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Post by ShyViolet » March 28th, 2005, 6:18 pm

At least it's not a CGI-ed Walt hosting the show.
You never know, maybe they WILL do that. :roll:

Actually, they could have a CGI Mickey doing it as well, which would be almost as bad, IMO.

I don't think Eisner is a great CEO, (he used to be) but he has far more "screen presence" than I can ever see Iger having. Also, he trained for a while to host the show, got a voice coach, etc....It didn't happen overnight. I think he got better at it as he went along.

Leonard Maltin might not be such a bad choice, although not that many people know who he is.

They could always keep Eisner on as "honorary host." :wink:

I just hope he runs the company himself, as opposed to being the ghost of a ghost of the old CEO...
Yeah, for years it was "What would Walt do?" Now is it going to be: "What would Mike do?"

Hope Iger doesn't turn into the next Ron Miller. (He kinda looks like him too.)
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Post by Ben » March 30th, 2005, 3:07 pm

ShyViolet wrote:
Hope Iger doesn't turn into the next Ron Miller. (He kinda looks like him too.)
Well, I'm glad someone said it!

Iger reminds me of those "suit types" that used to pop up in the live-action Disney comedy films of the 60s and 70s. Y'know, like the kind of faceless corporate types that would work for Alonzo Hawk and chase Helen Hayes in Herbie...!

I still have faith in him to change things around. I just hope he has the backbone to do it (and I still say bring back Roy as Disney host).

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Roy's at it again....

Post by ShyViolet » May 9th, 2005, 4:11 pm

Disney and Gold are ticked off; they won't accept Bob Iger as the new CEO and they're SUING the board and Eisner for fraud because they didn't look hard enough for a new leader. Oh boy...guess this means Roy's not coming to the anniversery in July..... :roll:

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Post by Ben » May 9th, 2005, 4:13 pm

I guess you could take that approach, but why not try and get on the good side of the new boss and win him over to their ways?

I think this is fairly shortsighted.

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Post by PatrickvD » May 9th, 2005, 4:38 pm

they need to sit down with Iger and tell him how it's done. He seems like a nice guy. Plus, he's the CEO of Disney, that means he has a GIANT ego. Who wouldn't want to go down in history as the man who turned the company around? Eventhough he is known as being Eisner's lapdog, I think we shouldn't underestimate the ego's of Disney executives.

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Post by Christian » May 9th, 2005, 5:02 pm

I don't know exactly how Iger will turn out to be but Roy and Stan seem to be absolutely blind to the fact that there is some evidence that Iger will NOT turn out to be an Eisner clone.

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Post by ShyViolet » May 9th, 2005, 6:42 pm

Yeah, he's trying to mend fences with Pixar and according to Jim Hill Iger was even going to ask Roy to appear at the anniversery, as a way of repairing their relationship with him.

What exactly do Roy and Stan think they are going to accomplish? The media has pretty much accepted Iger as the new CEO and Roy and Stan are just bolstering their reputations as "Grumpy Old Men" who can't leave well-enough alone. They want a full-on investigation into the hiring process (and presumably a new CEO) , a new slate of directors for the board....sheesh! Why the heck didn't they bring this up at the Stockholders meeting? :roll:
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Post by ShyViolet » May 9th, 2005, 6:56 pm

Jim Hill story just came out on this: www.jimhillmedia.com

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Post by Dacey » May 15th, 2005, 11:59 am

Interesting. Roy might be going a little too far here.
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Steve Jobs/Pixar Deal

Post by ShyViolet » June 7th, 2005, 12:31 pm

I read the new article at Jim Hill www.jimhillmedia.com about why Eisner didn't renew the partnership with Pixar, and I must say that it's completely understandable. I still can't believe Jobs had the arrogance to ask for a deal like that. (100% of all the profits, ALL the rights to the characters and only a "flat fee" for Disney to distribute the films--like Lucas' Star Wars deal)

Disney isn't just some distributor--they've got the DISNEY NAME which is next to pricelss, plus they're the best marketer in the whole world. Call me a hard-hearted philistene, but if the first Toy Story hadn't had the Disney name on it, people would have been very puzzled and even put off since the ads, considering there had never been a CGI movie before EVER, were a little weird. (At least they were to me). If it hadn't been Disney people would have been like: "What the hell is that?" The Disney name is everything.
As the author of the article said, Iger should be very careful and not rush into a deal that would put Disney at an extreme disadvantage EVEN IF they get to work with Pixar again.

