Spider-Man 3

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Post by Ben » October 3rd, 2007, 6:32 pm

"I believe you have my locker"

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Post by ShyViolet » October 3rd, 2007, 6:33 pm

Loved that! :o
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by Once Upon A Dream » October 9th, 2007, 11:58 am

ShyViolet wrote:I can't stop watching the Spidey one!! :)

"Oh no, it's Gwen."
"What's she doing up there?"

Stan Lee: "She's trying not to fall to her death, you idiot! Why don't you show some concern!"

Scientist 1: There's a change in the silicon mass
Scientist 2: Yeah, it's probably just a bird.
Scientist 3: Here's an idea: why don't you make sure it's just a bird before you mutate the crap out of something because you were too lazy to safely run this nighttime sand mutation experiment?

LOVED LOVED LOVED Tobey crying: "Because you cry too much, OK!"

Aunt May: Oh, that reminds me of a long boring story about your uncle which will only make you feel guilty and make the wrong decisions in life.

Harry: Here I am Pete, old buddy old pal! I"ll save you!


Bird: You've taken your eye off the ball.....AVENGE ME!!!!

:lol: Can't get tired of that one. :wink:
Lol,loved that one :D.

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Post by Daniel » October 28th, 2007, 7:21 pm

I don't think anyone here is gonna buy Spidy 3, (Vi? ;)) but just in case, here's a quick guide of all the offers/exclusives for its release this Tuesday. (10-30):

Best Buy - $14.99, free Spider-Man mask (red or black) plus get a free Spider-Man 3 trick-or-treat bag instantly, when you buy any DVD, CD or video game. $28.99, Spider-Man 3 SE Blu-ray. $24.99, 2-disc SE. Trilogy box set: $25.99 DVD/$60.99 Blue-ray.

Best Buy Canada - $35.99 Spider-Man 3 T-shirt.

Target - $22.99 Deluxe 3-disc DVD set with exclusive cover artwork, collectible movie production notebook and bonus disc with winners from the Target Spin Your Own Webisode contest and more! $29.99 Blu-ray SE. Trilogy box set: $27.99 DVD/$69.99 Blu-ray.

Wal-Mart - $19.96 (single disc) exclusive pack includes the widescreen edition DVD with collectible lenticular packaging, bonus DVD and a limited edition Mega Guide comic book.

Circuit City - $19.99, free on pack full-length soundtrack containing music from & inspired by Spider-Man 3. $22.99 2-disc SE. $29.99, 2-disc Blu-ray. Trilogy box set: 25.99 DVD (4 disc set)/$79.99 Blu-ray.

K-Mart - no price, free exclusive Spider-Man 3 interactive CD-ROM.

Sears - no price, free I-Active card.

Blockbuster - comes with 2 film cells and a card.

Suncoast, Sam Goody, Wherehouse and FYE - about $30, 3 different gift sets with figurine.

Future Shop Canada - $29.99 exclusive Steelbook.

Did I forget anyone? :lol: I'll probably rent Spidy 3 sometime soon, or since I don't have the first two, my mom might get me the trilogy box set. Whichever one, I just hope I like Spidy 3.

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Post by Ben » October 29th, 2007, 8:14 am

Make sure you see the specs on the trilogy set. From my understanding they drop many of the bonus features from the original 2-disc sets.

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Post by Dacey » October 29th, 2007, 10:08 am

I'll definately get it, Dan. I was one of the people who liked it enough for what it was.
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Post by Daniel » October 29th, 2007, 3:46 pm

Cool, that gives me more hope! :)

Yup, I'm waiting to hear word-of-mouth on the trilogy set, Ben. Could go either way, really.

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Post by ShyViolet » November 4th, 2007, 10:20 pm

OK, feel free to call me the biggest hypocrite ever: :P

I got Spider-Man 3 on DVD.....but ONLY because it was a "fun film" and it was marked down by more than ten dollars in the store near me. (The 1-discer.)

I also checked out the trilogy set....as far as I can see, Spdey 3 on the Trilogy has the same features that the 1-disc version I got has....which is to say, basically none. (blooper reel, commentary, previews.....and that's all, folks. :roll: :P)

Anyways, the film is still "fun"....but on the small screen, boy, do the continuity errors add up even more!! :? There was one thing I probably noticed in the theater but didn't think much about at the time:

There's like, no way that Eddie Brock could have "framed" Spidey with only a digitally doctored photo of him stealing money (especially nowadays, when it's become so much easier to do that) without having any witnesses or an actual store that was being robbed....a photo is a photo, no paper could publish a story based on only that. :roll: :roll:
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by Daniel » November 5th, 2007, 1:56 am

Well, I'm not surprised. ;)

But good, you got it cheap at least!

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Post by Ben » November 5th, 2007, 7:27 am

You will only see more problems with it the more you watch it!

I still think it was super-lame-o how they felt they needed to splice Sandman into the murder of Ben Parker, which in retrospect takes away from those moments in the first film.

This guy did it, no, <I>wait</I>, it was <I>this</I> guy... :(

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Post by Dacey » November 5th, 2007, 9:12 am

Well, basically, the writers have decided that EVERYTHING must come back to Uncle Ben in the end...
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Post by Once Upon A Dream » November 5th, 2007, 10:22 am

Am i the only one who noticed that in the 1st movie Jamson says that "Eddie couldn't get his picture" and in Spider-Man 3 he tells Spidy that he's "the new guy"? and later Robie says that Peter was working in the Bugel years before him? :?.

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Post by Ben » November 5th, 2007, 10:31 am

Wendy's Jane wrote:Well, basically, the writers have decided that EVERYTHING must come back to Uncle Ben in the end...
I thought you were being funny then, for a minute... ;)

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Post by ShyViolet » November 5th, 2007, 6:42 pm

I still think it was super-lame-o how they felt they needed to splice Sandman into the murder of Ben Parker, which in retrospect takes away from those moments in the first film.

This guy did it, no, wait, it was this guy... Sad

Also, they never approached the issue that, after all of Peter's tortured drawn-out guilt of having let "Uncle Ben's killer" go free when he was at that wrestling club....well, now Pete finds out that the guy he "didn't stop" wasn't even the killer!! :roll: :roll:

You'd think that would at least have some impact on him, or maybe make him feel a bit "less" guilty, or maybe introspective, but no, the whole thing just drives him into greater thirst for revenge.... :roll:
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by Ben » November 6th, 2007, 10:07 am

He's too busy comically disco dancing.


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