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Post by MickeyMousePal » May 9th, 2007, 2:33 pm

I'm not that old but it's great both The New Adventures of Superman and The New Adventures of Batman are going to be on DVD.

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Post by ShyViolet » May 9th, 2007, 8:50 pm

I hope so too. She deserves worse but at least it's something.

Hopefully, stuff like this will put a major dent in the whole disgusting "famous for being famous" garbadge we've been seeing with her, her sister, Nicole Richie, etc....

If reality shows like Survivor, AI and all the other reasons I can't watch TV anymore also get a kick in fender, (no pun intended) color me pleased. :)
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by ShyViolet » May 13th, 2007, 3:23 am

Some are saying that she won't serve the full time, etc....etc.....:roll:

I can't believe that some defend her by saying the Judge is "trying to make an example of her" by treating her more harshly than if she wasn't "Paris Hilton".

Excuse me?!?!!

If she wasn't Paris Hilton, should have gotten at least NINETY days, and possibly had her license taken away for much, much longer.

They said that the Judge is being unfair by not letting her pay her way into a fancy-style Club Med rather than a regular jail.

I think I'll just pretend I never heard that....:roll:

(The only point that I can see is that she could get particularly mistreated in prison, singled out, due to her "big name." But she could still serve in a regular woman's prison and just have a cell by herself and away from the other population.)
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by Ben » May 13th, 2007, 8:15 am

The latest is that Mommy is appealing directly into Governator Schwarzeneggar's ear...

Sorry folks...looks like she'll be let off... :(

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Post by ShyViolet » May 13th, 2007, 11:43 am

Crud. :?

What's weird is this whole thing seems like some bad movie....especially with Arnie and all. :roll:

It's like, you can't even MAKE this stuff up. :wink: :roll:
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Post by ShyViolet » May 14th, 2007, 6:32 am

Petition to send Paris to jail!!! :P

2,000 sigs so far...... :shock:

Doubt it will do any good tho. :? :roll:
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by ShyViolet » June 7th, 2007, 9:26 pm

She got out after three days in jail. (was under house arrest for the rest of the 45-day sentence rather than stay in jail.)

Now she's back in court. Seems she violated her probation by driving AGAIN. :shock: ... ris_hilton

Sorry to have hijacked this into a Paris thread. :roll: This is my last Paris post!! :) :wink:
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by Ben » June 8th, 2007, 8:07 am

I think we branched this off into "Poor Britney", didn't we? Better to talk about this there.

Though I will say that A) I'm not surpised, and B) after breaking the law again she really should go down for the full term. "Justice"...?


Post by GeorgeC » June 8th, 2007, 12:39 pm

Randall wrote:Getting off-topic, but I still think Paris got off too easy. Her attitude is unbelievable.

She's a classic narcissist... Self-centered, no empathy for other people.

I DO have empathy for others, but I don't think you should get off for bad behavior ESPECIALLY if you've abused substances multiple times before getting behind the wheel of a car nor do I believe you should have everything handed to you on a silver platter because you're a rich b!&ch!

Paris Hilton is the exact opposite.

She's a spoiled b!&(&h!

Unfortunately, she's symptomatic of a generation not only of celebrity starlets (I'm also looking at you Britney and Lindsay) but of larger society.

Many parents are doing a LOUSY job of raising their kids and the pop culture certainly helping things. It's feeding into the worst aspects of human behavior.

With all this crap going on, if I had kids I'd disconnect my TV's cable NOW and basically not have it for at least 18 years and until they're out of the house. Unfortunately, they'd have enough friends or classmates living in households that are amoral or totally clueless that you'd still have to worry if somebody else's @$$*&((*&(edness would rub off on your kid.


How they might have looked on Superman:TAS...

Post by GeorgeC » April 24th, 2009, 5:50 pm

I used to do a lot of image modding back in the day a few years ago when I drew a lot more than I do now.

I got the itch to do some today on PhotoShop since I had some free time.

I looked up the old Superman:TAS model sheets on the web and cooked up some colored mods for Superman and Green Lantern.

First, a look at Superman combining the old Fleischer outfit with the Earth-2/ORIGINAL character... My favorite version of Superman wearing the classic dark colors! Yes, he's also supposed have white temples in his hair. He IS an older version of Superman.

Now, Hal Jordan wearing the classic Gil Kane outfit. The symbol is more like the current GL uniform. One thing I didn't like about Timm's redesign is the lack of green in the outfit. There was so little! I also put the white gloves back on.

