Animation is for adults also...

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Animation is for Adults

Post by Dusterian » January 23rd, 2008, 5:30 pm

Meg wrote:Well, most Disney movies are primarily aimed for younger audiences - older peeps can still enjoy them, of course, but when people refer to them as 'kid's movies', they're usually right.

I would still LOVE to see animation branch out more as a whole though...Hopefully with stuff like the Simpsons' Movie and Beowulf being released and doing pretty well, we'll be seeing more of that kind of stuff.
If you mean reccent Disney films are aimed at younger audiences, maybe, I haven't cared enough to see the last ones. BUT Walt Disney never aimed the movie's at children. He said they're for the young or the young at heart, and when some people said some things in his films were too scary for children, he asked them whatever made them think they were for children. Perhaps those quotes conflict, but you get the idea. Disney may have made simply told films that were suitable for children, but that's not the same as making something specifically for children.

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