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Post by Special_Ed » November 7th, 2004, 2:53 pm

G'oh! I just started this thread in the theatrical area....

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Post by Macaluso » November 7th, 2004, 3:16 pm

Quite honestly, it wouldn't suprise me if Spongebob was one of the MAJOR contenders up there.

All in all though, I think Incredibles will win.
They BETTER win.
*shakes fist*

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Re: The Oscar race....

Post by Macaluso » November 7th, 2004, 3:17 pm

Special_Ed wrote: (I'm good at calling the odds. I predicted the Presidential election accurately, close to the number too, and you should see my predictions for 2008. :D )
Oh great! It's hilary isn't it?


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Post by Special_Ed » November 7th, 2004, 3:19 pm

Spongebob would be a padder film for the 5. (You can only have 3 or 5 I think if you have more than 7 you get 5.)

Yep, I predict Hillary will run, but the fun with that is how she'll get to do so.

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Post by Macaluso » November 7th, 2004, 3:20 pm

She's a robot.
*throws hand up in the air*

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Post by Special_Ed » November 7th, 2004, 3:28 pm


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Shrek 2

Post by ShyViolet » November 7th, 2004, 4:01 pm

How do you know Shrek 2 won't win?? :)
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Post by Macaluso » November 7th, 2004, 4:35 pm

Well, I think Shrek 2 won't win, simply because the Incredibles is on there.

I don't think the other movies, save The Spongebob Movie, are really up to par with the rest.
And I don't expect The Spongebob movie to get anywhere, oscar wise.

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Post by Special_Ed » November 7th, 2004, 5:03 pm

It will be a Pixar vs Dreamworks battle. That's it. Zemeckis is the wild card. Shyviolet only wants Shrek to win because it's DW. Incredibles is the better film though. Oscar should reflect the quality of a film, not current trends or politics.

Spongebob will get that 5th nomination by name recognition alone. Remember most academy voters see animation as a quaint novelty, hence the category. "It's not worthy of live action films"...

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Post by James » November 7th, 2004, 5:28 pm

There will be only three nominations this year.

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Shrek 2

Post by ShyViolet » November 7th, 2004, 9:59 pm

Special_Ed wrote:It will be a Pixar vs Dreamworks battle. That's it. Zemeckis is the wild card. Shyviolet only wants Shrek to win because it's DW. Incredibles is the better film though. Oscar should reflect the quality of a film, not current trends or politics.

Spongebob will get that 5th nomination by name recognition alone. Remember most academy voters see animation as a quaint novelty, hence the category. "It's not worthy of live action films"...

Yeah, that, and it's a good movie. :wink:
BTW, Polar Express has gotten some good early reviews at Rotten Tomatoes. I know a lot of people here don't like it but I think it's looks exciting. Fun, anyway. Maybe not a GREAT movie, but a fun experience, like one of those theme-park mini-movies at Universal. And despite the fact that I hated Terminal, I still have faith in Tom Hanks.
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rotten tomatoes

Post by ShyViolet » November 7th, 2004, 10:28 pm

I just checked Rotton Tomatoes and so far it's 85% fresh!! 8)

Critics are calling it "magical" and a "a holiday classic."

Check it out: :P
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Post by Lindsay » November 7th, 2004, 11:02 pm

I can't help but think of the Chicago song "Razzle Dazzle" these days when I think of The Polar Express...

"Give 'em the old razzle dazzle -
Razzle dazzle 'em!
Give 'em an act with lots of flash in it
And the reaction... will be passionate!
Give 'em the old hocus pocus
Bead and feather 'em
How can they see with sequins in their eyes?"

... I predict that people (Joe Public and the critics alike) will get gooey over this film because, aside from the "family-friendly" Big Star-power (I mean, who is more non-threatening than Tom Hanks? :roll:), it has the "Christmas angle" to fall back on; plus its built-in status as a bestselling book, among other things. If anything has proven itself to be a public Kryptonite, it's Christmas. You can get away with pretty much anything in film if it's a Christmas movie, it seems.

Yeah yeah - call me a cynical Grinch, but that's just how I see it. It's exploiting people's sentiment, and that's just... wrong, in my opinion. :?

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Post by monkeyboy12 » November 8th, 2004, 3:12 pm

I think that (money wise) spongebob and incredibles will do better because they have a bigger audiance.(Jewish people and such arent going to see it!)
Don't look at me,I'm just a coal miner!

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Polar Express

Post by ShyViolet » November 8th, 2004, 3:25 pm

PE's special effects and big names like Tom Hanks will have EVERYONE wanting to see it. It doesn't matter if you're Jewish or don't celebrate Christmas, it makes no difference as far as I know. Jews are like anyone else and want to see entertaining films, period. Only very religious Jews would probably not go.
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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