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Post by ShyViolet » February 19th, 2007, 10:09 pm

Then again, it would be also be interesting to see a television series that chronicles all of the cancelled attempts at Superman V: Superman: The New Movie, Superman Reborn , Superman Lives, Superman: The Man of Steel, Baman vs. Superman and Superman I. Maybe each season of the series could be devoted to one of the canned projects.
Yeah, that would be great--like Entourage or something! :)
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Post by Josh » February 19th, 2007, 11:20 pm

I'm glad you like my idea, Vi! :)

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Post by ShyViolet » February 21st, 2007, 2:46 am

I did Josh! :) :wink:

Also, can you imagine how funny Jon Peters would be? :P

"I gotta have my Chewie!"

"I want a fight scene with a giant Spider!"

"I loved that gay Black guy in your film! Hey, howabout a gay/black robot sidekick for Superman?"

"Have Lex Luthor fight Superman's body guards!"


Plus Tim Burton, McG, etc....

Tim Burton: "Superman should teleport, have gadgets like Batman, and have a suit that shows his internal organs!" Then you can have his people all looking at each other like: "Oooooooookayyyyyyy......"

(But don't get me wrong, I still love Burton, and he couldn't have made Supes look worse than Singer did! :roll:)
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Post by ShyViolet » February 21st, 2007, 2:56 am

Also, here's Kevin commenting a little on Superman Returns, as well as Clerks 2, his career, etc...

FUNNY!!!!! :D

But warning: the usual KS profanity....

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Post by Ben » February 21st, 2007, 8:13 am

Just another nail in SR's coffin.

I can't <I>believe</I> Warners are handing that fool more money to ruin the franchise a <I>second</I> time.

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Post by ShyViolet » February 21st, 2007, 9:42 pm

Do you think maybe this time they'll take a more active role this time in the production, (and casting) instead of pretty much leaving him to make it on his own the way they did before?

Is there a possible chance of Christopher Nolan taking over? Yeah, I know he's got his hands full with Bats, but you never know....plus what about Gore Verbinski? Is he finished with the Pirates stuff yet? He might be good....and yeah, you know he'd probably turn it down, and that he probably already did turn it down at least once in the past 15 years, but what about.....El STEVO???? :P :wink: :)

He's be soooooooo great....I know he's a "serious" director now, but still....he could inject some seriousness into the film, and still have it be a great blockbuster!!! YOU KNOW he could. :wink:
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Post by Ben » February 22nd, 2007, 2:17 pm

El Stevo, the "serious director" who's about to make a popcorn serial picture with Indy IV and prove that, yeah, they're all still kids at heart and the film won't suck like The Phantom Menace and not fit Indy lore at all?

Sorry, went off on a tangent there. I just don't want IJ4 to suck!! :(

I think Singer is unfortunately strapped in. But WB is taking more of an interest this time and will curb spending. I can't believe he spent so much money on sequences that were cut to the detriment of the film.

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Post by ShyViolet » February 22nd, 2007, 6:17 pm

El Stevo, the "serious director" who's about to make a popcorn serial picture with Indy IV and prove that, yeah, they're all still kids at heart and the film won't suck like The Phantom Menace and not fit Indy lore at all?

Yeah, but isn't he also going for that Lincoln pic soon?
Sorry, went off on a tangent there. I just don't want IJ4 to suck!! Sad
Yeah same here Ben! :)
I think Singer is unfortunately strapped in.

Why is Warners so enamored with him? Was it all those "good reviews" he got, all the money he made from X2, or the fact that SR actually broke even? (Um....It did break even, didn't it? :?)
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Post by Ben » February 25th, 2007, 2:19 pm

Nope. SR cost $225m to film. Plus $75m at least in marketing, and not counting the $50m or so that they junked on the previous attempts. So, even without that you're talking $300-350m to make and market the picture.

SR just about made $200m domestic (I think it was actually something like $197.5m). Not sure of international figures, but say it made the same worldwide, that's roughly $400m. Split that 50/50 between WB and the exhibitors, and that's not much more than $200m in WB's coffers, with Singer on a rediculous "first dollar deal" that means he takes $60m or so off the top. WB will have been lucky to make $150m on SR, and don't forget this was a joint production with Legendary, so they'll have their stake too.

