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Post by Macaluso » April 24th, 2005, 5:39 pm

"Oh Jar-Jar. I'm the only one that loves you." - Comic Book Guy

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Post by ShyViolet » April 25th, 2005, 10:20 pm

Jar-Jar did look cool. I'll give him that. :wink:
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by Ben » April 26th, 2005, 7:51 am

He was techincially well done, especially in Clones...

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Post by Ben » April 26th, 2005, 8:30 am

DVD FILE has a great review up for the Episode III soundtrack which features the MUSICAL JOURNEY DVD: ... urney.html

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Post by AniMan » April 26th, 2005, 9:19 pm

I've been away from this site for a while (been really busy) so I've been missing out on discussion of my favorite topic: Star Wars. Being a huge, huge fan (no, I never have and never will, dress up as Chewie or go to a 12:00 am viewing.. guess I'm just too old for that now! :lol: ) I generally agree with GeorgeC's points here with a minor issue with one of them:
Clones. They're just a bad idea and people hate them in general. We hate them in comics (Spider-Man fans remember, right?) AND in movies. Why oh why did Lucas have to make Boba Fett a kid in Episode II who was Jango Fett's clone?
While I agree clones are usually a pretty dopey idea, on this one I thought it was brilliant, and, I might add, I predicted that the stormtroopers were clones long before anyone knew what was going to be in Attack of the Clones. As I had told others years ago, it couldn't be coincidence that all the stormtroopers were the same height and their voices all sounded the same. And then there was that back-knowledge of the Clone Wars that we heard about here and there.
But then of course, George Lucas seems to have forgotten that the stormtroopers and Boba Fett didn't have a New Zealand accent in the original trilogies. Oh, well. I STILL love these movies, and always will. It's just simple escapism, pure entertainment. I love it!
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Post by GeorgeC » April 27th, 2005, 12:50 am

It's explicitly stated in the Episode III reference books that the Empire stopped relying exclusively on clones created from Jango Fett's genetic material some time after Episode III. That's why not all the Stormtroopers look and sound like Jango. The Empire started creating new clones from various donors.

(Just because Boba Fett is a clone of Jango doesn't mean he HAS to sound exactly like Jango. His verbal phrasing and accent could be very different since his he lost his "father" at age 10. Remember that Boba DOESN'T have Jango's experiences and even his preference of weapon -- a blaster rifle -- versus Jango's blaster pistols is very different. By the reckoning of the official Star Wars timeline, Boba Fett was "only 29" when we first see him in Episode IV. In that time, he could have acquired a far different vocalization than his clone father's.)

As for the Imperial officer corps, they started the Imperial Academy some time after Episode III and clones generally didn't get into the Academy. Part of Han Solo's back story is that he used to be an Imperial officer and had gone through the Academy program but was kicked out of the Imperial Officer Corps for standing up for a Wookie (Chewbacca) when another Imperial Officer was mistreating them.

Note also that Luke's friend from Episode IV, Biggs Darklighter, had also gone through the Imperial Academy but defected to the Rebellion. Luke had also wanted to go to the Academy but the Force took him in another direction...


Post by GeorgeC » April 27th, 2005, 2:29 pm

Update/reminder on Star Wars in general..

Next Tuesday (May 3rd) is the release of the Episode III soundtrack with the music videos DVD! Also, later in the month there is supposed to be a CD single release of the track "Battle of the Heroes." This will debut on radio first, but apparently there was enough interest in it that Sony is now releasing it in stores.

The "Battle of the Heroes" single will have the radio version and another mix with audio from the movie in it.

The Digital Bits also posted a story directly out of Lucas' mouth. Lucas may be doing yet ANOTHER boxset release of Star Wars but with ALL SIX films and a new bonus DVD. This will be DVD ONLY, not high-definition, and may include deleted scenes from the original trilogy that were not on the previous boxset release.

(I'm still hoping that sometime down the line that someone can convince Lucas to re-release the ORIGINAL theatrical versions of the first three Star Wars films but I'm not holding my breath. These would be the ultimate Star Wars bonuses on any DVD set!

(Oh well, at least I have my bootlegs of the first three movies on DVD!)


