Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull

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Post by Ben » May 25th, 2008, 10:33 am

It lost me the second time the boat-car-thing went over the waterfall. Indy's usually lucky by accident...not by simply inviting danger like that.

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Post by Macaluso » May 25th, 2008, 11:16 am

have you never watched the other 3

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Post by Dacey » May 25th, 2008, 11:30 am

I enjoyed it a lot. The big chase sequence in the jungle was one of the best action sequences that I've seen in a long time.

I will agree that the middle was a bit slow, though.
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Post by Meg » May 25th, 2008, 11:33 am

I had to use the restroom during the middle, so I seem to have been spared that part. :P

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Post by Dacey » May 25th, 2008, 11:34 am

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift--that is why it's called the present."

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Post by droosan » May 25th, 2008, 11:39 am

Ben wrote:It lost me the second time the boat-car-thing went over the waterfall. Indy's usually lucky by accident...not by simply inviting danger like that.
The man once chopped a rope bridge in half while a couple dozen people were standing on it (including his sidekick and belle du jour) .. I'd call that "inviting danger". :wink:

BTW, the boat-car things are called 'Ducks' (phoneticized from DUKW).
And the waterfall plunges were 'plausible', considering Indy survived an atomic blast inside a lead-lined refrigerator which was thrown over 1000 yards (the force of impact alone should have turned him to meat-paste).

Incidentally, Tony Stark in Iron Man shouldn't have been able to survive in his similar 'thrown 1000 yards from an explosion' scene; nor when he blasts-off straight into a concrete ceiling wearing no armor during his first 'flying test'.

/meh .. movie physics

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Post by Ben » May 25th, 2008, 3:45 pm

$126m opening, with $25m projected for Monday = $151m in the US, plus an international roll out total of $143m makes Indy a $294m hit.

And it still has the week to itself.

I'm going back on Wednesday to see it again with my Mum, for old time's sake, and will no doubt enjoy it more, now that I know what's coming.

One thing's for sure...we'll get Lucas' wish for another trilogy come true, with the rumor being that they'll all be "Indiana Jones And The..." titled films, but that Shia will play the bigger part while Indy, and possible Marion, get pulled along, with Ford playing more of the Connery Dad role.

They should just create the "Mutt Williams And The..." series and keep Harrison starring in the "Old Indiana Jones And The Zimmer Frame Of Danger" type pictures.


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Post by bawpcwpn » May 25th, 2008, 4:30 pm

George Lucas should not be allowed within 100ft of a director's chair or a script ever again. He has proven himself incapable. I can't stand Shia either.
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Post by GeorgeC » May 25th, 2008, 10:51 pm

Ben wrote:$126m opening, with $25m projected for Monday = $151m in the US, plus an international roll out total of $143m makes Indy a $294m hit.

And it still has the week to itself.

I'm going back on Wednesday to see it again with my Mum, for old time's sake, and will no doubt enjoy it more, now that I know what's coming.

One thing's for sure...we'll get Lucas' wish for another trilogy come true, with the rumor being that they'll all be "Indiana Jones And The..." titled films, but that Shia will play the bigger part while Indy, and possible Marion, get pulled along, with Ford playing more of the Connery Dad role.

They should just create the "Mutt Williams And The..." series and keep Harrison starring in the "Old Indiana Jones And The Zimmer Frame Of Danger" type pictures.



Sarcastic much, Ben? :D

Seriously, though, I can't see how most people can't just enjoy the film as it is. I guess the haters are the same ones who won't enjoy the Lego Indiana Jones videogame being released very soon. I sure know I'm going to like that, too!

P.S. -- Mum should like it. I know my Mom and Dad did... 'Cuz I saw the film with them!

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Post by eddievalient » May 26th, 2008, 1:40 am

Saw Indy tonight. First impression: What in the world are people griping about? I wasn't expecting it to be on the same level as the original three, and it wasn't. I was expecting it to be a fun movie, and it was. Case in point:
If someone survives a nuclear blast by hiding in a refrigerator, any pretense of realism or believability goes out the window. At that point, you have to just sit back and enjoy the ride.
I too predict that they're gonna launch a new series with Mutt for the lead and personally, I wouldn't be against the idea. I like Shia Lebouf, so as long as he doesn't oversaturate the market like Will Ferrell or Adam Sandler have, I'll look forward to anything he does.
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Post by GeorgeC » May 27th, 2008, 1:34 pm

They gripe to gripe... Welcome to the AICN world of hyperbole.

If Indy had been in continuous production or hyped for as long as Star Wars has been non-stop in all kinds of media (comics, novels, video games, toys, etc.) for over 16 years, I'd see the complaints, but fact is Paramount/Spielberg/Lucas haven't done one of these films for close to 20 years -- till now! Meanwhile, there's been very little Indy merchandise. It's been sparse to the point of nonexistence.

If this film had been any worse than either of the two Indy sequels, I could understand the complaints. I thought it was at least as good as either Temple or Last Crusade. Am I expecting Raiders of the Lost Ark any time soon? No. That's kind of a fluke that hit the right notes at the right time. You can never predict when a film will hit all cylinders running like that. Just can't be done. That's sort of why studios (and film creators in general) fall on formulas for a sure thing. Problem with formulas is they grow very old after a few films. You can generally get away with it 3-4 films assuming they're spaced far enough apart -- about every 2-3 years --, then after that it's downhill unless you find a way to reinvent the general formula.

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Post by Vernadyn » May 27th, 2008, 5:10 pm

If Lucas and Spielberg really want to continue, I would find it more interesting to see a "prequel" that takes place before Crystal Skull--but only a little (after all, it's hard to deny that Ford is getting older.) Personally, I thought the film was a bit too much like National Treasure, with Indy spending lenghty periods of time deciphering riddles while sitting at home or in a cave that happens to have no booby traps. But I thought the action was expertly directed. The music worked very well in the film, and DP Janusz Kaminski managed to get enough away from his regular look and emulate Douglas Slocombe. I do wish the story was better. As for reaction to the film, I am planning to stay the heck away from sites like AICN and IMDb because I know they will anger me to no end. I heard enough BS from one teen I heard as the credits started to roll who said to his pal, "That was lame. C'mon, Mummy Returns was better." I wanted to punch his teeth to the other side of his face, but I relaized he would have liked that because it would make him look more like the decomposing version of Imhotep.

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Post by Meg » May 27th, 2008, 5:48 pm

It lost me the second time the boat-car-thing went over the waterfall. Indy's usually lucky by accident...not by simply inviting danger like that.
Well, maybe the crystal skull was protecting them at the time, like it did with the ants and natives.

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Post by Ben » May 28th, 2008, 8:58 am're quizzical looking avatar fits the statement you just made above like a <I>glove</I>.

Seriously, read it again and look at the image right away. The combination has me convinced! :) reason they couldn't go for a prequel. Raiders took place in '36, Doom in '35 and Crusade in '38, so they could bend it back a couple of years. But I doubt it...Ford isn't getting younger and I think the cache of Shia LeBeof would be too much to resist.

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Post by Meg » May 28th, 2008, 4:30 pm're quizzical looking avatar fits the statement you just made above like a glove.

Seriously, read it again and look at the image right away. The combination has me convinced!

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