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Post by Ben » May 3rd, 2005, 8:42 am

So, anyone know if the UK version is a PAL or NTSC DVD?


Post by GeorgeC » May 3rd, 2005, 12:03 pm

I'd imagine it's PAL... That's pretty much what's used in Europe.

Britain can deny it all that it wants to, but it's STILL connected to Europe... :lol:

Seriously, though, I don't see why the bonus music video DVD collection wouldn't be PAL for the European market. What's sold in the UK should be pretty much the same for the Continent.

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Post by Ben » May 3rd, 2005, 1:35 pm

I would IMAGINE it's PAL too, but stranger things have happened and sometimes, for the sake of universal compatibility, these things can be sent out in NTSC format.

So, anyone KNOW if the UK version is a PAL or NTSC DVD? I need to know which one to get.


Post by GeorgeC » May 3rd, 2005, 9:11 pm

Here's a link to the UK version of the Episode III release: ... 68-7882247

It's basically the same thing as the American version but comes with a UK exclusive red slipcase that is offering...

The entry doesn't say which video format the bonus DVD is in but I'd imagine it's PAL. It's safer to ask somebody in the UK which format the DVD is in. Can't help you there. Sorry.

If you absolutely must have a superb first-generation video transfer, go with the NTSC American version. I've heard horror stories of bad NTSC to PAL conversions and we all know that the American videos are optimized for NTSC.

I can't see how Lucas could screw up the PAL version of the music video DVD -- unless Sony is handling the PAL conversion on its own --, but stranger things have happened.

I do think buying the set in Britain would be cheaper than importing it, though.

Frankly, I'm NOT jealous about the Amazon UK slipcase and am happy with what I bought today at the music store. Never understood the point of wasting extra ink and cardboard on slipcases in the first place...

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Post by ShyViolet » May 4th, 2005, 12:10 am

I read a ten-year-old Han Solo was originally in the script but they deleted him because Lucas didn't think you could ever find an actor to play a "Young Harrison Ford."

Uh, hello....George?? YOUNG INDIANA JONES ring a bell?? How about River Pheonix in The Last Crusade?? :roll:

But then considering his judgement with the nine-year-old he hired to play "Young Darth Vadar" I guess we're probably lucky this didn't pan out....

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Post by GeorgeC » May 4th, 2005, 1:48 am

I got the CD Tuesday and listened to most of it. I did some skipping around but still have an overall sense of the CD.

Battle of the Heroes and Anakin Vs. Obi-Wan are the standout pieces of the soundtrack -- otherwise, the soundtrack really isn't that special. There's a sense of overall weakness to the soundtrack and an awful lot of repetition of old Star Wars themes as it builds to the climax of the film. Maybe it will come off better after I see the movie but I've listened to plenty of soundtracks without seeing the operas or movies first that were stronger pieces than Episode III. The strongest pieces of music I've heard from the prequels are still Duel of the Fates and Anakin's Theme from Episode I. I just have not heard anything in Episodes II or III that are as strong as those themes were.

I don't have the Episode II soundtrack so I can't compare it, but I do have to say that I think the Episode I soundtrack was superior to Episode III but NONE of the prequels equal the soundtracks to any of the original 3 Star Wars movies.

The Empire Strikes Back still has the best soundtrack out of all three IMHO and barring a miracle will probably remain the closest to perfect Star Wars film.

The Bonus DVD included with the Episode III soundtrack definitely makes up for a lot of the weakness of the soundtrack. It's really almost a Fantasia-type deal with Ian McDiarmid (the Emperor Palpatine) hosting each musical segment. It's not new music but rather retitled music from all 6 movies with scenes. It's the latter musical selections where scenes from different movies get mixed together to chase music. I don't know that I can really describe it better -- you just have to see it for yourself or watch the demo clip online at ... It's a well-produced DVD and worth getting the soundtrack just for these 70 minutes of music videos...

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Post by Ben » May 4th, 2005, 8:24 am

Thanks for the Amazon link George. I already had that in my "wish list"!

I'm not opposed to spending more to buy the set, but what I basically want is the music in the right musical pitch and key.

NTSC to PAL conversions are pretty damn cool now (part of my job is handling such things), but there's still that 4% speedup, resulting in a pitch change of one musical key - not noticable to most, but is to me.

Not bothred by the slipcase either, but quite often promo discs or worldwide releases of this kind simply go with the NTSC route, since most players worldwide have no trouble playing them (and since this isn't a Fox release, one can say for sure).

So, I'm kind of hoping that the disc is NTSC, as it means I can pick it up cheaper here and still have the music at the right speed/pitch. If it's PAL, then it means a transfer from NTSC for a start, and probably containing too much gamma in the image, plus that 4% annoyance in sound.

Lucas has been very strict on PAL versions of its stuff before, but all I want to know is if the disc sold in the UK is PAL or NTSC, as I want to get the NTSC whatever way it pans out. Simple, really.

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Post by ShyViolet » May 4th, 2005, 8:42 pm

The strongest pieces of music I've heard from the prequels are still Duel of the Fates and Anakin's Theme from Episode I
I totally LOVE "Duel of the Fates", can listen to that a million times. They actually played it on WQXR (classical music station in New York) right before the film was released in '99. My favorite part of the first film, by FAR! Obi and Qui-Gon fighting Darth Maul together was AWESOME!