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Post by Ben » April 25th, 2009, 4:44 pm

What's with Supe's black belt George? While it's usually yellow, it's a darker red in the Fleischer toons.

These are my favorite colors too. There's a few shots in Donner's film where the costume shoots like this and it just looks so darned vibrant: fully colored but not saturated or bright. Gorgeous dark colors that are very striking.

<I>That's</I> Superman. :)


Post by GeorgeC » April 25th, 2009, 6:48 pm

The belt has been colored black in recent years, Ben.

Alex Ross colored it that way in the mini-series Kingdom Come and it's also black on the authorized Fleischer Superman maquette -- one of my favorite statues in my animated statues collection.

If you look closely at the Fleischer cartoons, it's true that the belt's color is more ambiguous (red as you say) but a belt is indicated with a buckle that's usually colored goldenrod/gold. In the later cartoons of the series -- after the Fleischer Brothers were kicked out by Paramount --, the belt simply wasn't drawn on Superman's trunks at all.

Coloring of the belt is really a matter of preference but most people nowadays do color the belt on the Fleischer outfit black.

I have an extra Superman:TAS maquette sitting around that I tried to paint years ago but "semi-ruined." Oh, I didn't do anything to it that can't be fixed (the capes on all my Supermen are intact without cracks or breaks unlike a lot of other people's) but I'm simply NOT a painter and don't have the time to spend or inclination to it myself anymore. I know my limitations. I can handle drilling, sanding, dremels, and wiring but forget about painting! :lol:

If I get the cash, I'm going to find someone in my area who DOES know how to paint these things and pay him (or her) to paint the maquette those colors WITH the white temples in Superman's hair. As near as I can figure, the maquettes in the WB Studio Stores and DC Direct line were painted with flat acrylic paints like the ones used in model kits. They were most likely airbrushed/painted with protective tape covering areas that were dried already by factory workers (overseas) because I sure as heck don't see brushstrokes or anything that looks like hand-painting remnants.

(FYI, that's my guess... I've never been in a factory and seen anything like these statues painted by hand. I have, however, frequented forums and websites and have seen in-progress jobs of model kits and statues. I don't think individual painting would be that much different than a mass-produced statue.)

I've liked the Golden Age/alternate Earth/Earth-2 Superman for quite a while... To me, he's the character in those Fleischer cartoons. He's the legend from which all others have come.


Post by GeorgeC » April 25th, 2009, 7:04 pm


My biggest problem with the season of Batman: The Animated Series that ran 1997-1999 was the darkness of the character redesigns. I just didn't like that everything was black or grey.

My next was the lack of styling on the show. Let me explain a bit on that...

For the previous Batman season(s), Bruce Timm was clearly the lead designer for the show's characters. That's not obvious with the 1997-1999 season(s) and the shows look more generic for that reason. I was surprised and dismayed that other people were doing a lot of the character style sheets as indicated by the notes in the Batman: Animated book. For all the complaints about the inferior animation on the earlier episodes, the show to me clearly has a more defined design style. While I appreciate the fact some characters got very good facelifts (most of the women in the series) in the later seasons, I was never crazy about the redesigns of The Joker and Nightwing/Robin I/Dick Grayson.

With Green Lantern, the lack of green on that Timm-designed outfit drove me nuts!

When John Stewart was introduced as Green Lantern in Justice League, at least they gave him green boots!

I've gotta agree with some people about the Green Lantern design in the upcoming animated film. WHY did they use the animated John Stewart outfit? What was so wrong with the original Gil Kane Hal Jordan suit? It's a minor point since it clearly still is the main GL character and won't ruin the movie for me. I still like the white gloves better than the black with green armbands, though...

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Post by Ben » April 27th, 2009, 4:59 am

I didn't know that about the belt. I have to say that's an odd choice - there's nothing in Kal-El's costume that suggests black! The belt should be yellow or dark "gold", reflecting the yellow in the S or on the back of the cape S, which seems to come and go depending on design.

I could understand the Fleischers going for a darker red on theirs as the intention was to keep the colors muted, and there wasn't much yellow in the cozzie anyway, but to go for a straight black doesn't seem right to me. Yeah, I always noticed that the belt was missing completely from the later cartoons, and that always used to bug me too!


Post by GeorgeC » April 27th, 2009, 6:57 am

I dunno.

I like how the black sets the belt off from the rest of trunks. If it's red, it sort of disappears into the trunks. It definitely contrasts more than red...

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