Bee Movie

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Post by Meg » February 23rd, 2007, 8:17 am

Heh, I had a dream you'd post that line.

(Yeah, I have stupid dreams.)

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Post by ShyViolet » February 24th, 2007, 1:07 am

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Heh, I had a dream you'd post that line. 
Really? Aww, that's sweet Meg! :)


Anyway, some small tidbits to "bee" excited about! :) (gotta stop the puns! :roll:) ... about.html
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by Daniel » February 24th, 2007, 5:46 pm

Thanks for the link, Vi. Nice to know the story and animation, are coming along so quickly! :)

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Post by Jeroen » February 28th, 2007, 8:05 am

Early screenings took place this week, this is what people had to say.
Sadly to say, it's not that positive :(
Spoilers ahead!!

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Post by Meg » February 28th, 2007, 2:56 pm

Ah man, that stinks. Hopefully they have enough time to clean it up!

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Post by Jeroen » February 28th, 2007, 3:10 pm

Here's hoping, this sounded so promising.
It was the same with the Shrek screenings, WAKE UP DREAMWORKS!!

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Post by Meg » February 28th, 2007, 4:35 pm

I hope they git rid of the romance thing...That sounds way too strange...

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Post by Daniel » February 28th, 2007, 6:12 pm

Aww, that really does stink. :(

And yes, they seriously need to improve this and pronto! First, get rid of the romance bit. That's just strange, and awkward. :?

Secondly, as they screeners hinted, they need to make the movie flow better. In all honestly, it really does sound like random episodes pasted together. And I don't like that! :(

Don't let us down, JK!

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Post by ShyViolet » February 28th, 2007, 8:42 pm

I don't put much stock in those reviews. Other than the fact that it seems like they had an axe to grind against DW before they even saw the films ("Oh, this is soooooo gonna s**k....." kind of attitude) it's just three POV's. And there have been very good reactions at other previews (as TAG reported).

Plus remember that negative Shrek the Third preview from JHM? It was just one guy's opinion. And someone seeing a film that wasn't even complete, particularly visually. The crowd I was with at Cornell gave it a very positive reaction. :) (Well, the 7 minutes we saw of it anyway) Plus, many felt (I know not everyone) that the second trailer was much better than the first.)

And that comment about Bee Movie's trailers ("soooooo misleading") has got to be the most "WTF" worthy comment I've ever heard. Um, misleading? Of course they were misleading! Did you actually think the film, regardless of being CGI or live-action, would be about celebrities stumbling around in Bee suits? That was a GAG for crying out loud....:roll:
To create interest. Did anyone actually think Cars would have Mater crying that he killed a baby Bumblebee, or Mike being unable to guess that Sullie is trying to say "Harry Potter"! :roll: :roll: :roll: Come on!

(It's also funny how one guy complained Chris Rock wasn't in it enough; I bet if he had been in it there would have been a comment like "Ugh, Chris Rock in a DW film AGAIN! Who wants to see that!! Can't they ever just be ORIGINAL???" :roll: :roll:)

(No offense against you Meg, since I know you didn't like him in Mad! :wink:)

DW releases a Bee live-action trailer #1: Ugh, damn DW! What's wrong with making a trailer with animated stuff in it?

DW releases Bee live-action trailer #2: Ugh, damn DW! Why couldn't they just make it a live-action film?

:roll: :roll:

Does anyone see a pattern here? :wink:
Don't let us down, JK!

Don't worry, he won't!! :) :wink:

I hope they git rid of the romance thing...That sounds way too strange...
Um, maybe they're just trying to be "different"....y'know, like....some "other" people are..... :? :wink: :P :roll:

J/K :wink:
Last edited by ShyViolet on March 30th, 2007, 8:44 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by ShyViolet » February 28th, 2007, 8:47 pm

You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by Meg » February 28th, 2007, 9:28 pm

No offense against you Meg, since I know you didn't like him in Mad!
No offense taken. I thought everyone saying "Why doesn't Chris Rock have a bigger role?!?" was nuts. :P
Um, maybe they're just trying to be "different"....y'know, like....some "other" people are.....
But what the children would look like?! :shock: :wink:

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Post by ShyViolet » February 28th, 2007, 9:39 pm

But what the children would look like?!

Maybe they can adopt! :) :) :wink: :P :D

Also, Cars brings up the same issue basically, (OK just what exactly does go on inside that "Cozy Cone" and that "abandoned motel" :?and now W.A.L.--E and that "Robot romance" :wink:)


(And I won't even get into how there can possibly be "bug cars" flying around, Cars that like to ride inside helicopters, tractors that are actually cows, etc....:wink:)

It makes the whole "male cow w/udder" thing from Barnyard seem simple in compariston.....:roll:
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Post by ShyViolet » March 1st, 2007, 12:46 am

Also, I liked what TAG wrote under the article of DWA's stock results: (They came out the day of the LOWEST stock market prices since 9/11 :shock: Fortunately, Shrek the Third will hopefully help them bounce back :))

Anyways, like what they wrote, I said something a bit similar once:
DreamWorks is now the last stand-alone animation studio now that Pixar has been swallowed up by the big mouse. And all they have to do to remain i nthe black is turn out one hit after another.

No problem at all, right?
So basically you see what kind of pressure DWA's under, (EVERY film has to be a gigantic success) and how much BETTER and EASIER it would be (IMHO) for them to be bought by Disney.

(Not Paramount, not Paramount, not Paramount, not Paramount, PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE not Paramount!!! :( :( )
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Post by Jeroen » March 1st, 2007, 1:44 am

If dreamworks was bought by disney (Lets pretend, cause it's impossible),
What the hell would John Lasseter do to it? It would be stripped from everything dreamworks and they would be forced to make 2D.
Besides, He would cancell every production before it even starts being a production.
I don't think dreamworks pictures are Johns favourite thing.

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Post by ShyViolet » March 1st, 2007, 2:32 am

If dreamworks was bought by disney (Lets pretend, cause it's impossible),
I don't think it's impossible--Disney was actually a possible buyer of DreamWorks SKG proper when DWA was still part of it. (some say that's why Animation split off on its own)

John Lassetter? I also very much doubt he would want to have anything to do with DW films, much less tinker with them. (or work with Katzenberg :P)
If a deal like this ever did go through, there would probably be some kind of a hands-off clause involved vis-a-vis Iger, similar to the Pixar gets no power over Miramax/Touchstone thing they have going now. (Witness Gnomeo getting transferred to Miramax being as Lassetter wanted no part of it.)

Such things may seem impossible, but stranger things have happened.

NO ONE ever thought Eisner would leave this early, or Lassetter and Catmull would be running WDFA. Disney and Pixar renewing their partnership, MAYBE. And that was a big maybe. For a while, virtually everyone thought Pixar would leave and join up with some other distributor or something.

Or, for that matter, Disney animation going back to 2d--Impossible, they cried! :wink:

But lo and behold.....:wink:

And some years ago, it also seemd very unlikely that DreamWorks SKG would be bought by Paramount. But there you go.....:wink:

And one or two years, who knows what will happen? Maybe Lassetter will get bored with WDFA and just go back to doing Pixar under Disney's name and WDFA will go back to Don Hahn. Or William Goldman has said "Nobody knows anything." :)
I'm just speculating....:wink:
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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