Kung Fu Panda

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Post by droosan » June 8th, 2008, 1:25 am

Wendy's Jane wrote:"Panda" is kicking serious box office butt:

I tried to catch the 10:40 PM screening on Friday night, but it was sold out :!: So, I had to wait for the 11:55 PM show .. and there were very few empty seats there, either! Great audience, too .. lots of laughs in all the right places (and even a few "awww's" from the girls during sympathetic scenes).

At US$11.50 per-ticket (L.A. prices), I don't doubt the box-office will be high .. :roll: :wink:

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Post by James » June 8th, 2008, 5:54 pm

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Post by Whippet Angel » June 9th, 2008, 3:20 pm

Saw Panda last night, and I enjoyed it very muchly!!! ^_____^
It's been a long time since I've seen a film in theaters, then immediately wanted to go see it again.

This was definitely a step up for Dreamworks. I can only hope it'll get even better from here. :D

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Post by Josh » June 9th, 2008, 7:42 pm

I saw Kung Fu Panda on Saturday, with a friend. We both enjoyed it a lot!

The action scenes were outstanding. During much of the movie, I kept a big, goofy grin on my face, either from the great jokes or the dazzling animation.

Also, I was moved by the backstory of Tai Lung. 'I loved you too much' - powerful scene, in my opinion.

Kung Fu Panda is certainly one of DreamWorks Animation's finest animated features. I'd love to catch it again on the big screen. :)

On a side note about the Kung Fu Panda sequel or TV series...
I wonder if we'll ever discover who gave Tai Lung to Shifu. I think there would be a lot of potential in that storyline. After all, whoever it was, they probably expected their baby to grow up and have a happier ending than what occurred.

Plus, you could tie that side story, as well as a side story about the pasts of the Furious Five, into a film that explores who Po's real parents are. (I'm assuming, for obvious reasons, that Mr. Ping is not Po's real father. :) )

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Post by Daniel » June 9th, 2008, 8:06 pm

A sequel!? Eww, no. ;) Seriously, that's not half bad, Josh! Glad you, and Whippet, enjoyed Panda very much.

Btw, great review, James.

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Post by droosan » June 9th, 2008, 8:28 pm

hmm; everyone seems to be convinced that
Tai Lung was somehow killed (or 'exploded', etc) by Po's pinky flex. I don't think this is necessarily the case. All we do know about what happens comes from Shifu's earlier comment that "the worst part is cleaning up, afterwards"; and Po's final conversation with Shifu, in which he says, "I have defeated Tai Lung."

That leaves quite a lot open to interpretation (death being far from the only possibility; after all, even Master Oogway had merely 'incapacitated' and imprisoned Tai Lung) .. and I think the directors made a wise .. and somewhat daring .. choice in not explaining every last little detail of many of the film's major 'moments'.

One case-in-point: the nature of Po's relationship with his father .. which actually provides one of the biggest 'laughs' in the film, when the audience is led to believe the father is about to explain this to his son, and gives him the 'secret ingredient,' instead. (another great gag is toward the beginning of the film, when we first see the father's 'panda-shaped' shadow fall upon Po as he tumbles down the stairs .. only to reveal that he is a goose carrying an armload of jars that form a 'panda-shaped' silhouette).

Here again, there are a number of ways to interpret their relationship: Po might have been a foundling, similar to Tai Lung .. or Po's mother might have been a Panda, who happened to be married to a goose .. or Po may have been won in a game of mah-jongg. :lol:

Again, I think the directors were wise to leave their actual relationship a mystery, and I think exploring or revealing it in a sequel might 'deflate' the value of the joke in the first one.

Personally, I'd much rather see a sequel head in the direction of the '10,000 demons' battle depicted in that opening scene!

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Post by Josh » June 9th, 2008, 10:27 pm

I agree with you, droosan, that
Tai Lung's fate is unknown. Like you, I'm not convinced that he was destroyed. When I wrote
Josh wrote:After all, whoever it was, they probably expected their baby to grow up and have a happier ending than what occurred.
I was referring to Tai becoming evil not dying. Sorry if there was a misunderstanding.

About a sequel exploring Po's relationship with his father, you make a good point about it hurting the jokes in the first film.

