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Post by PatrickvD » April 1st, 2005, 12:31 pm

I'd much rather have the 90 minutes of my life back I spent watching Hunchback of Notre Dame 2. No money in the world is going to make up for that. Anyway, as for the Star Wars films, I'm happy with my dvd set. I know we'll never see the original originals anyway. They're in our memories.

And yeah, George would never do this.. he wants to shove his alterations down our throats... his improved history.

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Post by Ben » April 1st, 2005, 1:09 pm

...and 3D!

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Post by PatrickvD » April 1st, 2005, 4:25 pm

oh right, they're gonna be shown in 3d now too. ah well. :? So now we can see the giant lizzards and imperial walkers that were never in the original film come right at us! :lol:

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Post by Ben » April 1st, 2005, 8:07 pm

Yeah, with added "aaaarrrrgggghhhh" factor built in... :(

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Post by AniMan » April 3rd, 2005, 3:53 pm

Hey, while I agree, all the added stuff was not needed, it is his film, his story. We either like it or not. I still love it, regardless of any fake-looking Jabba the Hutts we may see (referring to A New Hope, of course!) :roll:
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Post by Christian » April 3rd, 2005, 6:22 pm

At least the new Jabba the Hutt in Episode IV looks better than the one added in in 1997.


The Force is NOT with them! Fans line up at WRONG theater!

Post by GeorgeC » April 6th, 2005, 5:23 am

Would-be Jedi Knight Geeks Begin Long Wait for Episode III at WRONG Theater! Farce ensues...

From Variety ... =1&s=h&p=0

From the days of The Empire Strikes Back, California SW fans with nothing better to do than show the rest of the world they are A) VERY patient, B) are total geeks, C) have no life, have been lining up at the Chinese Theater in "quaint" downtown Hollywood waiting for the next Star Wars film.

Apparently, nobody informed these folks that Episode II ain't opening at the Chinese Theater like the other movies!

The Force wasn't with the fans this time... but it makes a great Farce.

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Post by ShyViolet » April 9th, 2005, 7:57 pm

Ha ha... :lol:

Where's Comic Book Guy when you need him?
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by Macaluso » April 10th, 2005, 5:54 am

I read this story days ago. It friggen KILLED me. It was so hilarious.

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Post by Ben » April 12th, 2005, 8:37 am

In the interests of providing an outlet for everyone to post their Star Wars news (and for us mods to keep the forums as clean as we can!), we have started this thread.

Below you'll be able to read the archives on several Star Wars related subjects.


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Post by Ben » April 12th, 2005, 8:39 am

In the interests of providing an outlet for everyone to post their Star Wars news (and for us mods to keep the forums as clean as we can!), we have started this thread.

Below you'll be able to read the archives on the upcoming Star Wars: Episode III release.



Post by GeorgeC » April 16th, 2005, 2:15 am

A huge chunk of the Episode III merchandise is out already...

The novelization of the movie is out as well as new releases of the original trilogy novels all over the place.

The complete graphic novel of Episode III has been out for well over a week. Some people got an early glimpse of it (1 or 2 comic book tie-ins were released early at some comic book stores), but it's pretty much a spoiler for anybody wanting to see the film.

No point in mentioning the action figures, eh?

Best Buy has its exclusive Darth Sidious .45 scale lightsaber out already for $35... (This is the ONLY store other than e-Bay where you'll be able to get that .45 replica. Frankly, I think that saber hilt and Yoda's are ugly.) My guess is that the new .45 scale lightsabers for Anakin, Yoda and Obi-Wan for Episode III should be out within the next week. They're also $35 -- significantly cheaper than the $360 pricetag asked for the full-sized replicas. I'm definitely getting the Anakin and Obi-Wan replicas, might save up and get the full-size Anakin lightsaber later this year. The lightsaber replica hilts are something I've also wanted to get my hands on... :)

(FYI, to reconcile the differences between Anakin's lightsaber in Episode IV and V, LucasFilm chose to use features from those two previous versions of the prop and meld them into the new version of the hilt created for Episode III. Obi-Wan's lightsaber is also NOT exactly the same as it was in Episode IV. McGregor's version has a narrower hilt making it easier to spin the hilt/blade in his hands, the tubing is black as opposed to copper in the Episode IV version, and it has a golden accent on the neck just before the blade's emitter array. It's a lot easier to understand what I'm talking if you look at the full-scale replicas of the props...)

Probably the last major thing to be released before the film itself is the soundtrack on May 3rd... Hopefully, there'll also be a re-release of the Episode II soundtrack with that film's poster on the cover. Can't stand the photo alternate covers for the Episode II soundtrack.

Oh, and the Episode III soundtrack comes with a DVD full of music videos for the new film...

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Post by Ben » April 16th, 2005, 11:16 am

GeorgeC wrote:Hopefully, there'll also be a re-release of the Episode II soundtrack with that film's poster on the cover. Can't stand the photo alternate covers for the Episode II soundtrack.

Oh, and the Episode III soundtrack comes with a DVD full of music videos for the new film...
George, the Episode II soundtrack IS available with the original poster artwork intact, it's the one I bought: ... c&n=507846

BTW, the DVD in the Episode III CD, which I was going to get anyway, is a musical retrospective for ALL the films in the saga, not just Ep III. It will contain the suite versions of all the main themes (from I-VI), plus behind-the-scenes scoring session footage and movie montages.

Sounds like great stuff! :)


Post by GeorgeC » April 16th, 2005, 11:53 am

If I was 100% positive that would send THAT version of the cover to me, I'd snap up that Episode II CD from them right away!

The thing is, I've already checked this out at CD stores and nobody can guarantee you which cover you'll get...

The only covers I've seen for Episode II in stores lately have been the photo covers for Jango Fett, Padme and Anakink, and Yoda.

I have not seen the poster cover for the Episode II CD soundtrack in stores since 2002.

I might check and ask Amazon if they'd send the specific cover that I want, but I'm not holding my breath.

I'll probably wait for the music stores to restock the soundtracks and see if the cover I want for Episode II comes in along with the Episode III soundtrack.

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Post by Ben » April 16th, 2005, 2:09 pm

I bought mine when it first came out, and they had all the covers in the store.

I'm not one for individual covers like that and always go for the generic/original version. I guess the thing is to buy something like that at the time, so you don't miss out, especially something of that nature where the most popular cover wll get snatched up and/or it's a limited edition.

One thing I'm glad to see on this new Ep III CD is that, even with the added DVD, it's still less than $15 at Amazon - pretty good price!

Also, this is the first product to visually and audibly link the six films together, so it's quite a product!

I'd recommend grabbing this quickly, in case future pressings lose the DVD, which could be quite likely.

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