Blu-Ray has won the Hi-Def war!

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Post by eddievalient » April 24th, 2008, 9:20 am

Except that the games on Wii and the XBox 360 beat the tar out of it in most comparisons and really, if you're going to buy a game machine you should look at the games first and foremost (there's a reason that Wii is number 1 worldwide and PS3 is 3rd). In the interest of honesty, the Wii is the only one of the newer systems I've played (and then only at a friend's place). However, I can say honestly that I've seen nothing on the other two to interest me. Sony can trumpet sales figures and profit margins til they're blue in the face but you can't get around the fact they've dropped into last place. After all their hype and crowing that the PS3 would be the next big thing, it has largely fizzled. The mighty have fallen and I, for one, am glad because they've been pretty darn arrogant in recent years. Maybe getting trounced by Nintendo will teach them something.
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Post by EricJ » April 24th, 2008, 3:21 pm

Daniel wrote:A week old, but I finally got my PS3!! The 60gb like everyone else. ;) Took a while, but I was able to find one near a relative. OMG, since the day I opened it, it has been in constant use. Such a great machine. I've only seen one Blu-ray, Chicken Little, but WOW. I love Blu! The picture quality is outstanding on my 37' inch LCD. I can't praise it enough. It's also pretty cool how the main screen changes colors during the day, even cooler is that it has been green for the past few days because of Earth Day.

And don't get me started on video games! I am beyond pleased. My PS1 games look very good, much better than I imagined. For PS2, I can't do a comparison since I never got into it, but they look awesome. Same goes for PS3, of which I only have one game; "Sonic the Hedgehog". Despite the fact it isn't very good (!) it's stunning! I also love the built in memory cards. Wasn't expecting that, but nice touch.
If you think they look good with Chicken Little and Sonic... :P

Now try your PS2 with Kingdom Hearts 2 or Final Fantasy X, your PS3 with Marvel Ultimate Alliance, and your Blu-Ray with Cars. 8)

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Post by Daniel » April 25th, 2008, 2:05 pm

Well, I've done one - Kingdom Hearts 2. Aside from being a little confusing, since I've never played the original, it's epic! Cars I'm waiting for to be on sale, hopefully a BOGO. :)

eddy, wow, don't like Sony much, huh? ;) With games, yeah there's really not much, but there are a few gems like Ratchet & Clank and a lot is coming out in the next 6 months. I am actually surprised the PS3 is currently last. The Wii I can kinda see why -- although I've heard it's impossible to find one. I know Nintendo is trying their best to meet demands, but it's just ridiculous that people have to wait outside for hours for something that's been on the market for sometime.

The 360 has games, yep, they also have the advantage of being a year ahead of the PS3, but there is so much wrong it. I know since one of my cousins has it. It is loud, and it keeps dying. (red ring of death, I believe.) Three times already. That's just crazy. But hey, to each their own.

2008 does look like the year of the PS3, but time will tell.

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Post by eddievalient » April 25th, 2008, 11:43 pm

It's not that I don't like Sony, really. I'd like to get a PS2 at some point. My issue is with the fact that they let that success go to their heads to the degree that it did. I don't like overly-egotistical people, so I'm glad that Nintendo has taken the wind out of their sails. That's all.
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Post by Once Upon A Dream » April 26th, 2008, 5:59 am

Daniel wrote:Well, I've done one - Kingdom Hearts 2. Aside from being a little confusing, since I've never played the original, it's epic!.
Really? you should play the first one,Daniel,I love Kingdom Hearts but I felt that Kingdom Hearts II was disappointing (Escpailly because of the story),the gameplay is better but the story was very weak,Sora,Donald and Goofy were very childish and there were so many characters that were out of their characters (Maleficent,Hercules,Simba,Ariel,Belle,Jasmine,Mulan and more),I espically hated what they did with the Princesses (But also in the first game,in the first one all of them exept Ariel were out of their characters and I didn't liked that Princesses Of Heart thing at all),it reminds me of the manga,but there were a lot of fun worlds (Port Royal,Space Paranoides,Pride Lands,Timeless River) and Atlantica had fun mini games thought Atlantica was much better in the first game and I think that the 100 Acre Woods were better here.

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Post by Daniel » May 1st, 2008, 7:08 pm

Interesting. I'll let you know what I think once I've played more. So far I've only met Mulan, and she seems pretty "in character".

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Post by Once Upon A Dream » May 2nd, 2008, 8:54 am

Okay :D.
Mulan is weaker then the film's Mulan.
Belle and Jasmine out of their characters isn't new,what they did to Ariel was the worst and I was really angry :x.
Have you seen Pete yet? because if you did,I have something to say about him.
But the part with Flora,Founa and Merriweather was great and the Timeless River,Port Royal and space Paranoids worlds were really fun :D.

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Post by James » May 30th, 2008, 5:16 pm

Toshiba can't let go: ... on-dvd-pl/

"Toshiba is apparently fixing to unveil a brand new DVD player in the age of Blu-ray that will be 'capable of producing high-resolution images from regular DVDs...'"

