Peter Pan: Platinum specs

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Post by Jeroen » March 6th, 2007, 6:53 pm

Ben wrote:Unfortunately not. The giveaway is the edge-enhancement on the left SE cap, while the right PE cap betrays the added gamma and lack of grain. looks very soft! :(
It does, and especially the backgrounds look a lot better in the previous dvd version.

I don't get it, Wasn't it restored again?
Then why is the transfer so poor?

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Post by Daniel » March 6th, 2007, 7:27 pm

Yes, it was restored again, but my guess, on why it looks so 'poor', is because they over did it. But whatever the reason is, I really don't like the softer look either, it looks to, blah. :?

*hugs SE*

As I said before, this really does seem to be the weakest Platinum Edition ever. And that's just sad. :(

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Post by Josh » March 8th, 2007, 11:29 am

A Peter Pan Platinum Edition update for Animated Views' DVD Deals is now online. :)

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Post by Daniel » March 9th, 2007, 2:35 am

Thanks. If I were to have gottan it, I think I would've gottan the Target exclusive. Saw the pin yesterday, and its really beautiful!

Btw, I can hardly wait for your review, Ben! :)

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Post by Ben » March 9th, 2007, 5:55 am

It's coming! Gotta get Flushed Away up first! :)

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Post by Daniel » March 10th, 2007, 4:17 am

Cool! :D

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Post by Ben » March 16th, 2007, 2:28 pm

Well, most of you are not going to like this... ... m-edition/

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Post by Daniel » March 18th, 2007, 4:29 am

Oops, sorry. I noticed that you posted it, but I wanted to give it my full attention when I wasn't busy.

Anyway, I liked you review, Ben! :) You don't know what a relief it is, to finally read a truthful review. Most of the ones I read, barely cared about the lack of quality, both in restoration and bonuses. I mean seriously, this film deserved so much more, and look at what it got!

To agree with one of your points, the addition of the film (again) on disc 2, has to be one of the most dumbest things ever. Not only is it a non restored version, but all they did was add a cheap caption. Why? This all could've been used for better/longer features to explore more of Pan, but no! :(

There's more, like the absents of the Christmas Show. I've never seen it, but from what I've read, it truelly sounds like an entertaining piece of nostaliga. And it actually had a connection to Peter Pan to boot! But there's a rumor, that might be included in the re-release of Return To Neverland. So cross your fingers, Ben!

Also, I liked how you mentioned why you loved Peter Pan so much. I didn't know most of what you mentioned, but I found it very interesting. If not a little cute. :)

All in all, a great review! Even if wasn't as positive as we both had hoped for.

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Post by ShyViolet » March 18th, 2007, 4:36 am

Yeah, I liked it too! :) This site really has it all! :wink:

It made me think of the first time I was exposed to the Disney Peter Pan. (or any Peter Pan) I had this old, giant Disney Golden Book that had every story up to The Aristocats. :?

I loved Peter Pan right away...technically it's not my FAVORITE Walt-era film (probably Pinnochio, although Cinders runs a close second) but it's the one that made the biggest impression on me as a young child.

Weird! :P
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Post by Ben » March 18th, 2007, 12:31 pm

Thanks guys. My adding the link wasn't a "prompt"...just making sure you'd seen it.

Glad you liked what I wrote...a lot of the reviews out there were praising this and the end result really was slipshod. That complete addition of Pan with the read-along (I mean, who <I>seriously</I> is ever going to run through that?) meant the loss of the Christmas Show I'm sure due to space. Actually, bunging that in the re-issue of Never-Land is a rip-off...we now have to buy two releases to get what should have been on the first? And many of us already have the Never-Land disc and, apart from the Christmas show if that does happen, there won't be any other reason to upgrade anyway. And you can bet that these Walt shows will turn up in some other Treasure or Legacy collection down the line.

So...yes, a truthful review, and happy you saw it as such. And's a continuous toss-up between Pan and Pinocchio for me, but I think Pan is the brighter, tighter film.

And it did deserve so much more. Since they went to two a year, the Platinums really have gone down hill. Man, I wish I could get in to Disney Video and do all these titles over right for two-disc Blu-Ray releases! :)

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Post by Randall » March 18th, 2007, 12:53 pm

Wow, I just read the review, and it is indeed thorough!

We do need to call a spade a spade on these things. This is just a weak effort. However, I don't have Pan on DVD yet, so I'll go for a purchase. Fortunately, I also have the very nice LD to still enjoy.

The Platinum line has become a real disappointemnt, though I still think that Cinderella's was pretty good (seems I may be in the minority). Lady and the Tramp was the worst for me, after Pan, in terms of Platinums. Including a P&S job when there was a TRUE 4:3 version? Blech!

I often give movies or TV shows some benefit of the doubt, believing that the creators really tried their best, but had demands of budget and time (or corporate dictates) to deal with; I try to enjoy a movie or show for what it is. But these Platinum DVD releases were supposed to be SPECIAL and we're being hosed.

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Post by Daniel » March 18th, 2007, 7:32 pm

Nah, I also thought Cinderella's Platinum edition was good, so your not alone, Rand! :)
Ben wrote:Thanks guys. My adding the link wasn't a "prompt"...just making sure you'd seen it.
Yeah, but I hate things going unaknowleged. Espicially when I said, I can hardly wait.
Ben wrote:Glad you liked what I wrote...a lot of the reviews out there were praising this and the end result really was slipshod.
That I did! ;)

Pfft, you can say that again. :(
Ben wrote:Actually, bunging that in the re-issue of Never-Land is a rip-off...we now have to buy two releases to get what should have been on the first? And many of us already have the Never-Land disc and, apart from the Christmas show if that does happen, there won't be any other reason to upgrade anyway.
True, true. But like I said, its just a rumor! ;) Chances of it being on the Legacy are good, so hopefully one day.
Ben wrote:So...yes, a truthful review, and happy you saw it as such.

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Post by Ben » March 19th, 2007, 11:42 am

Rand...if you can wait, Pan has been mentioned for Blu-Ray, so it wouldn't be long to hold off, and that LD looks as good if not better than the DTV job represented here.

Don't give in man, don't give in...! ;)

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Post by ShyViolet » March 21st, 2007, 3:30 am

Cartoon Brew talked about the disc, and the many negative reactions. (among fans, not non-animation critics :wink:) ... dvd-ruined

Also, they posted a thread that has cool comparison shots of stills from the laser disc, other DVD reissues vs. this one! :D (scroll down) ... &start=620
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Post by Ben » March 23rd, 2007, 6:35 am


Just pants.

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