Spider-Man 3

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Post by ShyViolet » September 2nd, 2007, 9:15 pm

Yeah, and such a shame they're probably not bringing him back....:(

Also, I still feel Harry needed a much darker coda.
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Post by ShyViolet » September 3rd, 2007, 1:55 am

Not really new but sorta interesting:

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Post by Ben » September 3rd, 2007, 5:16 am

"We’re looking for the writer"

Looks like Sony won't let him try again then!

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Post by ShyViolet » September 3rd, 2007, 8:50 pm

You can't exactly blame them....:roll: :P

Why not Lawrence Kasdan? :)
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Post by Ben » September 4th, 2007, 8:39 am

Um...because he grew up?

They should go back to the team that made 2 so good, obviously! :)

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Post by ShyViolet » September 14th, 2007, 5:24 pm

Some of Harry Knowles' (Ain't It Cool) assessment of Spider-Man 3. (He liked it, overall.) I don't agree with his points, obviously, but I found some of his review an interesting read: (edited a bit for content)

Why does Mary Jane come across as a beautiful naggy bummer to live with and date? BECAUSE Mary Jane is the WRONG girl for Peter Parker. She loves SPIDER-MAN, look at her. She’s just like that **** Lois Lane, remember when Superman gave up his powers for that twit… what does Lois do, basically you can see her interest instantly wane. She’s a Superman groupie. [content deleted] That’s all these women want, they certainly DON’T want Peter Parker. And before you babe staring dweebs start moaning about Gwen Stacy… She, as shown in this film, is a Spider-Man lover too. The real girl for Parker lives across the hallway and bakes cookies and cakes for him. She’s wildly infatuated with Peter Parker – and that’s the exact right girl for his life. But, he’s all Googily for the Model types. F****** waste of time. But again, that’s been Peter Parker’s problem from the beginning… he always goes after the wrong dame… a chick that attacks trouble like webs capture flies.

Again, this all feeds into the fact that Peter Parker is a DORK. He doesn’t really know how to treat a woman. He’s rushing into marriage without a clue what that really means. This morning, I got a call from a fella… actually, Yoko did, and she handed me the phone, cuz I’m better at relationship advice than she is, at least she thinks so… and this kid on the other line poured out his heart to me, and frankly, he reminded me of Peter Parker. He speaks about love, but at the same time talks about, if they were to break up, it wouldn’t be his fault. Never being able to accept personal accountability for his own actions. That’s Peter Parker.

He’s always shifting that accountability. Rather than dealing with the real issues, he turns on the police scanner – because he’d rather go on a night of ego boosting crime bashing. It’s his drug of choice. His magnificent obsession. And Raimi again nails it. Peter Parker is an immature super-powered dork with major bi-polar issues. But that’s why we love the guy.

Now – where do I have my problems with this movie?

Probably, if you sat Raimi down and hooked him up to Wonder Woman’s creator’s Lie Detector machine – the same problems Raimi might admit to. VENOM… and everything related to him.

Raimi is a Silver Age Spider-Man fan… like me. He’s a Steve Ditko and John Romita Spidey fan. Raimi has admitted to not liking the character of Venom – and frankly I agree. VENOM is, and has always been, retarded. The character is a cool design. That’s it. Eddie Brock is a whiney useless non-character.

If you get the ART OF SPIDER-MAN 3 book, you can see an original design that shows that Raimi’s initial direction on SPIDER-MAN 3 was to bring in THE VULTURE. The Vulture and Sandman were going to escape Prison together.

Now, I have no proof of what I’m about to say, but I’m betting I’m right in my theory.

I’ve had extensive conversations with Joel Schumacher about what was going on behind the scenes on BATMAN & ROBIN. Joel accepts responsibility for what happened on that unmitigated load of worm-infested *****, but he’s not the only person responsible. On a film of that scale, of that much importance to the studio making it – and to so many merchandizing and financial partners – you end up with a lot of notes.

And of course there is also all of us fans and back seat drivers. I’ve never really wanted to see VENOM on screen, but I do know that there’s a ton of Venom-supporters out there. And they’re right in their fandom to want to see Venom on the screen. They love the art of Venom as well as the character, which I’m not really sure is really a character. I’ve just never really bought the character.

But VENOM’s popularity is unmistakable. It is an iconic and vastly popular character. Everyone knows this. You know it. Marvel knows it. The toymakers know it. Sony knows it. The Video Game makers know it. But there’s a problem.

