Toy Story 3

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Post by Daniel » March 2nd, 2007, 7:30 pm

Yeah, pretty much. Its something new and original. :P

I know it won't happen, though, so I'm happy with the bland 3! :lol:

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Post by Ben » March 3rd, 2007, 11:02 am

Actually, that's just Disney's TS3 logo with the Pixar name attached at the top!

What's the betting they use "the toys are back in town...for the last time" or something like that in the ads? ;)

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Post by Daniel » March 3rd, 2007, 2:52 pm

Ah, that makes sence. :)

Yeah! ;)

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Post by ShyViolet » March 5th, 2007, 12:41 am

Toy Story 3: The final blow

An epic of tiny proportions starring 2 time academy award winner Tom Hanks and Tim Allen.
Toy Story 3: Andy goes to College

(and takes Woody with him) :P

My dumb idea that I just thought of on the spot, and of course will never be made into a film.....:wink:

by ShyViolet

Due to moving around a lot and constantly being bullied by Sid at school, Andy has grown up with major maladjustment issues and has withdrawn more and more into his own fantasy world of Woody, Buzz, Jessie, and the rest of his toys.

Andy's mother is in denial about her son's problems, constantly telling herself (and her husband--she remarried and Andy has a stepfather, who wants Andy to chuck the toys) that he'll "grow out of it." Well, now he's 18...

Both Buzz and Woody are happy that Andy still cares for them, and of course they still care for him, but are worried that perhaps for his own good Andy SHOULD let them go. They contemplate "losing" themselves again, this time on purpose, the way they did at Pizza Planet in TS1.

Andy leaves for College and takes Buzz, Woody and Jessie with him....while he's away, new neighbors move in and Andy's mom, getting desperate, donates the rest of Andy's room to the new neighbor's kids. The kids are a sweet boy and girl who love their new toys, and Andy's toys like their new environment, but have mixed feelings about leaving Andy....

Meanwhile, at College, Buzz, Woody, and Jessie are still unsure about what to do....finally, it seems as though Andy, who is upset when he learns of his mother's actions but then, after meeting the neighbor's kids, learns he likes being around children, considers majoring in education and PERHAPS donating Jessie and Buzz to the College's day care. But giving away Woody is a much harder hurdle to cross......

(Oh, and after having gone out of business at the end of the last film, Al from Al's toy barn shows up as a professor of media/toy history at Andy's College. Al is still obsessed with toys and toy collecting, also never having quite grown up. :P And he's still bent on getting Woody, Jessie and Buzz as collector's items. Geri makes a cameo appearance too.)


BTW, there's NOTHING wrong with liking toys even at an older age, I know a lot of us here (including me) still do. I love those beautiful hand-crafted figurines of fairies, children, bears you can find at Hallmark. I just got one over the weekend. :wink: And of course I still love plushies.....:wink: :) :)

What the story here is trying to say is that it's just not good is that's ALL you like. :)

:wink: :)
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by Daniel » March 5th, 2007, 9:47 pm

Just thought about it, on the spot, Vi? I find that a little hard to believe. J/k ;)

Ok, well, I like the title, it kinda gives away what happens, but still good. I love how you incorporated Sid, from movie one, because we never saw how he would -- behave -- had he met Andy. With the end results, being, Andy dives more into his fantasy world. (Brilliant!)

Oh, and I thought the stepfather addition, was good. He was, in some ways, needed to make what happens later 'happen'. (Telling the mom, Andy will grow out of it) which inturn, makes his mom donate the rest of his room. Which causes inspiration from the neighbor kids, for Andy to consider, studying education, and perhaps donating his toys at the College day care. Just wow! :D

Lastly, I loved that you brought back, Al! He was such a great villain, in TS2, that I was so happy to see him return in your version. Glad to know, he still toy crazy! :lol:

Great sequel, Vi! 9/10. :) ;)

And I loooove toys, to! Happy meal toys, action figures, plushies, memorabilia. I'm such kid at heart! :)

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Post by ShyViolet » March 6th, 2007, 7:41 am

Lastly, I loved that you brought back, Al! He was such a great villain, in TS2, that I was so happy to see him return in your version. Glad to know, he still toy crazy!

Great sequel, Vi! 9/10.
Thanks so much Dan! :) That means a lot. :wink:

(I did actually kind of make it up on the spot--I'm always making up stories in my head so....:wink:)
And I loooove toys, to! Happy meal toys, action figures, plushies, memorabilia. I'm such kid at heart!
I know right, same here! :)
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by Daniel » March 6th, 2007, 6:58 pm

No problem, it was my pleasure. :)


Post by GeorgeC » March 7th, 2007, 9:30 am

Toy Story 3: Gee, We've Done This (ALMOST EXACT SAME) Film Before... TWICE!

Toy Story 3: We're Officially We're Out of Ideas at Pixar

Toy Story 3: Another Buddy Picture

Toy Story 3: Let's Hope the General Audience Still Hasn't Caught on That We've Made THE SAME GENERAL FILM for the EIGHTH TIME!

