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Post by Ben » June 29th, 2007, 12:21 pm

It's all in the writing, which always comes from the same place.

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Post by ShyViolet » June 29th, 2007, 11:29 pm

Just a random thought: About Prince of Egypt (which I also don't think was a buddy movie) it actually might have been interesting if it had started out as "buddy movie two people compete/bicker/learn from each other" between Moses and Rameses, then morphed into the whole thing where they become enemies. But then it would have been way too long. Still, I would have dug it!! :)

- Yep...I TOTALLY agree that they did the right thing. At the end of the day, Pixar is a "Disney splinter group" that then made a deal to continue operating as such while having the spare room back at "home" to go crash out in when needed. Now they're back at home for good...Disney has given them more than the spare room and fixed up the garage for them. The only thing is, there were other brothers and sisters in that garage first and now some of those had to leave for space, and some got moved to the spare room. And Disney spent a LOT of money fixing up that garage.

Great metaphor Ben! :D
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Two related WallE Sites.

Post by JustinWilliams » June 30th, 2007, 8:16 am

I'm sure in the eighteen or so pages on this topic thread someone's mentioned these two sites:

Buy N Large
Disney - OUTAGE

Just keep an eye on them!

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Post by Ben » June 30th, 2007, 11:28 am


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Post by JustinWilliams » July 1st, 2007, 9:30 am

lol. Yes indeed.

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Post by Therese » July 1st, 2007, 11:11 am

Back to the topic of WALL-E, I saw the teaser trailer before Ratatouille yesterday - not sure quite what to make of this, except that it was interesting to see such a completely different approach to the trailer. Andrew Stanton talking about the inception of the story, the sketches-come-to-life to remind us of what Pixar's done so far, no Funny Characters Bantering - The message seems to be that this is going to be more heartwarming than funny, and it's going to be "different," but "trust us, we're Pixar" (and I mean that in a good way).

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Post by JustinWilliams » July 24th, 2007, 10:24 pm

Expect the development of the above links today :)

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Post by Ben » July 25th, 2007, 8:28 am

You teaser! ;)

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Post by JustinWilliams » July 26th, 2007, 7:09 pm

It's live :) :)
Last edited by JustinWilliams on July 27th, 2007, 5:01 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Meg » July 26th, 2007, 7:26 pm

This is looking preachy already.

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Post by Ben » July 27th, 2007, 6:38 am

Where's my original neg 1.33:1 transfer! ;)

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Post by JV IS TIZ!!! PIXAR » July 29th, 2007, 12:45 am

ComingSoon.net has a great report on the WALL-E panel that took place today at Comic-Con!

Taking part in the panel was director Andrew Stanton. He showed a new Pixar logo featuring WALL•E coming out and helping Luxo in the logo. Stanton started out by showing an industrial commercial featuring the WALL•E robots and describing his functions. It's by the company "Buy N Large" and showed a web address for the company, BuyNLarge.com, which is now live.

Andrew then discussed the plot while concept art scrolled by. In the future, humans have completely trashed the planet with rampant commercialism. They then leave the planet on space liners while robots are left behind to clean up the planet. Unfortunately, 700 years go by and they never return. Eventually one robot, WALL•E, develops a personality. As he roams the planet, he eventually finds a way to get off the planet. He then finds the last remaining space liner containing the 'lost tribe' of humans. However, years in space with all their needs covered by robots have made them literal couch potatoes. They are huge, helpless blobs. Along the way WALL•E also meets and falls in love with another robot named Eve. WALL•E attempts to woo her, but his efforts just might be what ends up restoring the human race to its former glory.

Next up, Stanton introduced "Star Wars" veteran Ben Burtt, who is doing sound design on the film. He played samples of the various robots sound effects then showed animation samples of the robots. We saw WALL•E, Eve, a sidekick hygienic droid named M-O, and Auto who is the auto pilot of the space liner. Burtt revealed that Eve is a probe droid that is held together by magnetic fields. She also features a few special functions and weapons. M-O is an obliterator droid that rolls around on a track ball.