Sam Raimi doesn’t get or like the character, and in the film it shows. He doesn’t get the Black Suit Saga. He doesn’t get why a goofy, muscle-beach, spandexy, CRITTERS-mouthed tongue-wagging and drooling slobbering character that talks in wavy speak… why is he cool?

I can’t answer that, because I don’t get the character either. I’m sure those of you who are fans love the character, I’m really not trying to be-little Venom, I just don’t get it. You do.

But that’s exactly why someone, that loves the Venom character – and could enthusiastically create that character should have directed a SPIDER-MAN vs VENOM movie… the character should never have been placed into Raimi’s SPIDER-MAN series. Venom is a totally different series. What Raimi has been making is a Silver-Age SPIDEY… a Steve Ditko Dorky Spidey… and That Version of the character, should never have been involved in the retarded black suit saga – and the Venom stuff.

That said – As a non-Venom fan, Raimi perfectly illustrated how stupid Venom is to us people that don’t like Venom.
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Post by ShyViolet » September 26th, 2007, 10:04 pm

Another interesting Spidey 3 rumor: I think it's already pretty known that Gwen Stacey was supposed to be at the mercy of Venom at the end rather than Mary Jane AGAIN, but for some unfathomable reason, MJ replaced Gwen. Anyway, I read on a forum somewhere (and I'm almost sure it is true) that MJ's screams at the end of of S3 when she's caught in Venom's web are recycled from Spidey 1 and 2 and are not her real screams. :P
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Post by Dacey » September 28th, 2007, 9:32 pm

Did I miss something when I was away from this topic?

Last I checked, SM3 was Vi's "Favorite of the three". ;)

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Post by ShyViolet » September 28th, 2007, 11:57 pm

Uh....no comment? :P

I've "calmed down" since then. :wink:

There are still things about it that I love, (repeat: James, Topher, and James!! :) :wink:) but I objectively I can see the flaws in it. (although there are some amazing, subtle touches that Raimi does that I love--even with the sub-par script.)

I guess I saw it as "what I wanted it to be" rather than what it was. :? (BTW, the "How It Should Have Ended" bit was GENIUS! :lol: )

One thing though: Sandman was LAME, but the scene where he rises up for the first time is still incredible. :shock:
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Post by ShyViolet » September 29th, 2007, 9:19 pm

Just wondering: NO ONE ALIVE can replace Danny Elfman, but is Christopher Young's score ever going to be released? I know a lot of it was filler but there were some sections that were nice. (particularly Sandman's theme. :) )
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Post by Jeroen » September 30th, 2007, 3:55 am

I'm waiting for them to release it too. Although a complete rehash, it has its moments.
They released Elfmans score for the 2nd one quite late in the game as well.

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Post by ShyViolet » October 3rd, 2007, 12:51 am

I hope they do.

Also, speaking of How it Should Have Ended, did anyone see the Willy Wonka one? :lol:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZn7MIYU ... ed&search=
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Post by Ben » October 3rd, 2007, 9:42 am

Best one.

I just spent a morning looking at these. Though I did like the Supes/Bats conversation in the Superman one, and the Pirates one had a great one liner right at the end, after the credits, the Wonka one does indeed rule! :)

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Post by Meg » October 3rd, 2007, 1:11 pm

The Supes one was funny.

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Post by ShyViolet » October 3rd, 2007, 2:50 pm

I can't stop watching the Spidey one!! :)

"Oh no, it's Gwen."
"What's she doing up there?"

Stan Lee: "She's trying not to fall to her death, you idiot! Why don't you show some concern!"

Scientist 1: There's a change in the silicon mass
Scientist 2: Yeah, it's probably just a bird.
Scientist 3: Here's an idea: why don't you make sure it's just a bird before you mutate the crap out of something because you were too lazy to safely run this nighttime sand mutation experiment?

LOVED LOVED LOVED Tobey crying: "Because you cry too much, OK!"

Aunt May: Oh, that reminds me of a long boring story about your uncle which will only make you feel guilty and make the wrong decisions in life.

Harry: Here I am Pete, old buddy old pal! I"ll save you!


Bird: You've taken your eye off the ball.....AVENGE ME!!!!

:lol: Can't get tired of that one. :wink:
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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