Sometimes his style can be a little "tedious" in that he repeats phrases from story to story ("Don't believe me?" etc...etc...) and sometimes he makes much more out of something than it really is just to have a story (especially these days when there's so few stories coming out of Disney anyway) but all in all I find him an entertaining read as well.
I've never understood why Jim Hill gets knocked so much. I don't look at his site as often as I used to, but whenever I see one of his articles it's always an entertaining read. So what's the problem?
The real reason a lot of people knock him is 'cause he's more or less the only animation blogger out there who challenges the Pixar merger as being anything less than G-d's will on Earth. (as he did during the SaveDisney days with Roy.) I'm not knocking anyone who supports Pixar, but with Disney and animation on the net (in general) certain views are just extremely unpopular.
I also think that some fans (mistakingly) believe that Jim has much more power than he really does, and that by criticizing Pixar or at least pointing out their flaws, he's somehow going to make their stock go down or people suddenly not like them (as if there was even a remote chance of that happening. ) It was the same thing during the Roy E days--Jim Hill writes an anti-SD story and suddenly everyone believes that Jim is "bringing down the Save Disney movement" with every little essay he puts out.