At the Shareholders meeting in '04, Roy Disney was like: "If Michael Eisner were gone, Pixar would be back in two weeks." Well, maybe not Roy. It continually confounds me how someone who claims to be completely loyal to his uncle's company is obviously invested in the fate of another company whose interests are NOT one and the same with the Mouse's. People say: "Pixar is the new Disney." Uh, no they're not. They're a very successful company that produces computer animated films but they are NOT WDFA or the Walt Disney company. To me even the most heart-warming moment in Finding Nemo or The Incredibles isn't worth beans compared to a film like Cinderella, Snow White or even Beauty and the Beast. Disney is Disney, Pixar is Pixar--it would do Iger well to remember this.

Actually I almost don't blame Eisner for monitoring Roy's e-mails and conversations--Roy was obviously was on Pixar's side through the whole thing. Actually there have been theories that Roy played a part in Jobs breaking it off with Disney until Eisner was gone and Roy could be reinstated. Was it a coincidence that Pixar broke off negotiations right in the midst of Roy's campaign to oust Eisner? "When the wicked witch is dead, we'll be together again." he supposedly told Jobs back when Pixar left. Unfortunately, (IMHO) this may yet happen--Roy's lawsuit seems to be having more success than previously thought, and maybe he'll get back on the board, dismiss so-called issues like "profitability" and "stock price" and welcome back "our friends from Pixar." Why? Because they kiss his a** and he likes them better, that's why.
Last edited by ShyViolet on June 7th, 2005, 2:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!


Post by GeorgeC » June 7th, 2005, 12:54 pm


There's a lot more to the lawsuits than just Roy Disney and whatever vendetta you think he has, Violet.

The more important point is about corporate governance and the shadowy ways big companies install governing boards, hire new CEOs, and compensate said-CEOs.

This is a BIG deal because IT'S Disney, and if Disney's current Board and CEO GETS AWAY with this, what hope can people have in our economic system?

The way boards get nominated is supposed to be transparent, ethical, and IN THE PUBLIC VIEW. The same goes with contracts for CEOs and their compensation.

That's not the way things have been run at most companies for a while now, and as a result, there's been a massive loss of faith in the economic system in general. We all know the stories about Enron, Ken Lay, Martha Stewart, and at least a half-dozen other people and corporations. We all also know most settlements and trials have been fiascos and there's been little more punishment than slapped wrists for the crimes these people have committed. They have stolen billion times more cash than all the muggers in the country put together!

People who have been ROBBED of their life savings are looking FOR JUSTICE but they have not gotten it because the powers-that-be are often-times in bed with these crooks or too stupid to uphold the written law! It's way past time most of us should have gotten fed up with this and held BOTH the criminals AND federal prosecutors accountable for what's been going on for well over a decade now.

Capitalism is not inherently evil -- what IS evil is when people-in-charge let the money, political connections, and friendships completely dictate how decisions are made. It's more than doubly stupid and extremely arrogant when they LIE ABOUT IT after they're obviously caught. They shouldn't do these things in the first place, but people do tend to appoint others in positions-of-power who they know and trust so that part of cronyism probably can't be legislated away. It's way past time the government got involved in investigating shams like the Disney Board and the appointment of Iger as the new CEO. Everybody knows the way things have been going on the past few years at Disney STINKS and SHOULD have been investigated seriously -- especially AFTER several NO-CONFIDENCE votes, but the federal government has been asleep at the wheel in spite of many Disney fans and shareholders calling for some action.

I'm sorry, but whatever you think Roy Disney's personal motives are, he's right this time even if it seems the motivation isn't entirely altruistic.

A publicly-traded company has to be held accountable to its shareholders, and its dealings and CEO compensation as well as board appointments have to be clearly visible and able to be scrutinized. That should be true for the Walt Disney Company as well as any other major publicly-traded company on the stock market.

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Post by ShyViolet » June 7th, 2005, 1:24 pm

I'm sorry, but whatever you think Roy Disney's personal motives are, he's right this time even if it seems the motivation isn't entirely altruistic.
I agree that the inherant issues he is pushing are certainly worthy--heck, all that stuff about saving Disney was certainly worthy-sounding. I have no problem with the issues he SAYS he stands for. My only problem is that I don't think these issues are what he's really after and all he really wants is control. All he really wants is Eisner, Iger and the others who screwed him over to be in the gutter and for him to be back on the board. Once he gets that, do you really think he's going to care about all this stuff about "corporate governence"?? He sure as heck didn's seem to care a whole lot for those twenty years he spent as Vice-Chairmen, as well as all those companies that he Stan took apart and sold out. What Roy and Stan are really after is the runiation of Eisner and the deification of Roy. As journalist Michael Wolff pointed out last year in his article for Vanity Fair, neither of them said a WORD about the negative effects that the possible takeover of Disney by Comcast would have. Comcast was in a position to ruin Eisner then--so why rock the boat? I definetely agree that powerful people who spoil companies for the sake of their own egos and purses should be brought to task....and even though I know I'm kind of alone in this, I happen to think that Roy and Stan are some of those people.
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Post by GeorgeC » June 7th, 2005, 6:56 pm

If your last name was Disney and you cared about your family's history and future posterity, I doubt you'd be sitting on the sidelines, too.