Post by GeorgeC » April 27th, 2005, 3:12 pm

Here's a link to an article about the Battle of the Heroes CD single: ... _91445.asp

I believe this single may be released worldwide. It's going to be released in the UK (and probably the US) for sure on May 23rd...

I'm not sure if it's the same tracks as what's being released to radio stations as of April 25th, but one can only hope fans get the same things the stations are!

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Post by Ben » April 27th, 2005, 3:15 pm

This is a track from the album though, right?

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Post by AniMan » April 27th, 2005, 4:02 pm

Thanks, George! That was interesting stuff about the stormtrooper origins.
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Post by ShyViolet » April 27th, 2005, 9:31 pm

Liam Neeson said that when he first read the script of TPM he was flipping through it going: "Bull****,bull****,bull****,me,bull****,me, me,bull****,me,bull****,me." He liked the part itself which was why he agreed to do it.

Much later when they completed most of the film he went to see it with all the actors and Harrison Ford (they're friends) came to see it too. After it was over Ford went over to him and said: "Hey, man. Actually I fell asleep twice."

You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!


Post by GeorgeC » April 28th, 2005, 12:41 am

[quote="Ben"]This is a track from the album though, right?[/quote]


There are things about the CD single that I'm confused about.

My impression was that originally Sony WASN'T going to release a single, that the CD single they were talking about was a promo being sent to radio stations in advance of the Revenge of the Sith premiere.

I'm not sure if the retail release is the same CD as the promo CD sent to the radio stations or not. The article that I linked to seems to imply the track is similar to what's on the official soundtrack release but I'm not so sure it's the only thing on the single CD... CD single releases usually have more than one track on them (generally 2) and it seemed to imply that there was something else with the single besides the numbering, signed business every limited edition gets!

Well, we'll find out May 23rd... I'm keeping an out for the CD single and am going to take a close look at it. Chances are that somebody will get an advance copy and post a review on it.

Reviews are already out about the Revenge of the Sith soundtrack but nobody's gotten an advance look at the DVD music videos yet... Sony didn't release an advance copy of that to reviewers. The one review I have read of the ROTS soundtrack was fairly harsh and unforgiving...

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Post by Ben » April 28th, 2005, 5:21 pm

GeorgeC wrote:Nobody's gotten an advance look at the DVD music videos yet... Sony didn't release an advance copy of that to reviewers.
So... which part of:

DVD FILE has a great review up for the Episode III soundtrack which features the MUSICAL JOURNEY DVD: ... urney.html

...did you not understand?

FULL REVIEW, including the DVD and everything you could want to know about it!

BTW, anyone know if the version in the UK will be NTSC or PAL? No guesses please, as it could be either, but I will likely get the American one so that the music runs at the right speed and pitch.


2 Vader sites to add to the funny file!

Post by GeorgeC » April 30th, 2005, 4:35 am

2 Vader sites to add to the funny file!

First up, Darth Vader gets pulled over in Britain for not wearing a seatbelt!,,2-20 ... 2,000.html

I guess he forgot to use his Jedi mind-trick powers to convince the cops to let him go with a warning? That, or he could have used his powers to crush their tracheas!

Next, comes Lord Vader's Internet blog.

Yep, you heard me right -- Vader has a blog now!

Yes, some SW fans are obsessed, but it's a great read, it's funny, and it really does read like it's written by Vader!


Post by GeorgeC » May 3rd, 2005, 3:09 am

Today's (Tuesday) the big day!

We finally get the final Star Wars movie soundtrack WITH the music video DVD!

One music video is already viewable on the official Star Wars website... (There's a link from Ain't It Cool News.)


Words of advice for the last film:

It reads and sounds good.

That said, if you go with the attitude that "this film will suck," you won't be disappointed. I'm sure you'll hate the film.

However, if you go with the attitude "gee, the lightsaber fights WILL be cool," I think you'll enjoy Revenge of the Sith better. At least you'll half-enjoy the film. Half-enjoying a film is better than half-hating or deciding to fully hate a film before you even see it.

(OK, granted you can tell some films really DO stink from their trailers...)

And yes, I peeked and read parts of the graphic novelization and authorized novelizations...!

And I've got the artbook already... :lol:

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