Daniel wrote:Which is fine by me. With all the Simpson season sets already depicting the whole family, having Plopper on the movies DVD spine will make it stick out more.
What...like the pure white and slimmer case against the multi-disc colored cases of the season sets isn't enough!?
I'm not sure I would say I "despised" the pig...I just think it's been taken way out of context for what was basically, something non-original and a riff on something else that's big in the population's consciousness at this time. And them picking up on it and now going into overkill (Simpsons of long ago would have left it at that and it would have been a landmark event) by having him on the cover, in the intro to the new series...and he'll keep "plopping" back now and then. Can you milk a pig? They sure are trying...
Well yes, there's that, but from early rumors; the DVD's box will blend in with the season sets, only, like you said, it will be skinnier and probably white. That's why I would prefer Plopper on the spine, to make it unique and stand out more.
Interesting screen grabs, they confirm that alternate American Idol opening the DVD will have -- which I'm not really looking forward to, and I bet Vi isn't either. The fourth pic, I don't remember that guy, does anyone else? I like the general look of the menus, very spiffy.
Good...glad they saw the sense in not going overboard on the pig.
See, the hoo-hah over the silly thing has died down anyway...it was just a random gag in one feature film. Putting him on the spine works, but going nuts on the front cover was pretty desperate.