It's only on TV sales, DVDs and re-issues that SR will even make dollar one of black profit. It is, commercially speaking, a major disappointment.

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Post by ShyViolet » February 25th, 2007, 5:34 pm

Nope. SR cost $225m to film. Plus $75m at least in marketing, and not counting the $50m or so that they junked on the previous attempts. So, even without that you're talking $300-350m to make and market the picture.

SR just about made $200m domestic (I think it was actually something like $197.5m). Not sure of international figures, but say it made the same worldwide, that's roughly $400m. Split that 50/50 between WB and the exhibitors, and that's not much more than $200m in WB's coffers, with Singer on a rediculous "first dollar deal" that means he takes $60m or so off the top. WB will have been lucky to make $150m on SR, and don't forget this was a joint production with Legendary, so they'll have their stake too.
Oh you're kidding. And yet they're STILL bringing him back??? :shock:

I think they're just very insecure about this franchise in general,what with all the false starts, so they probably just want to feel safe going with "The X-Men guy" even if he didn't do nearly as good a job with Supes. :(
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Post by ShyViolet » February 26th, 2007, 2:52 am

Since there is some talk (mostly rumor really) of Bosworth NOT coming back as Lois....hope so since she had zero chemistry with Routh.

OK, boom, you're the head of Warner Brothers.

Who would you choose for Lois if you had the power?

Ann Hathaway? Liv Tyler? Maggie Gyllanaal? (Yeah, I know she's in BB, but so what?)

Christina Ricci?



How about Eva Green from Casion Royale? :)


Oh, on IMDB Superman: The Man of Steel forum, someone had the very interesting idea of Supes' son Jason turning out to be evil....I think that might actually be pretty cool....different, anyway. You could have him be evil, then die, and Clark could blame himself for not saving his son from his fate.

(Kind of like a reverse Dr. Evil/Scott Evil situation....:wink:)

Or you could have Lois date a brand-new Lex-Luthor type villain, but a handsome and smooth, intelligent businessman who just happens to be a superviallian. I think that might be interesting. Just some thoughts, anyhoo. :) :roll: :wink:
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Post by Ben » February 26th, 2007, 8:57 am

Eva Green has wonky eyes. I don't see the fuss.

Bosworth not back at Lois? Surprising since everyone's locked into three-picture deals...

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Post by ShyViolet » February 26th, 2007, 4:44 pm

Eva Green has wonky eyes. I don't see the fuss.

Even though I'm a girl, I think she's so beautiful! :) I would love to see her as Lois.

Also, what about Elizabeth Hurley, without the British accent?

Plus, I think this guy (Jessie Eisenberg) would make a GREAT Jimmy Olsen, much better than whoever played him in the movie, who looked about ten years older than Clark.....:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:


He was in The Emperor's Club, Cursed, The Squid and the Whale, and The Village.

He's a little bit older now than in the picture, but a REALLY good actor. He also still looks very young for 23. :wink: He could definetely play a High School-age Jimmy Olsen. :)

(FYI: His little sister is Hallie Eisenberg, she was the little brunette kid in all those Pepsi commercials from ten years ago, remember? :P :)
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Post by ShyViolet » February 26th, 2007, 11:03 pm

Also, Ben really wants Anne Hathaway as Lois (she played Jake Gyllanaal's wife in Brokeback) Now that I see her again, I think she'd be great too! :)




Brian Dennehy as Perry White would rule, too. Oh that would absolutely rule. He very much has that "grizzled" demeanor. :wink:

Can't you just imagine him saying "Great Caesar's ghost!" :P :)
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Post by Ben » February 27th, 2007, 9:43 am

On Jimmy...yes, Vi, good choice!

On Lois...not Hurley, way too old now to carry another two pictures over ten years. Seeing Hathaway at the Oscars only sealed my crush. She'd be a great <I>any</I>thing in any movie, though I could be biased!

On Perry White...nah,. not Dennehy. Great in his day, but have you seen him recently, sleepwalking through the Precinct 13 remake? Plus he's a lot heavier now, which Perry never really was. I'd like them to go back to first choice Hugh (House) Laurie with white hair. Awesome!

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