"...We really cannot fathom why Tosh would even dream of fighting BD with souped-up DVD, but reportedly, it plans on marketing the unit 'as a device with which consumers can enjoy a broader array of content than is available in the Blu-ray format.'"

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Post by eddievalient » May 30th, 2008, 9:48 pm

Um...someone's already done that, or something similar to that. The other day at walmart I saw a player that said it upconverted standard DVDs to hi-def. I'd be surprised if those didn't sell well, actually. I'd bet that given the choice between buying a new, expensive format or keeping what you've got and getting a picture that's almost as good, most folks would choose the latter. I don't have an hdtv, so it wouldn't do me any good, but it's a good idea.
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Post by James » May 30th, 2008, 11:42 pm

Upconverting DVD players are already on the market and very popular, but if that is what Toshiba is planning in this announcement they are overhyping this device!

And BTW, there is no contest on quality between an upconverting DVD player and BD player. All the upconverting DVD player does is make DVD much more watchable on HDTV's. It in no way actually improves the quality of the video on the disc, and especially in no way gets close to HD quality. People hear "upconverting" and think it means something it does not.

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Post by James » June 4th, 2008, 12:27 am ... 7820080603

"With the high definition DVD format war settled, Wal-Mart Stores Inc is now aggressively promoting sales of Blu-ray players.

The world's largest retailer said on Tuesday that from June 8-14, it is offering a $100 Wal-Mart gift card with the purchase of any Blu-ray player in its stores [including PS3].

Wal-Mart has also increased the brands of Blu-ray players it sells, adding Magnavox, Samsung and Panasonic, and it will sell select Blu-ray movie titles for $15 starting June 8"

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Post by Daniel » June 4th, 2008, 10:58 am

If I didn't already have my PS3 and didn't care for BC, I would have so jumped on this! Fantastic deal, though.

Btw, Amazon is having a sale for Blu-ray all this week, but nothing has caught my interest so far.


Post by GeorgeC » June 18th, 2008, 11:08 pm

With 25% market penetration predicted by the end of this year/start of next year, I'd say Blu-Ray is here to stay.

Folks, the REALLY good stuff coming out on Blu-Ray is scheduled for the fall. We're going to see remastered Godfather on BR as well as at least 6 classic James Bond films.

As far as animation goes, I don't think there'll be a big switch to DVD anytime soon for shorts collections. Expect most BR releases of animation to be of new features and Disney classic features (like Sleeping Beauty and the announced Pinocchio BR). Shorts will probably be available as extras on BRs but I don't think a lot of shorts will be remastered for high definition any time soon. Most of the WB shorts on BR have been standard definition ports.

I'd expect Disney to be the leader again for acceptance of a new media for animation. I DON'T expect them, however, to go charging to re-release the Disney Treasures or other shorts collections on DVD any time soon. If anything, WB's been much better about releasing its TV shows and shorts on DVD the past two years.

I'd predict, but am not entirely certain, the Justice League Season One release on BR this summer may be a test by WB to see if there's demand for more non-feature-length animation on BR. I'd say it's probably a bit premature and too early for that, however.

(Frankly, I think releasing THAT show on BR at this point this late is stupid since most people have it already on DVD. It's not even a particularly well-animated season or that color intense. What intense detail on a LIMITED animation show is going to be seen that isn't already visible on DVD? It would have been a better test to release something that HASN'T been out on DVD yet like a complete Tex Avery MGM collection! Those guys at WB are marketing geniuses when it comes to animation! :roll: )


Yeah, it's a given that I'm getting Batman: Gotham Knight on BR...

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Post by Daniel » June 19th, 2008, 2:27 pm

GeorgeC wrote:Frankly, I think releasing THAT show on BR at this point this late is stupid since most people have it already on DVD.
Not if they offer it in all its widescreen glory. For that alone, people would double-dip. And having it in high definition helps to. ;)

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Post by EricJ » June 19th, 2008, 3:30 pm

GeorgeC wrote:(Frankly, I think releasing THAT show on BR at this point this late is stupid since most people have it already on DVD. It's not even a particularly well-animated season or that color intense. What intense detail on a LIMITED animation show is going to be seen that isn't already visible on DVD? It would have been a better test to release something that HASN'T been out on DVD yet like a complete Tex Avery MGM collection! Those guys at WB are marketing geniuses when it comes to animation! :roll: )

After countless fan-whines like the above (dumped on their table like the climax of Miracle on 34th St.), Sound and Vision Magazine did an informative sidebar article on"The Shortcuts to Blu Release", or Why Some Titles Are Chosen For Hi-Def, And Others Aren't.

Reason #4, of course, is a giggle-worthy (and poorly misinterpreted) crock, but to topic, note Reason #5 on the list, "The master print was available."
If only that were true of Tex, as it was of widescreen digital-animation Justice League. :(

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