Since there is some talk (mostly rumor really) of Bosworth NOT coming back as Lois....hope so since she had zero chemistry with Routh.
OK, boom, you're the head of Warner Brothers.
Who would you choose for Lois if you had the power?
Ann Hathaway? Liv Tyler? Maggie Gyllanaal? (Yeah, I know she's in BB, but so what?)
Christina Ricci?
How about Eva Green from Casion Royale?
Oh, on IMDB Superman: The Man of Steel forum, someone had the very interesting idea of Supes' son Jason turning out to be evil....I think that might actually be pretty cool....different, anyway. You could have him be evil, then die, and Clark could blame himself for not saving his son from his fate.
(Kind of like a reverse Dr. Evil/Scott Evil situation....

Or you could have Lois date a brand-new Lex-Luthor type villain, but a handsome and smooth, intelligent businessman who just happens to be a superviallian. I think that might be interesting. Just some thoughts, anyhoo.

You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!