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Post by ShyViolet » April 16th, 2005, 3:56 pm

He (Anakin) looks sexy with long hair. :wink:

But Obi-Wan RULES.

"You were the chosen one!"

Guess not. :roll:
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!


Post by GeorgeC » April 17th, 2005, 12:09 am


Anakin was never the Chosen One. Frankly, I think that prophesy was misread. I think the Chosen One ended up being Luke...

As for the whole soundtrack business, I know I can get the poster cover for Episode II through the affiliated shops but I'm holding off a bit to see IF the cover comes back into stores. A couple of places say they WILL send you a requested cover if you ask. (Never did care for photo covers. I prefer painted artwork.) A bit of the older merchandise has worked its way back into stores so I'm hoping this might hold out for the older soundtracks, too.

And yeah, I wouldn't doubt me that future pressings of the Episode III soundtrack WON'T have the DVD in it. I talked about that with a video store employee the other day. This definitely sounds like something that might only be done for the first printing of the soundtrack.

Best price I've been quoted on the Episode III soundtrack is $11.99 but that will probably only be good for the first week the CD is out.

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Post by Ben » April 17th, 2005, 9:12 am

$11.99 is GOOD! No reason not to pick it up (though anything under $15, with a free 70 minute DVD) is pretty amazing.

Of COURSE Anakin was the Chosen One: he needed to go through all that in order to father Luke and gain his redemption and thus bring that old phrase "balance to the Force".

No one ever said what the Chosen One's actions would be, but everyone knows that you have to reach rock bottom before you can hit the top, and in this case this is Anakin turning to the deep, deep, dark side, before his son is able to rescue him.

Anakin is the catalyst that forges ahead Palpatine's plans (yes, he would have gone ahead anyway, but having Anakin on board certainly helps!) and Anakin is the one that brings everyone together and is the one around which the events transpire (not just in a story sense, but as things unfold as well).

There is no reason NOT to believe he is the Chsoen One. There's no proof that a Chosen One would come on down and sort things out in five minutes - he must face himself in order to fulfill his destiny, and in this case, it turns out that the Chosen One is actually a weak individual - actually a clever little twist, though his path is pre-destined: in one way or another, he would end up being the one whose presence changes the situation.

Without Anakin, there would be no Luke! :)

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Post by mr. squarepants » April 18th, 2005, 6:36 pm

It seems like Star Tours may soon get an update (finally): ... hp?ID=1397.

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Post by ShyViolet » April 18th, 2005, 7:46 pm

Didn't George fix up Capatain EO??

Which was originally directed by Francis Ford Coppola (!)

About Obi-Wan, I was always interested in his past and how he got to meet Qui-Gon in the first place. In the film it said that he trained Obi-Wan from a child, but they didn't elaborate. I wish they could have talked more more about their relationship; how exactly did they meet? How did Obi-Wan discover his Jedi powers?

He was like "NOOOOOOO!" when Qui-Gon died, but you never really got a sense of that whole "father-son" relationship the way you did with Obi and Anakin.....
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by Ben » April 19th, 2005, 8:42 am

EO, thanks to a little "trouble" with one of its stars (you might have heard about it?) will never see the light of day again.

The new Star Tours thing sounds good - I have to say that Iger seems to have been waiting patiently in the background, and is now coming out of his shell.

Seems my first instincts on him (ex: he just looks like he fits in with Disney) wre right. Here's hoping he can let the departments pay off...

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Post by Macaluso » April 19th, 2005, 4:37 pm

I'm not a HUGE star wars fan.
hell, I really don't care if I had seen it weeks after it comes out.
However, my friend has allready bought tickets in advance, so it appears that I'm going to the premire at 12:01 am the day BEFORE the movie is supposed to come out.
Now. Just to find the script so I can shout out the ending while waiting to get into the theater :D

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Post by ShyViolet » April 19th, 2005, 5:05 pm

EO, thanks to a little "trouble" with one of its stars (you might have heard about it?) will never see the light of day again.
Oh, right. Duh. :roll:

Didn't Eisner have the idea of MJ producing a song for Great Mouse Detective or something? Good thing they never went through with that.....
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by Ben » April 20th, 2005, 12:18 pm

MJ - at one point - was going to be the big "face of Disney", with a LOT more than just EO and a song for Mouse Tec in the pipeline.

Oh, how things could have been [shudder]...


Post by GeorgeC » April 20th, 2005, 2:11 pm


I take it that you now know that Lucas is publicly screening Revenge of the Sith in London FIRST now on the 16th of May?

Seriously, there's news about this at Ain't It Cool News' website.

The screening of Episode III is going to be preceded by the first 5 films in order of theatrical release. There's more news and details about this. It's headline news on the Ain't It Cool News.

I guess you guys want me to provide a DIRECT link?

Ok, here it is:

It's all there in black-and-white or whatever pukey color scheme the webmasters deem fit for AICN today...

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Post by Christian » April 20th, 2005, 2:42 pm

About Obi-Wan, I was always interested in his past and how he got to meet Qui-Gon in the first place. In the film it said that he trained Obi-Wan from a child, but they didn't elaborate. I wish they could have talked more more about their relationship; how exactly did they meet? How did Obi-Wan discover his Jedi powers?
This is all explained in the Jedi Apprentice books.

