
Features, Shorts, Live-Action and Direct-To-Video
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Post by GeorgeC » October 27th, 2004, 4:20 am

You know, I've never seen confirmation of whether or not the UPA animated shorts are actually on the Hellboy Director's Cut DVD.

I've been eyeing this for over -- maybe looking to get the giftset version with the maquette bust --, but I'd like confirmation of whether or not the animated shorts are actually in the DE collection.

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Post by Ben » October 27th, 2004, 5:45 pm

Nope. Apparently not.

Early word was that, apart from the commentary (which is a new one for the DC), all the xtras would be carried over.

As well as the cartoons, a couple of other things were dropped too.

A pain, as this was the release I was going to get. Ahh well...


Post by GeorgeC » October 27th, 2004, 11:32 pm

Yeah, thought so.

A couple of hours after I posted this question, I did an online search and the first article I ran across talking about the Director's Cut was on IGN.

At this link, http://dvd.ign.com/articles/558/558302p2.html , which is page 2 of an in-depth article of the Director's Cut DVD, the following paragraph appears --

"Disc two is the same second disc from the first DVD release, with the exception of the Gerald McBoing Boing shorts being omitted."

First official confirmation that I got from a DVD review that the Director's Cut doesn't have the cartoons on it. Apparently, the cartoons were deleted from the extras disc 2 to make room for other extras. I guess if you want all things Hellboy-extra, you've gotta get both editions! Marketing!

(This is the only forum that I've been on where I got an answer besides my own inquiry.)

Still, the maquette in the giftset of the Director's Cut looks nice!

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Post by Randall » October 29th, 2004, 12:54 am

Yep, it drives me nuts. I picked up the 3-disc set expecting the cartoons to be on it. I may just cave in and buy the 2-disc'er "previously viewed" (for 10 bucks) from a local rental store just for the cartoons. What the heck--- I'd buy the cartoons on a disc by themselves for 10 bucks, so why not?

The 3-disc set is very nice, but there was still room for the cartoons on one of those extras discs, especially the third one. It's maddening, since the director specifically asked for the cartoons to be included on the 2-disc version.

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Hellboy: Blood and Iron Review

Post by Pickled_Mike » March 2nd, 2007, 12:16 pm

Popsyndicate.com has an early review of the new Hellboy animated movie Blood and Iron. It sounds great.

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Post by Jeroen » March 2nd, 2007, 12:56 pm

Welcome to the forum Mike

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Post by Josh » March 2nd, 2007, 5:26 pm

Yes, welcome to the forum, Mike! It's a pleasure to have you here! :)

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Post by Rothlor » March 6th, 2007, 2:44 am

If Blood and Iron is as good as or better than Sword of Storms, it will be a definate must have. Thought the first one was a great time waster!

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Hellboy II: The Golden Army Trailer

Post by Megagents » December 21st, 2007, 9:37 am

IGN has posted the trailer for the new Hellboy movie, Hellboy II: The Golden Army

Source: The Bridgecenter

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