I liked Anakin's theme too. Too bad I can't say the same for Anakin. :roll:
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Post by ShyViolet » May 4th, 2005, 10:21 pm

And as for memory wipes... fine, well a droid is a droid - but who wiped Obi-Wan's memory, huh> Like I said, no-one thinks that he would have been the teeeeesiest, tiiiiiiiiniest curious that a similar droid turned up again, what with all the goings on in the universe and Luke showing up and all?
Early senility? :wink:

Now. Just to find the script so I can shout out the ending while waiting to get into the theater
Yeah, do what Homer did in that episode where he and Marge went to see Empire when they were young:
Coming out of the theater: "Wow, who'd've thought Darth Vadar was Luke SkyWalker's father?" Right in front of people waiting to see it. :lol:
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!


Post by GeorgeC » May 5th, 2005, 1:36 am


I have to agree with you Violet about Anakin.

One of the big letdowns and disappointments about the Prequels is how unlikeable Anakin really is. It's hard to develop sympathy for a character who whines and complains all the time even though his mother was basically killed by the Sand People.

I understand how difficult his separation was from his mother, how losing Qui-Gon was losing an important father figure who could have been a stabliizing influence to him, and how putting him into the hands of poor Obi-Wan who was barely past being a kid himself (!) was not good in the long run for Anakin.

The Jedi "cult" definitely is NOT a good place for kids with emotional problems!

HOWEVER... That all said, it's just difficult to develop empathy for Anakin with the overall mediocre acting and lack of solid directing by Lucas for the character.

Not everything in the Prequels is bad, though. First, we got a charismatic mentor/father figure who was unfortunately killed off in the first film (Qui-Gon Jin) just as we were beginning to get to know a little about the character but still had Obi-Wan who developed very well in the second film. There's no question the best piece of new casting for the Prequels was Ewan McGregor. He has been a more than worthy successor to Sir Alec Guinness in the Obi-Wan Kenobi role. He's also the only major continuing actor in the Prequels other than Frank Oz (Yoda) and Ian McDiamard who has given consistently solid performances.

Yoda's been pretty good, too, although I still think the best we've seen him was in The Empire Strikes Back when he was a puppe. Ian McDiamard has been deliciously ingratiating and stereotypically political as Palpatine in the Prequels, too. Palpatine is definitely the character you love to hate! I just hope Episode III (the film) really drives home WHY charismatic political types like Palpatine can be so evil (not that I think there's anybody like that in the real First World at the present)... that's if Lucas can get off his high horse bashing capitalism in the films.

Ironic that Lucas has turned the Prequels into a treatise on why out-of-control capitalism is bad when he's made most of his billions off of licensing the Star Wars characters out the whazoo! Typical Hollywood ultra-liberal condenscion and hypocrisy...!

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Quite a confession....

Post by JustinWilliams » May 5th, 2005, 6:51 am

I have to admit I have never seen ANY of the Star Wars films - I like the look of clips I've seen and I appreciate the appeal but have never had chance to watch them. I just needed to get this awful dirty secret off my chest. Thank you for being there to listen. LOL. Seriously though, would you suggest buying the DVD trilogy if I like them? :?

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Post by ShyViolet » May 5th, 2005, 1:40 pm

Ian McDiamard has been deliciously ingratiating and stereotypically political as Palpatine in the Prequels, too. Palpatine is definitely the character you love to hate!
Yeah, I love Palpatine! His scenes with Anakin in Episode II are my favorite, the way he appeals to Anakin's ego. You can truly see how "Vadar was seduced by the dark side of the Force."

"Lord Vadar....rise."

McDiamard was actually 33 the first time he played the Emperor--believe it or not.

I also totally agree with you, George, about McEwan's Obi-Wan. Even though he had a relatively small role in Episode I, I took to him right away. Even when strolling along on Naboo with Qui-Gon and Jar-Jar, about to go into Jar-Jar's watery "country", he maintained the dignity of the role.
He knows how to suggest Alec Guiness in a very convincing way, (but not imitate him). Sort of like when Robert De Nero played the young Marlon Brando in Godfather II.
Seriously though, would you suggest buying the DVD trilogy if I like them?
Definetely rent them first and see if you like them. Maybe you can even get your hands on the original VHS versions that haven't been "improved" by Lucas' editing. (new scenes/effects added) I don't really like a lot of the "new cuts" that much. Star Wars and Return of the Jedi are good movies but the only GREAT one that's really worth buying (IMO) is Empire Strikes Back. I don't know if you can get it separately though. I think you have to buy all three together. They cost around 70 dollars, which is a lot of money. :roll: I think that maybe in time all these "sets" that cost an arm and a leg might decrease in price...hopefully.
Yoda's been pretty good, too, although I still think the best we've seen him was in The Empire Strikes Back when he was a puppe.
I agree. I'm definetely NOT a big fan of his light-saber duel with that guy in Episode II. Yoda's like, 900 years old. Maybe he was a good fighter in his day, but seeing him fight off Count Duku was just...blah. It just seemed like more of Lucas doing his "Well this series is primarily supposed to appeal to kids" thing. Ugh. :?

A REALLY FUNNY PHANTOM MENACE PARODY. Great site anyway, very clever. (Just so you know--swear words are used occasionally.)
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Post by Wolf Tooth » May 5th, 2005, 4:25 pm

Now. Just to find the script so I can shout out the ending while waiting to get into the theater
The book's already out, you can blurt the ending from that. My sister, who couldn't keep her mouth shut, told me the ending from it(thanks a lot, sis :x ).

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Post by ShyViolet » May 5th, 2005, 9:06 pm

I know how you feel--I knew the endings to both The Sixth Sense AND Fight Club before I saw them. :roll:
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by Josh » May 5th, 2005, 10:00 pm

The thing that gets me angry is that, if I remember correctly, I learned the ending to The Sixth Sense not from the internet or a friend, but from celebrities who felt the need to talk about it on talk shows.

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