WALL-E being animated. Hence, he decided to make all the humans in WALL-E live-action.

However, Stanton then considered the difficulty of making every single one of the people in the Axiom look real. Sure, Pixar could have used makeup and fat suits for a few characters. But every one of those humans?! Likewise, Pixar could have used realistic CGI for the humans, but how realistic would the humans have looked? And if the humans still looked computer animated, then why even bother making them look like CGI-trying-to-be-live-action humans? Why not just purposely make them look computer animated?

So, at that point, WALL-E had live-action Hello, Dolly! footage and CGI Axiom humans. How did Stanton decide to get from Point A to Point B? Portray the earlier humans with live-action and the later humans with animation. How was the transition shown?
By including the visual gag of the captains changing from live-action into animated characters.
Am I saying my story here is exactly the reason why the humans go from live-action to animated in WALL-E? Not at all! I could be 100% incorrect.

All I'm saying is that automatically assuming Pixar is spreading an anti-animation message may not be the best thing to do - especially considering that Pixar is in the animation business.

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Post by eddievalient » July 7th, 2008, 10:50 pm

And also considering that many think of Pixar as the current leader in the animation field, at least in the US. They worked hard to get to that position and I don't think they would jeopardize it by conciously including "anti-animation" themes in their work. Frankly, the entire idea is laughably illogical.
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Pixar's Wall-E

Post by Dusterian » July 8th, 2008, 10:18 am

That's really good explaining, Josh. That's probably why they did it, I bet. Really. It makes so much sense.

But what you and eddievalient still aren't seeing is that Pixar messed up by unintentionally insulting animation. You usually don't mess up on purpose.

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Re: Pixar's Wall-E

Post by James » July 8th, 2008, 1:35 pm

Dusterian wrote:All I know is how insulting it was to see the photographic photos of good, in-touch-with-Earth captains evolve into bad, more-blob-than-human cartoons. It says, "Animation is for blobby imitations of humans, not portrayals of real ones." Oh, and robots. And other inhuman things.
But that's ridiculous! This is an animated film! They're unintentionally saying animation is just for bad things? Maybe Ben should give this a go because you're not making much sense to me with this logic!

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