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Post by Ben » August 19th, 2007, 2:32 pm

Because his name came up here as part of a cast list.

That's a pretty good clue that someone exists, right? ;)

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Post by YCougar » August 22nd, 2007, 1:18 pm

I hardly watch TV and I've seen Whose Line Is It Anyway?

Wayne Brady is most definitely real.

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Post by ShyViolet » August 27th, 2007, 12:45 am

I finally saw 28 Weeks Later! :P

"Bad" doesn't even describe it. Maybe I wouldn't hate it so much if it didn't blatantly rip EVERYTHING (and I mean EVERYTHING) off of its astoundingly superior prequel, 28 Days Later. (They even used the same music.)

Not only is it mind-numbingly predictable....but:


It directly contradicts the established laws of the Rage virus from part 1. The mother in the film is a "carrier" but not infected herself---WHAT? That possibility was ruled out within 20 minutes of the first film. It serves NO purpose in the script other than drawing out tension/sentimentality/plot padding ("What's going to happen to Mum?") and adds nothing dramatically.....the action sequences are also pretty much impossible to follow.

They also beat and beat and beat you over the head with the notion of "The humans/soldiers are far worse than the Infected could ever be!" :roll: unlike the first film which had similar notions but on a much grander scale, and with MUCH more complexity. UGH, WORST HORROR SEQUEL EVER!!!

As we know, not all sequels are bad, and some can be very good. This movie was not!!! :roll: :P
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by Daniel » August 27th, 2007, 1:38 am

Worst horror sequel ever? You haven't seen very many, have you? ;)

Honestly though, I was expecting you to be somewhat dissapointed, but not that much. Even with what you just wrote, I don't like it. Do they use all of the original music, or did they use a combination of old and new? If its the former, that's just lazy. :(

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Post by Jeroen » August 27th, 2007, 1:49 am

I thought it wasn't that bad, but then again I can't really remember that much of the first one.

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Post by ShyViolet » August 27th, 2007, 8:15 pm

Even with what you just wrote, I don't like it. Do they use all of the original music, or did they use a combination of old and new? If its the former, that's just lazy.
I think it was pretty much just the old music, when they had music at all. There was also some stupid heavy metal/punk stuff on the soundtrack, which made it seem like an MTV video. (You can hear some of it in the trailers too.)

but then again I can't really remember that much of the first one.

You should see it again J! :) It doesn't even feel like a "Horror" film but some low-budget independent film (which it was) that has unbelievably horrifying things happening in it. (which it did.) :)
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

Code Horror

Post by Code Horror » August 27th, 2007, 8:32 pm

What? 28 Weeks Later is a great sequel, it's actually Fox Atomic's best movie they have so far.

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Post by ShyViolet » August 27th, 2007, 10:30 pm

Sorry, I just didn't care for it. :? I respect your opinion, however.

You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by Ben » August 28th, 2007, 5:56 am

"Lisa...I treasure your friendship" ;)

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Post by Kaszubas » August 28th, 2007, 6:05 pm

Ben wrote:"Lisa...I treasure your friendship" ;)
Haha :D

"America, f**k yeah!" ;)

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Post by Daniel » September 1st, 2007, 3:57 am

Hmm, so CH thought it was a great sequel, and Jeroen didn't think it was that bad. I wonder what I'll think of it.
ShyViolet wrote:I think it was pretty much just the old music, when they had music at all.
Just as I thought, lazy. I don't mind when a sequel incorporates some music, but to use most of it, ugh. :(

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Post by Jeroen » September 1st, 2007, 6:30 am

The best way to explain my opinion on it is if 28 Days Later was made into a TV series this would be a good episode.
Somehow it doesn't feel like a full movie to me.

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Post by Ben » September 1st, 2007, 7:12 pm

Just like Jurassic Park III felt to me...a great pilot for a TV show, but very little more.

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Post by Jeroen » September 2nd, 2007, 6:54 am

Ugh, don't remind me of JP III...

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Post by Ben » September 2nd, 2007, 3:08 pm

Ooops - sorry J!! :)

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