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Post by Ben » January 26th, 2008, 9:29 am

Then you need your ears cleaning as well as your clocks.

Never, in <I>any</I> print of Clock Cleaners I've ever seen (and being one of my favorites, I've seen or have every version from TV broadcasts, early VHS compilations, VHS reissues, LD collections, the LD bonus feature on Alice In Wonderland, one of the Gold DVD editions and in the Mickey Mouse tin) I have never heard Donald say <I>anything</I> other than "sez you!"

I'm also someone who doesn't have any trouble picking out anything Donald ever says, and find it peculiar that most other people actually have that trouble! :)

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Post by Once Upon A Dream » January 26th, 2008, 9:47 am

I saw it on YouTube and he didn't said "sez you!",other people also heard it,and they change it (i guess that the change was to "sez you").

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Post by Ben » January 26th, 2008, 10:34 am

It's been "sez you!" since I first saw the cartoon in 1979/1981 and every version since then.

Perhaps someone felt it would be "funnier" with "f-you" on the soundtrack and dubbed it in, thus how these myths get started, but the official Disney soundtracks never had that word on them.

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Post by Once Upon A Dream » January 26th, 2008, 10:57 am

Maybe but still in the version i saw it clearly says "f-you".

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Post by Ben » January 26th, 2008, 1:04 pm

Please tell me where to find that version...I'd very much like to hear this for myself. Someone once played me a version that "supposedly" featured that word, but it was clearly still "sez you!".

Sometimes, people hear what they'd like to think.

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Post by Once Upon A Dream » January 26th, 2008, 1:54 pm

Here you go:
It's in 3:20.
And when i first saw i didn't knew what he's going to say.

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Post by eddievalient » January 26th, 2008, 2:53 pm

I can see where Once is coming from cause it does sound that way (kind of), but you know it's really "says you" cause the gear replies "says I". Not that hard to figure out.
The Official Lugofilm Ltd Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/bartsimpson83

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Post by Ben » January 26th, 2008, 3:58 pm

Well...yeah, okay...whatever. Hear what you want, I suppose.

Donald clearly says "sez you", as evidenced by the spring, who is copying Donald's words from his perspective, returning with "say I".

The sequence:

As Donald is hammering the Spring into shape, the Spring taps Donald.
Don: "What's the big idea?"
Spring: "What's the big idea?"
Don: "Aww, shut up!"
Spring "<I>You</I> shut up!"
Don: "Oh, yeah?"
Spring: "Oh, yeah!"
Don: "Says you!"
Spring: "Say I"
Don: "I'll bust you, you doggone snake in the grass!"
Donald throws his hammer...it rebounds and knocks him flying...

And that...as they say...is that. If you can't hear that, you really need to go get your ears looked at, although as I said, people can here what they want to hear, especially if they're looking, hoping, or subconsciously expecting crudities.

But Donald's saying "Says you"/"Sez you" here. I recognize the recording from "Mickey And Donald", an early 1980s cartoon compilation show which is probably the first time I saw this on television.

He said "sez you" then, and he's saying "sez you" now.

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Post by EricJ » January 26th, 2008, 5:01 pm

Ben wrote:Donald clearly says "sez you", as evidenced by the spring, who is copying Donald's words from his perspective, returning with "say I".

The sequence:

As Donald is hammering the Spring into shape, the Spring taps Donald.
Don: "What's the big idea?"
Spring: "What's the big idea?"
Don: "Aww, shut up!"
Spring "<I>You</I> shut up!"
Don: "Oh, yeah?"
Spring: "Oh, yeah!"
Don: "Says you!"
Spring: "Say I"
Don: "I'll bust you, you doggone snake in the grass!"
Donald throws his hammer...it rebounds and knocks him flying....
Oops, sorry--Must've been "Bust you" that was the disputed word...

(Never could hear where the confusion was supposed to be, m'self, as I'd also had a fairly good ear for Donald-speak, even without the benefit of Disney Treasures "Mickey Mouse in Color, Vol. 1" sets.)

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Post by Once Upon A Dream » January 27th, 2008, 1:08 am

Ben wrote:Well...yeah, okay...whatever. Hear what you want, I suppose.
But it's not what i want to hear,when i saw it i had no idea what he's going to say (and other people on the forum i found this said that they heard the same thing cleary).

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Post by Daniel » January 27th, 2008, 1:52 am

The YouTube forum? I remember when this was brought up elsewhere.. yeah, I don't hear it.

Btw, here's an old thread which deals with other Disney urban legends and the like. :)

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Post by Once Upon A Dream » January 27th, 2008, 8:15 am

No,an Herbrew forum (all of them heard that).
Okay,thought this thread is about that video.

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Post by Once Upon A Dream » January 27th, 2008, 8:17 am

Macaluso wrote:Ariel and Sebastion are totally seen having sex on the beach behind him.
What? XD does Eric know? (poor Ariel XD).

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Post by Foxtale » January 27th, 2008, 9:37 pm

Wow there were more of these urban legend things than I would have thought. To me I don't really care if they are true or not. Some people make such big stink out of either coincidences, mistakes, things from bored animators or whatever.

I do still laugh whenever I watch Aladdin, it does really sound like he says "take off your clothes" and then her facial expression changes to match it exactly. *snerks* Priceless. :p

They did a good job covering the rescuer's thing though because I never heard of it. I wonder how someone got that in there in post production though? Random note I once bought a rainbow bright vhs tape from an old rental place and the tape must have broke or something and when it was spliced back together someone inserted a few frames of pornographic images. ><

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Disney Urban Myths

Post by Dusterian » January 28th, 2008, 11:28 am

Ben wrote:The Little Mermaid thing is well documented...it was done by a disgruntled studio employee who was then fired.
But I heard it was just done by some artist who didn't intend it and only noticed it when someone from his Church Youth Group pointed it out. I also heard he slipped a Batman and other references in there. But if you ask me, any kind of tower will always look phallic. It doesn't even look like a "correct" member, and I won't go into why. I also looked at the original theatrical poster which was almost exactly like the first VHS cover, and the poster tower doesn't look much different from the VHS's. I don't think it was intended.

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