The audience then got to be the first to see footage from the film. We see WALL•E, back on Earth, preparing for another day at work. He's followed by his pet cockroach as he leaves his makeshift house. As he sorts through the human's garbage, he picks out objects that interest him – a bra, a jewelry box, a rubber ducky, and other things. However, his day is interrupted when he sees a big red dot from a laser light. He follows it but doesn't realize what it is. However, he soon discovers that it's a landing guide for a ship... that lands right on top of him. WALL•E escapes by digging underground, then pops up just in time to see what emerges from the ship. Unfortunately, the clip ended before we got to see just what that was.

The panel then turned to Q&A. Stanton confirmed that there is a live action element involved and humans will be shown in some degree. Ben Burtt wasn't sure if he'd be working on Indiana Jones 4 since the WALL•E schedule was going to overlap with its schedule. WALL•E is his first priority. Thomas Newman, the composer for Finding Nemo, is doing the score.

says the post.

Take a read youself by clicking here. I'll have more on this event in the coming days. Have a great day!

Update - /film also has their in-depth report from the WALL-E presentation.
The Cookedart blog gives us a detailed report on the 10 minute clip of WALL-E that was shown at Comic-Con today!

Spoiler Starts!
It opened with a downshot of Wall-E on top of a vehicle, sleeping. Some lights come on and the Apple Power On chime sounds as Wall-E wakes up (a funny Mac nerd reference) and starts off towards the heaps and heaps of junk. Wall-E and his vehicle are on top of a broken up freeway near a city, and there is atmosphere and gas everywhere. Wall-e departs off of his vehicle and we see he is followed around by a cock roach. Wall-e enters the vehicle for a moment and, upon leaving, accidently squishes the roach. It jumps up and cries in surprise, then leans down to see whether or not he killed what is clearly his friend. After a pause, it springs back up, and Wall-e scolds the bug, pointing at it to keep out of his way.Wall-e then starts his rounds, compacting most junk into squares. But he doesn't do this for everything - he searches the garbage trying to find any trace of anything unusual or interesting. He picks up a ping pong paddle with a string and plays with it (accidently hitting himself in the head repeatedly with it), finds a wedding ring case and throws away the diamond ring, finding the case much more interesting. Everything else, he compacts into a square and piles it neatly in a pile. When lifting through one bunch, he notices a small plant, and crouches down to take a look..He uproots the plant and places it into a jar very carefully. But as he's doing this, he notices a small red dot that appears on the ground (like a laser pointer dot). The dot dances around and Wall-e follows in pursuit. We see, though, unawares to Wall-E, that the one dot is being trailed by a huge circle of similar dots to the one he's chasing. Then, a space ship comes down right on top of him, shooting its rockets down into the ground. The world is melting around him and Wall-E frantically digs down into the ground to get away from the heat.We then see a closeup of the molten rocks left behind. After a pause, we see Wall-E poke his hands through the surface, and his head pops up. He looks around, and we see the spaceship unfolding, as it drops down EVE, who is asleep and unmoving. Wall-E rolls up to it, pokes it, and it wakes up, causing him to jump and hide. We then see EVE turn on, and that's the end...
Spoiler Ends!

Hope you enjoyed that!
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Post by ShyViolet » July 29th, 2007, 8:29 am

Stanton confirmed that there is a live action element involved and humans will be shown in some degree.
That actually reminds me of Happy Feet.
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by Meg » July 29th, 2007, 9:35 am

But Pixar's human character designs are SO AWESOME - why replace them with live-action ones? Blah. Vi's right, that's too Happy Feet for my taste.

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Post by Ben » July 29th, 2007, 9:50 am

Don't forget that Pixar now need a reason to get to grips with live-action filmmaking and learn all about FX integration, not just straight animated shooting.

This gives 'em a good excuse <I>and</I> will help make WALL-E that much more "realistic", which will hopefully translate to deep emotion on screen.

The more real it seems - with humans - the more expressive the end will be, I'm sure.

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