I can definitely understand THAT part of what Roy Disney is fighting for.

If you were to rank the executives at all the animation companies, there's no question there is far more reverence and genuine affection for Roy Disney amongst animation professionals and most fandom than there is for Michael Eisner, Steve Jobs, Jeffrey Katzenberg, and all the rest ADDED together with very few exceptions.

I've stated my own misgivings about some of what SaveDisney has done in the past, but I definitely think Roy Disney is in the right this time regardless of whatever his "true motives" are... And I happen to like the guy quite a bit, too, most of the time.

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Post by Ben » June 8th, 2005, 8:26 am

I think his suit is valid (especially the waistcoat... ba-boom, I thank you!).

The Disney board did not perform a proper search and did not treat the one person they did talk to (Meg Whitman) with any respect.

Interesting that she has just joined... DreamWorks...

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Post by ShyViolet » June 8th, 2005, 2:29 pm

There's a lot more to the lawsuits than just Roy Disney and whatever vendetta you think he has, Violet.
He DOES have a vendetta George, and that term was used many times in '94 when Roy's part in the whole Katzenberg situation was mentioned....
Even though he played an active role in getting an astonishingly productive and talented executive thrown out and erased from the company, Roy is still seen as a hero. That still boggles my mind, to be perfectly frank. (Even though I know that yeah, Roy and the animators are all buddy-buddy we love Roy and all that) I'm not trying to be offensive or mean here, this is just my opinon on this man based on what I've read in books and well-respected journals.

People contstantly take Roy at his word despite his very real actions towards hurting others. That's exactly like dishonest politicians who SAY they're for this-and-that, then turn around and do something completely opposite that....

His suit may be valid but who cares? Hitler (and I'm not comparing Roy to Hitler in ANY way, just using an example) did a lot of worthy things for Germany and he WAS correct in saying that Germany was way too harshly punished after WWI. So what??

Roy urged Eisner to fire JK
Roy played an active role in erasing JK from documentaries like the making of the Lion Kng and no doubt others.
Roy criticized JK's working the media and as soon as K was gone went out and did the EXACT same thing himself....
Roy BARELY mentions K on his website despite the fact that K was studio chief of Disney for ten VERY SUCCESSFUL years.
Roy doesn't even have the guts to admit ANY of this....

BTW even though I don't like Eisner all the time I think Roy's hatred for him is completely out-of-proportion especially considering everything Eisner did for Roy to tart up his "idiot nephew" image as well as the fact that the man doesn't do a whole lot except sale on his yachts....BOTH Eisner and Katzenberg tried their best to appease this man and he has tried to destroy both of them in return.

I also happen to think (and this is just my opinon) that the SaveDisney site has a subtle current of xenophobia and anti-semitism buried within the charming stories and quotes. (again, I'm not trying to make a Hitler comparison)

---They constantly stress return to the "good old days" when all the "outsiders" who work the company now weren't there...
---The overriding message is that the company was once good and pure until money-obsessed, greedy people took over it...
--There are quotes from Walt and Roy O about how they won't let "rich bankers" and "businessmen" ruin their company...
--The overall message is that greedy money-obsessed outsiders who want to quantify, complicate and sulley an American icon MUST BE STOPPED.
--Plus other stuff I can't think of just now...

Eisner is no where NEAR an oppressed minority but he is undeniably Jewish, and even though not everyone is comfortable with discussing Eisner's ethnicity vs. all the issues that entails with running a place like Disney, the fact is that he IS Jewish and so is a large majority of Hollywood. You can't ignore that context when you look at SaveDisney, because that is the reality of the situation. (especially when Roy seems to favor pulling out of the whole Hollywood system in general and becoming isolated all over again) Thus everything on the SaveDisney site takes on a deeper meaning, even if that was not the conscious intention of the writers.

I'm not saying Roy is a Jew-hater because I have no proof of that whatsoever. I'm just saying that many of the comments of the website have made me uncomfortable due to their zeal and rabid nature.
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