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Post by James » November 14th, 2004, 10:33 am

First of all, complaining about us probably is not the best way to get us to let you join the team!

Second, you've only posted 4 times in this forum since we restarted it: 3 times to report something, and once to complain that we don't report good stuff like, for example, your three news items!

(BTW - we just did not think it newsworthy to report that you can hear 30 second clips of the music from The Incredibles and Polar Express on Amazon. Why not? Because you can hear 30 second clips of just about every CD on Amazon! The SpongeBob soundtrack clips are here: <http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/de ... ce&s=music>. Even older titles have clips; here's Hercules: <http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/ ... 29-8750523>. You can also hear clips other places too, like iTunes.)

Third, we have a UK person.

We encourage people to report stuff in this forum so that if for some reason we decide not to put it on the main page, at least people can still read it here. So this part of the site is SUPPOSED to be informative! And the last time we added a contributor it was because that person posted news in the forums (without complaining if it wasn't used!) and participated in forum conversations.

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Calm down dear!

Post by JustinWilliams » November 14th, 2004, 12:35 pm

Thank you very much for your kind response. I appreciate you are very busy with this enjoyable hobby. Please don't be so up tight - I was merely saying it would be nice to have small things like this included (and not just those by me). I mean, the Bambi teaser site got listed so some smaller issues DO get included by you - some people might not know the soundtrack's available and for people, like me in the UK, Amazon's clips of the soundtrack is indeed News - you're site's called ANIMATED NEWS isn't it?! I don't mean to criticise your site - it's fabulous (if not a little dowdy in colours and graphics). I didn't realise you wanted the site to be selective news highlights - I'll just read the forums for all the stories it seems the most inclusive review of Animated News. Cheers James for explaining how the site works. You’re the man! ;)

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Re: Calm down dear!

Post by James » November 14th, 2004, 12:57 pm

JustinWilliams wrote:...Please don't be so up tight...
Re-read my response and note the generous use of exclamation marks!!!

;) !!!!

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Post by Christian » November 14th, 2004, 6:02 pm

Sometimes when a particular news item doesn't get posted it doesn't have anything to do with us not wanting to post it. In addition to people posting news here, readers can also e-mail news to the general contact e-mail address here or can also e-mail news straight to a particular contributor (check the Contacts page). Any method is perfectly valid. If you read all the entries and get a feel for what each individual tends to post about then you might feel like its best to e-mail that person individually if their particular bent matches your particular news item. I've had a handful of times where people have e-mailed me directly about news and I have always put up an entry because of it (of course I also deemed that they were valid news items). Anyways, the point is that there is a lot of flexibility here.

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Post by JustinWilliams » November 15th, 2004, 4:52 am

Thank you for your reply. Pleased to see 'Stupid Crimes' (?!?) making the importance list, James! Hmmm. :shock:

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Post by James » November 15th, 2004, 9:58 am

JustinWilliams wrote:Thank you for your reply. Pleased to see 'Stupid Crimes' (?!?) making the importance list, James! Hmmm. :shock:
Did you also notice that story came out a week ago? We save less news worthy stories for the weekends, when news is usually slower.

If you are going to continue to complain about the site and the people who put it together for you for free in their spare time, then this will be the last response you get from me.

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Post by Christian » November 15th, 2004, 12:08 pm

Well, I tried to be nice and mention all the different ways there are to submit news and even came right out and said, "Every time somebody has e-mailed about something I have posted it," (you know, "hint, hint") yet still get verbal abuse about a story I posted.

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Hello, I'm new! (An Indtroduction Thread)

Post by Wonderlicious » February 12th, 2005, 7:32 am

Hi, my name is Joe and I come from England. I normally post on the Ultimate Guide to Disney DVD forum, but on following a link from there, I found myself here and thought it would be nice to join, as I love animated films (especially Disney ones!) and have recently been interested in looking at non-Disney stuff (I've been meaning to rent Spirited Away for a while).

I know that some UD members are also here (I actually found this site from a review of Dream on, Silly Dreamer posted by Lindsay/Paka), so I'd also like to say hi to them and hi to everybody else here.

[i]GIRL: Do you know the way to the Magic Kingdom?
PETER PAN: Sure I do...but can you [b]fly?[/b][/i]
-Scary Disney World TV ad circa '71

[b][url=http://www.dvdaficionado.com/dvds.html?cat=1&sub=All&id=big_joe]My DVD List[/url][/b]

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Post by Ben » February 12th, 2005, 12:40 pm

Hey Joe - nice to see another "Brit" on the forums!

I've been in email communication with Luke at UD for ages now, and keep meaning to sign up at those forums, but never have the time! I do read them quite a bit though and am constantly wowed at the level of decent messages left there - it's heartening to see a forum which works so well.

On behalf of Animated News, I would like to welcome to to our boards and hope you have a great time here too!

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Post by Dacey » February 13th, 2005, 1:52 pm

Aloha. I'm new here as well.

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Post by AniMan » February 14th, 2005, 12:36 am

:D Welcome Wonderlicious! I, too, have a great love of Disney animation, though, admittedly, not of their most recent works (i.e. Treasure Planet, Brother Bear, Home on the Range). I still love Disney, though. Glad to hear you're interested lately in viewing non-Disney animated films. I encourage you to do it; there's a lot of good stuff out there. Have you seen The Triplets of Belleville? It is one of my favorite animated films, it's so original, and the animation is incredible. Anyway, welcome! 8)
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Post by Lindsay » February 14th, 2005, 1:59 am

Hey, Joe! Welcome to A-N! ^_^

Glad I got a convert out of that link. LOL! I hope you enjoy it here! :D

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Post by Dajoka86 » February 16th, 2005, 5:53 pm

I'm new here as well! I've visited Animated News as an information source for a while, and then finally realized I should take advantage of the furms as well!
Great to be here!


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Post by Josh » February 16th, 2005, 7:11 pm

It's great to have you here! :D

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Post by Macaluso » February 16th, 2005, 7:38 pm


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