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Post by eddievalient » March 7th, 2007, 11:16 am

GeorgeC wrote: Toy Story 3: Let's Hope the General Audience Still Hasn't Caught on That We've Made THE SAME GENERAL FILM for the EIGHTH TIME!
That may be true, but ya gotta admit there's a certain level of comfort to be gotten from knowing what to expect. They may not keep rehashing things forever, though. If WALL.E is to be a mostly silent film (as I've heard) then it may be Pixar's first step towards doing something new and original.
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Post by Whippet Angel » March 7th, 2007, 7:36 pm

GeorgeC wrote:Toy Story 3: Gee, We've Done This (ALMOST EXACT SAME) Film Before... TWICE!
Eh, I don't see anything wrong with making another film that continues a story about memorable characters that we already know and care about....
Besides, it isn't as if they're simply churning them out, like other popular film franchises *cough*Shrek*cough* :wink:

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Post by Meg » March 7th, 2007, 9:51 pm

Yeah, George, every movie Pixar makes is exactly the same, and they have no creativity or original ideas whatsoever.

But, gee, I wonder why they're one of, if not THE, most SUCCESFUL and RESPECTED film studio in Hollywood? Hm, well, it can't be because their movies have good stories, loveable characters, or anything of that sort...:roll:

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Post by ShyViolet » March 7th, 2007, 10:12 pm

M. Night Shamylan was on the cover of Time at one point with the words "The Next Spielberg?"

But he also had a formula, enjoyable as it was, and he did it to death.

Ditto Bryan Singer, who may have gotten "good reviews" (doesn't mean all THAT much in Hollywood, critics change their mind all the time) but whose mostly stillborn Superman Returns, with its disappointing BO gross, has no doubt affected his repuation as "The Next M. Night Shamylan" in Hollywood. Plus, he also repeats himself a lot. (I don't mean in his stories, but his moviemaking style)
Eh, I don't see anything wrong with making another film that continues a story about memorable characters that we already know and care about....
Besides, it isn't as if they're simply churning them out, like other popular film franchises *cough*Shrek*cough*
Um, why do you think that Shrek films are just being "churned out"?
When Shrek 3 was announced three years ago (when Shrek 2 came out) it was still in VERY early stages, pre-pre-production. As is Shrek 4 now, I'm sure.

Plus, I'm sure many people would agree that the Shrek films "continue a story about memorable characters that we already know and care aout..." :wink:
But, gee, I wonder why they're one of, if not THE, most SUCCESFUL and RESPECTED film studio in Hollywood?
Because they made six for six....and trust me, Cars is not among those.
It was moderately successful, but was not Finding Nemo (financially or even critically.) Why? Because it repeated a formula.

If it came out in, say, 2002, before Monsters or Nemo, I think it would have done WAYYYYYYY better.

And most successful studio? They've only made seven films. If they didn't join Disney, and say Ratatouille didn't do "great", they could have been taken over by someone else, whether they liked it or not. Just my opinion.
If WALL.E is to be a mostly silent film (as I've heard) then it may be Pixar's first step towards doing something new and original.
Didn't Jim Hill say (and yes, he could very well be wrong) that only the first third is silent?

Also, this is an interesting commentary on Incredibles from someone who posted on The Guradian (re: Aardman leaving DW)

As someone's already said, the idea that The Incredibles isn't conservative (big or small "c") is ... er ... incredible. It could have been written by Bush, Reagan and Thatcher with a bit of Milton Friedman thrown in. Let's see what are it's messages? (a) there's no such thing as society, only family; (b) "when everyone is super, no-one is" - equality = bad, bad, bad; (c) winning is pretty much everything (unless you're only losing in order to patronise some poor sap you could duff up with one hand behind your back); (d)goth girls would be much happier if they wore Alice bands and smiled sweetly.

Not only that it also has a tired plot, ripped off from Spy Kids and Alan Moore's Watchmen, weak set pieces (hmm - I know, let's make the Incredibles' ultimate nemesis, faced by the family as a whole, the very same clanking robotic baddie that Mr Incredible defeated single-handed at the beginning of the film), a lack of peril (hmm - these people have vast superpowers - are a few ordinary human guards _really_ going to be able to hurt an invisible girl, a superfast boy, an elastic woman and a superstrong man capable of flight?), trite "message" plotting (ooh, is da goff giwrly too unsure of her ickle self to use her AMAZING powers??) and more utterly predictable twists than an episode of Tales of the Unexpected.

The animation was nice, though
I liked Incredibles a lot (and still do) but I thought this guy did make SOME good points that, if they make a sequel (hope they do) if taken into consideration by Bird, would strengthen the film. Particularly what he said about the "lack of peril."

Last edited by ShyViolet on March 8th, 2007, 2:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ben » March 8th, 2007, 7:32 am

Wait. Bryan Singer has a <I>style</I>? :shock:

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Post by ShyViolet » March 8th, 2007, 10:45 am

Actually, I meant his heavy-handed, didactic, overly-earnest, "wacko/quirky", rips ideas off from other people "style." :wink:

Hence, what critics (wrongly) interpreted as "artsy-brilliant-has-something-to-say" style. :roll:
Last edited by ShyViolet on March 13th, 2007, 4:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dacey » March 11th, 2007, 1:28 pm

Vi, sorry for asking, but what the heck is your Avatar from?
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