I'd like to learn more about Po's mother, though. After all, the sequel or TV series could refer to her without even specifying what species she was. Meanwhile, I still think it would be interesting if the sequel explored who left Tai Lung at Shifu's door and why they did it.

And yes, a sequel containing Po encountering the 10,000 demons would be incredibly awesome! I would LOVE to see that action sequence!! :D
Daniel wrote:Seriously, that's not half bad, Josh!
Thanks, Daniel!
Daniel wrote:Btw, great review, James.
Yeah, I had been wondering whether or not you enjoyed Kung Fu Panda, James. Your review was a great read. (And that was a very cool interview by Jeremie too.) :)

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Post by Dacey » June 10th, 2008, 6:08 pm

I saw it today. It was PURE AWESOMENESS!!! The action sequences were amazing! :D

And I think that Master Shifu was my favorite character. Dustin Hoffman gave a really incredible performance.
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Post by Meg » June 11th, 2008, 7:07 am

Regarding the news on the front page...Do we really, really need SIX Panda movies in all?!?

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Post by Ben » June 11th, 2008, 8:36 am


"Shrek had five chapters from the beginning"... No. No, it did not.

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Post by James » June 11th, 2008, 9:59 am

People just need to stop praising or buying lots of tickets to DWA movies. As soon as they get a hit they start the talk about its "true" story arc.

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Post by Ben » June 11th, 2008, 1:15 pm

I just wish these things were revealed first. Like, "Okay we have this new Kung Fu Panda movie coming out and it's the first of six. If the audience responds, we'll make all six", rather than waiting for the numbers and saying this was their "plan" all along.

As I've said previously, six is the new trilogy. Since Star Wars, franchises have all gone the six route. We've had more, like Harry Potter which will make it to eight just to drag things out, but six is the new magic number, just like $300m is the new $100m.

They're seriously talking about Indy (another one on the way to six) being a flop if it fails $300m domestic - never mind the $600m it's made internationally!

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Post by Dacey » June 11th, 2008, 5:16 pm

Whoa, whoa, whoa...FIVE SEQUELS!?!? JK must be joking!

I mean, I'm game for one or even two more films, but let's please not let the panda wear out his welcome like a certain other character has...
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Post by Psyche » June 11th, 2008, 6:15 pm

Yes, I agree. I don't want him to wear out his welcome either. Isn't there a saying that you should leave the audience wanting more?

and like any sequels, if there are gong to be some, I really want them to be very careful about it.

In any rate, I haven't seen the movie yet (It'll be released here on the 26th, but based upon the clips....

First off, I love the music.. It really feels like they've put in a lot of effort to make it sound Chinese.. I couldn't get that impression from Mulan, to be honest.

Haven't seen to many fight scenes yet, but I love the fight at the bridge for what it's worth, I'd also like to add that (before I knew the names and just based upon appearance and whatnot) that I was surprised that they made the Tiger character female, only because in many Chinese movies and tv shows most, in not all characters with Tiger in their name usually end up being male. Same goes for Dragon.

I don't hate Kung fu fighting as a song, but if it were up to me, then I would have chosen another song. I'd also would not have used the Kill Bill theme song either. For me, after it being used in a trailer for Shrek 3 (I think, did they use it in the film as well? I haven't seen that either) Transformers, and even My name is Earl, it's definitely in danger of over usage. So yea, I would have made my own score which would've been different whilst still evoking the same emotions, I guess.

As for the other voices. From what I've hear Jackie Chan doesn't have many lines, which may make this point moot. In any rate, if he's going to have a larger speaking role in a sequel, I would have personally have had him spoken Chinese instead. His English isn't horrible, but from what I can tell he would be much more comfortable in his native tongue in terms of delivery and stuff. Not sure if you guys seen the Rush Hour series but in the outtakes there are times where Jackie trips on his lines a couple of times.

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Post by Meg » June 12th, 2008, 9:37 pm

I saw it tonight, and I really, really enjoyed it.
The only thing that didn't quite sit well with me was the ending...I thought they could have gone in a better direction than just having Po defeat Tai Lung by beating him up. I don't know, maybe Po could have helped him seen the error of his ways, or something...I know that sounds cheesy, but I guess it would have worked better for me.

I thought it was interesting, though, how they left the fate of Tai Lung kinda open...I have a feeling we will be seeing him again. :) I hope we see the turtle character again too, 'cause he was my favorite.

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