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Post by Ben » April 20th, 2005, 5:42 pm

The event sounds great, but I'm happy to wait and see it in my favorite theater where I know I'll get the exact seat I want.

I was lucky enough to attened the original trilogy screening here in Elstree - where the films shot - in a similar event in 1995, before the Special Editions came out - the last time the ORIGINAL original trilogy was seen on the big screen (from LucasFil prints no less), and I've recently watched my SW Trilogy SE DVDs in my home theater, so seeing them all again isn't as enticing as it may seem.

I love the fact that we have to watch them in order of theatrical release - THAT'S THE ONLY WAY THEY WORK ANYWAY - it doesn't make sense to see them back to back even in the right order, as some things just don't add up!

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Post by Josh » April 20th, 2005, 5:53 pm

Do you have time to tell us what doesn't add up? I have never been the biggest Star Wars fan, but things like that still interest me.


Post by GeorgeC » April 21st, 2005, 12:08 am

[quote="Mickey A"]Do you have time to tell us what doesn't add up? I have never been the biggest Star Wars fan, but things like that still interest me.[/quote]

There are many things the prequels brought in that don't add up and just CONTRADICT what was established in the original trilogy...

Here are a couple of the big ones that really, really get some people going nuts.

Point 1) In The Empire Strikes Back (Episode V, TESB), Obi-Wan tells Luke to seek out Yoda, "the Jedi Master who trained me...," yet in Episode I, released 19 years AFTER TESB, Obi-Wan's master/mentor is some shag-tailed, hippie-looking fellow named Qui-Gon Jin!

Point 2) Lucas makes a big deal about mythology and being influenced by the works of Joseph Campbell, BUT YET HE DOES HIS VERY BEST TO DEMYTHOLOGIZE AND TAKE THE MYSTICISM OUT OF STAR WARS IN THE PREQUELS!

From the first three films, it's assumed that not everybody has the Force and it's this mystical thing that comes and goes with generations, yet in the re-write of Star Wars folklore in Episode I, you have to have this microscopic crap called "midichlorians" to have the Force! Apparently, the "Chosen One," Anakin, has the highest concentration of midichlorians seen since Yoda! WTF is the deal with that?

Point 3) Obi-Wan makes a big deal out of telling Luke in Episode IV (A New Hope, the original Star Wars movie, ANH) that Anakin (Luke's father) "was the best starfighter pilot in the galaxy, a cunning warrior,... and a good friend." However, in the last prequel and this upcoming film, Anakin acts like anything BUT a very good friend. By the end of Episode III, you'll see why that last bit that Obi-Wan said in Episode IV is both ridiculous and a flat-out lie.

Point 4) Clones. They're just a bad idea and people hate them in general. We hate them in comics (Spider-Man fans remember, right?) AND in movies. Why oh why did Lucas have to make Boba Fett a kid in Episode II who was Jango Fett's clone?

Now, I've never completely understood WHY people like Boba Fett so much considering he has less than fifteen minutes screen time in the previous trilogy, but even I understand that making him a clone of another fellow WAS A VERY BAD IDEA... Generally, I liked Jango Fett in Episode II and he was the best thing BESIDES Obi-Wan in that film, but putting in Boba Fett as a kiddie clone was not a bright thing to do.

Point 5) Does anybody NOT get the point that Chancellor Palpatine, the Emperor, and Darth Sidious are one and the same character? Talk about a non-secret! You have to be retarded not to see the connection and frankly I think Lucas wasted his time with the Sidious subplot...

Point 6) How could Padme fall for a psycho like Anakin? It's supposed to be this great romance yet with the sloppy acting Anakin comes off as this semi-rabid slobbering puppy-dog stalking kid!

Seriously, it MUST be the "work of the Force" that Luke and Leia are around by the end of Episode III! Their parents (Padme and Anakin) did NOT have a great romance and Padme and Anakin's relationship does NOT make sense based on what's presented on the screen in Episode II and I would assume Episode III.

What makes this all sad is the sloppy research and writing on the prequels done by Star Wars' creator, George Lucas.

If it had been a complete hack writer who had NEVER seen the original trilogy, the mistakes would be more understandable but still hated by most fans. The fact that it's Star Wars' own creator who is putting in these contradictions 20 years AFTER the fact the original films drives people nuts.

It's just plain, sloppy, lazy writing and bad directing...

... and yet most of us will STILL be in line the first weekend Episode III is out to see the darn film! :lol:

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Post by Christian » April 21st, 2005, 12:11 am

Point 6) How could Padme fall for a psycho like Anakin? It's supposed to be this great romance yet with the sloppy acting Anakin comes off as this semi-rabid slobbering puppy-dog stalking kid!
Makes perfect sense to me. Girls fall for the wrong guys all the time.
However, my friend has allready bought tickets in advance, so it appears that I'm going to the premire at 12:01 am the day BEFORE the movie is supposed to come out.
No, it'll still be the day it comes out (one minute into May 19) but theaters still seem to put the wrong date on the tickets, I guess because they don't have to actually close their theater down before a 12:01AM showing starts so it just seems like more of the same day to them. Just don't arrive at 11PM on Tuesday, May 17, thinking that in an hour and a minute you'll be seeing Episode III at 12:01AM on Wednesday, May 18.

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