I still can't understand why this isn't available ANYWHERE.....
A new one on-line is.....*shudders* 130 American dollars!!
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0001Z ... -8&seller=
How is this possible, with other GBA games going for so little??
So unfair.
Cool isn't!? Are you still on the first island?
Awesome, I've been meaning to get that to!
Yup, it looks soooo different, but in a cool way!
ShyViolet wrote:
Nah, unfortunately the games are NOT free, , they need quarters like any other machine. Some are 50cents each as well.
What a rip off! Thank goodness, you have your pink DS!
Yeah, LOVE my pink DS!
As Willy on the Simpsons said to his giant lawnmower: "Twe're not a violation of G-d's law, I"d make ye me wife!" (or husband

Anyways, where were we again? Oh yeah! The worst thing is that the best arcade game there, Gorf, is broken!

Loved playing that game, especially the voices!
"Bite the dust space cadet...ha ha ha...." (in weird Stephen Hawking-like robotic arcade voice. No offense, Stephen Hawking.

Yeah Super Paper Mario....both 2d AND 3d at the same time....very heady!!
(As the review in Nintendo Power said, it's "5d"!

Oh yeah, and about Sonic, I'm still pretty early in the game, up to the part where you have to fight Eggman and he's trying to crush you.

I think it's still the first island, with all the green vines right?
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!