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by Ben » May 6th, 2007, 4:42 pm
Hey guys!
Here's one way <I>you</I> can help <I>us</I> improve Animated News & Views!
We need your help!
http://animated-views.com/2007/help-wan ... news-views
Please take a little time to check out where we need a little more helping hands, or spread the word to those you know online or in the real world who might be interested in joining us!
We want to expand and give you an even better experience, but we can't do it all alone!

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by ShyViolet » September 1st, 2007, 7:27 pm
Hi everyone:
I couldn't help noticing that we haven't had a chat in a while.

Maybe when Enchanted hits screens, (first traditional Disney in more than 3 years) or some other "big" Animated movie in the near future, we should do another one!

(We can also discuss Ratatouille which hasn't even come to all of Europe yet!

You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!
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by Ben » September 1st, 2007, 7:32 pm
I like the thought of a Rat-Chat!
Enchanted doesn't look like it's coming here at the same time, since we're getting Rat in the UK in that same time frame.
But it would be good to set up a time to talk about Rat in, say, mid-late November, when most will have seen it on DVD or at the theater...?
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by Jeroen » September 2nd, 2007, 7:11 am
We could have a "summer review" chat.
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by Ben » September 2nd, 2007, 3:08 pm
Yep...that's a good one!
Let's sort out some issues around here and think about setting something up when most/all of our staff will be able to participate. Last Oscar's chat was unfortunately light on participants!
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by ShyViolet » September 2nd, 2007, 6:47 pm
Yeah, I like all those ideas!

True, the last Oscar chat was pretty sparsely attended (although it was fun.

Also, just FYI release dates for Enchanted: (most countries)
Country Date
USA 21 November 2007
Singapore 22 November 2007
France 28 November 2007
Italy 30 November 2007
Spain 30 November 2007
Argentina 6 December 2007
Austria 13 December 2007
Netherlands 13 December 2007
UK 14 December 2007
Belgium 19 December 2007
Denmark 19 December 2007
Finland 21 December 2007
Iceland 21 December 2007
Turkey 21 December 2007
Germany 24 December 2007
Sweden 25 December 2007
Australia 26 December 2007
Norway 26 December 2007
Japan 8 March 2008
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!
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by Dusterian » February 27th, 2008, 3:56 pm
I think whenever we click on a link from Animated News' main page, it should open in a new window.
It annoys me opening in the same window because then I might want to go farther from the web site and I have to re-type the address or hit the back button a lot to go back to the main page.
More important than that, I click on a lot of different links on Animated News, because there's so much news, and to click on one link, check it out, hit the back button, click on another link, check it out, hit the back button, over and over just seems silly.
If the Animated News window always stayed up while the links themselves were in a seperate window, I just think it would make more sense and give mor ease.
But if I'm the only one who thinks this, then maybe it should stay as it is.
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by Ben » February 27th, 2008, 3:59 pm
That's not a bad idea, but don't forget you could always click to open a link in a new window.

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by James » February 27th, 2008, 7:42 pm
I've designed lots of websites and most people hate when a link opens a new window without warning. But there a couple of ways to make website do it the way you like.
The way I do it is use my mouse software to configure my center mouse button to always open links in a new tab. So if I want a link to open as normal I click the link with my left mouse button - in a new tab I click the link with my center mouse button.
Another way to do it is with javascript bookmarklets. A bookmarklet looks like a regular bookmark but when you activate it it does something other than open a webpage. For example click this bookmarklet (<A HREF="javascript:function%20c6pHL6RrF(w){var%20i,k,T,L;for(i=0;i%3Cw.length;i++)c6pHL6RrF(w.frames);L=w.document.links;for(k=0;k%3CL.length;k++){T=L[k].target;if(!T||T=='_self'||T=='_top'||T==w.name||T=='Special')L[k].target='_blank'}};c6pHL6RrF(top)">Open Links in New Window</A>) and while it may appear as nothing has happened, now all the links on the page you are viewing wll open in a new window. This bookmarklet (<A HREF="javascript:function%20G0HxZgKJm(w){var%20i,k,T,L;for(i=0;i%3Cw.length;i++)G0HxZgKJm(w.frames);L=w.document.links;for(k=0;k%3CL.length;k++){T=L[k].target;if(T=='_blank'||T=='Special')L[k].target='_self'}};G0HxZgKJm(top)">Open Links in This Window</A>) puts things back to normal. Just drag these links to your bookmark bar and use as needed.
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by Dusterian » February 27th, 2008, 9:42 pm
Thank you, Ben and James! I tried the stuff you mentioned, and it all worked nicely.
However, I was talking about something for the ease of people who might not be as computer savvy. Still, if it's true most people would prefer it open in the same window, then I guess it should stay as it is. I wonder how the people who visit this site in particular feel.
Also, I think one of the options in Search should include "Search topic title only", it's the only one missing and would certainly help me.
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by Once Upon A Dream » February 28th, 2008, 10:01 am
Ideas of reviews-
Theater:Wall-E,Kong Fu Panda,Madagascar 2 and Bolt.
DVD:Ariel's Beginning (last sequel),Enchanted,Bee Movie,Sleeping Beauty Platinum Edition,101 Dalmatians Platinum Edition.
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by Dusterian » July 29th, 2009, 5:00 pm
Why is there no "delete" option for our posts?
On other forums I have been to, the delete option only works until someone posts after you, then you can't. I wish we could do that here, be able to delete anything until someone responds to it.
And still, the "topic title only" option in the search feature would be great!
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by Randall » July 29th, 2009, 10:10 pm
Well, you can always edit your own posts, so you could delete that way.
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by Dusterian » July 30th, 2009, 6:48 pm
Thanks for the suggestion, but isn't a post you want to delete, even with nothing in it, taking up bandwith and space?
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by Ben » August 1st, 2009, 11:20 am
What, like the one you just posted above!?
You could always do this: