The Animated Views MIA: DVD Thread

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Post by Ben » December 30th, 2007, 5:48 pm

I'm also trying to locate a almost unheard of film that aired on the Disney Channel (at least here in the UK) called "Bad Baby", with the voices of Jim Belushi and Kathleen Turner. I can't seem to find any record of it and would love to be able to see it.

The IMDb page even lists it as "Disney's Bad Baby", though I don't think it's a WDTVA production:

Strange oddity, I missed it when it aired here long ago... :(

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Post by Daniel » December 31st, 2007, 3:38 am

Yeah, even I can't find can't find anything on it. All I found was the title, Bad Baby, on Disney Channel's (UK) wikipedia page. Bad thing too, its in red, so it doesn't offer any additional information.

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Post by Ben » December 31st, 2007, 6:00 am

Thanks for looking Dan! Keep your eyes peeled for any re-runs. I've never seen it turn up on DCUK since I first noticed it in the listings... :(


MIA Disney titles are actually web exclusives

Post by GeorgeC » January 2nd, 2008, 3:15 pm

SOME missing Disney films are actually web exclusives from the Disney film fan club. The unfortunate reality of these web exclusives (like Season One of the Disney Zorro TV series, Donald in Mathmagic Land, Ducktales: Treasure of the Lost Lamp, etc.) is that you can only get them by joining the club at ... /Exclusive

These DVDs are Region 1 but still restricted release like a few of the Disney documentaries on DVD were a few years ago (Frank and Ollie, Walt Disney: The Man Behind the Myth). Several of these DVDs have had wider unrestricted release in R2.

One funny inclusion among these DVDs is The Reluctant Dragon which was released as part of the Disney Treasures a few years ago. Why this is now getting a separate release outside of those tin sets is beyond me, but in case you skipped out on the tin and want the film without hunting for the Treasures tin...!

I know that as for myself there at least 3-4 exclusives I wouldn't mind getting my hands on. Unfortunately, that'll have to wait as I'm recovering (financially) from the holidays!

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Post by EricJ » January 2nd, 2008, 4:18 pm

Some movies (like "Rocketman" and "Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken") are "test-marketed" and are allowed minor mainstream releases later--
While others, like "Treasure of Matecumbe", have to stay in exile.

Still, hopefully enough people bought the recent Club R1 of "Donald Duck in Mathmagic Land" for it to hit mainsteam shelves eventually. :)

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Post by Daniel » January 2nd, 2008, 7:10 pm

That's quite a list! Makes me want to sign up again just to get Donald in Mathmagic Land and Ducktales: Treasure of the Lost Lamp. But I'll keep hoping for an eventual (regular) release! ;)

Also, even though this does announcement some MIA Disney flicks as being available via the club, I think this fits in with our reguler A-N MIA thread.

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Post by Ben » January 6th, 2008, 9:17 am

Thanks Dan...merged. :)

I didn't know about Donald In Mathmagic Land...I'll have to check that out. You can usually pick these things up on eBay though...that's where I got my DuckTales Movie disc from.

And even though I have the Treasures tin, I can see the value in a standalone issue and may go for that eventually. There are also some great live-actioners there - love how "Treasure Of Matecumbe" has that Pirates look! ;)

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Post by Foxtale » January 16th, 2008, 8:05 pm

If anyone out there cares one of the dvd's I had listed was released back in late October but Amazon just didn't have it nor could I find it anywhere. I went to the supermarket and lo and behold. "The Princess and the Goblin" was there.

Another movie to add to the list (although only partially animated) is "the Wonderful World of the Brother's Grimm" It's a great movie and was filmed in the rare Cienrama style and would make a wonderful widescreen dvd if restored to it's original majesty and given a proper release. The vhs version that I had seen so many times when I was little was of the poorest quality with a transfer that would make anyone annoyed. ^.^ Top on my list to be released.

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Post by Ben » January 17th, 2008, 2:41 pm

I have that - it's kind of like Disney's "Babes In Toyland" and George Pal's own earlier "Tom Thumb" - from an airing on TCM, so good quality but unfortunately not letterboxed (it's so annoying to see those wonderful titles pan out to cut off the edges!).

I think there's a general hold back to putting out Cinerama titles that were shot in the three camera process because of the visible vertical blend lines on screen. I know WB are looking for a way to eliminate these more satisfactorily, though the photography was always shot with these in mind and did a good job of masking them in most shots.

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Post by Foxtale » January 18th, 2008, 2:35 pm

I figured there would be some general hold up since transferring Cinerama titles wouldn't be an easy task. It's good to know that there is at least some hope that WB is at least trying to get this title out and ones like it. I remember watching the tape and seeing those vertical lines. A lot of times you didn't notice them, I would be so happy if they found a way to mask the lines in the scenes when they are evident. Anyway I would just be happy if they released it in any form. ^.^

Thanks for the info Ben. I thought I was one of the only people who really knew much about that movie. ^.^

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Post by Randall » January 18th, 2008, 11:22 pm

I have it on tape, and would love to see it on DVD too. I love Pal films. That reminds me--- I still haven't upgraded to DVDs of Tom Thumb or Dr. Lao yet!

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Post by Ben » January 19th, 2008, 6:41 am

I need to get Tom Thumb too...wonderful movie and one of the few Pal titles I don't own in official form (I have pretty much everything of his either in officially released editions or off-air recordings).

Here's a quick sub-topic: WHO'S YOUR FAVORITE PAL? (see what I did there?) :)

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Post by Randall » January 19th, 2008, 11:11 am

Yes, very cute. :)

Ah, those great George Pal films. I love the Puppetoons, of course. When Worlds Collide and War of the Worlds are maybe my faves. But I also love Doc Savage (now how many have THAT widescreen laserdisc?)--- faithful to the first Doc book, and loads of campy fun.

The only Pal film I don't have in any form is The Power.

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Post by Foxtale » January 19th, 2008, 2:07 pm

I really like his Puppetoons. I have watched a handful of those. I think that my school has a bunch in it's film library because one of the teacher's here is big on stop motion and makes sure that we have an awesome collection. Sadly I haven't seen much of his work but I think The Wonderful World of the Brother's Grimm will be my favorite. (War of the Worlds is pretty cool too.)

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Post by Ben » January 19th, 2008, 3:42 pm

Love the Puppetoons and didn't mind picking that disc up for a second time when it was included in image's Pal boxset.

There's quite a bit of his stuff I'm a big, big fan of: When Worlds Collide, The Time Machine (of course!) and War Of The Worlds. Destination Moon is another amazing film for the time, though there are a few I don't have or have never seen: Houdini!? Wow, I need to see that.

Doc Savage is brilliant fun, though it helps to have a little bit of background knowledge otherwise it could all come off as being a bit too goofy. I have widescreen recording from a TV broadcast of that. I hadn't thought about The Power for the longest fact I'd completely forgotten it, but I vaguely seeing the film. It would have been a cropped TV showing, but I remember wanting to watch it when I was young because of Suzanne Pleshette and her Disney association and then ending up being pretty freaked out by it, if it's the movie I'm struggling to recall.

When it came to live-action, Walt Disney wasn't always as successful as he'd been in animation, and while his films were still made with quality, I'd easily put George Pal and even Irwin Allen (and his TV output) in the same ballpark as being the same kinds of entertainment being made on the same levels.

Quite possible, for a while, Pal was out front, aided by directors like Byron Haskin, who of course had worked for Disney too. :)

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