Disney Princess: Enchanted Tales

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Post by Dacey » January 12th, 2007, 12:41 pm

Hmmm. All I can say is that this DVD looks truly awful.

Yes, the backgrounds are kinda nice, but the animation itself is underwhelming and the storylines look like...

Whoops. Can't finish the sentence. This is a family board. ;)

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Post by Mitch » January 12th, 2007, 2:27 pm

Wendy's Jane - Yeah, I'm with you there. You can really see the differences. :P

Nah -- this just doesn't cut it for me. Why would they change the colors in the first place? She looked fine in blue! Oh well.... I'm not gonna watch it anyway, so I probably shouldn't be complaining. Sorry, Dan. ;)
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Post by Daniel » January 12th, 2007, 3:30 pm

Its ok, Mitch. Eh, it still looks better than it should, for its target audience.

Um, you do know the fairies keep changing Aurora's dress color, right? In the ending, the blue and the red one do it while their dancing "make it blue, make it pink" :lol:

I think its a little homage to the original. Me likes! :)

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Post by Dacey » January 12th, 2007, 5:10 pm

It's not Aurora's dress color that bothers me (though they ONLY have it in pink for marketing reasons alone).

It's everything else.

I mean, Aurora's gonna throw a big party in the castle. How exciting. :roll:
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Post by Daniel » January 12th, 2007, 5:17 pm

Depends what else the short is about, but I agree, its doesn't sound very exiting. :?

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Post by Mitch » January 12th, 2007, 7:23 pm

Danny - Yeah, that's true. The animation is better than I thought it would be -- they have to make it look good, that film being a classic. ;)

Uh-huh, but she didn't have that little green sash/cloth in the original, and the dress wasn't as pink either, I don't think. (snigger)

Wendy's Jane - Tell me about it. I should get tickets to that party. :P
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Post by Daniel » January 12th, 2007, 8:19 pm

Well, yes in a way. But it could've been a whole lot worse!

A little add on, big deal! ;) no, it wasn't as pink, but than again, the whole short looks more colorful.

Haha, I want to got to the party to! :P

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Post by Mitch » January 13th, 2007, 12:45 pm

Yeah, I guess it could have been worse. Things could always be worse. :P
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Post by Daniel » January 13th, 2007, 2:43 pm

Yeah, it could've looked liked The Return of Jafar!


;) :P

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Post by Daniel » March 28th, 2007, 3:11 am


I added the cover art to the original post. I know nobody cares, but there you go. And Eh, its ok. Pretty much like the advertisement, which I predicted, btw! :)

And from some trailers online, and the one that was featured on the Cindy III DVD, this is shaping up to be a rather lackluster debute. :(

Not that its bad in any way, its just, the Sleeping Beauty short really seems dissapointing. At first, it looked very faithful, but now, the animation looks kinda cheap and Aurora's singing voice is horrible.

Jasmine's story on the hand, looks very good. The animation seems better than than the two Aladdin DTVs, and the original voices are almost guranteed to return. Yay! :P

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Post by Disneyfan » April 4th, 2007, 7:45 am

A new web site for the Disney Princess Enchanted Tales has been opened:

http://disney.go.com/disneyvideos/anima ... ntedtales/

There is a music video of Jasmine's newest song: "Peacock Princess"

You must to see it! The animation looks great and I love her voice, I think that Lea Salonga has returned for this new movie.

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Post by Jeroen » April 4th, 2007, 7:51 am

Thanks for the link Disneyfan
and welcome to the forum!!

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Post by Daniel » April 5th, 2007, 12:48 am

Yes, big thanks for the link!

And you know what, it does sound like Lea! That, or a real good sound alike. Hmm.. But aside for the voice, the animation continues to look very good! And *gasp* does the carpet look CG? Like it did in the original? Wow. Makes the previous Aladdin sequels look more cheap, huh? ;)

And welcome to the boards, DisneyFan! :)

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Post by Jeroen » April 5th, 2007, 6:44 am

Yes CG carpet
I could be wrong, but when I looked at the clip I saw some backgrounds wich I think are just recycled ones from the first Aladdin.
The oase when she's riding the horse and the fountain seemed very familliar to me
Last edited by Jeroen on April 5th, 2007, 10:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Ben » April 5th, 2007, 9:05 am

Are we going on quality from that little two-ince preview window? Are you <I>nuts</I>?

Yep, that carpet is CG, and so it should be now that all DTV programming is produced on computers, unlike the Aladdin TV show, which would have shot the budget through the roof. Another reason why those Aladdin sequels look so pony, and I can't see how they get so much love from fans. They're TV level, with knock off songs.

Now, on this new Princess preview: "Keys To The Kingdom"...is that an in-joke? Nope, I don't think they're clever enough for that. It sounds awful anyhoo, like your average Disney Channel track...ugh...is that what Aurora has become? The latest Disney Channel blonde?

Jasmin's bit...um, the keyframing is totally obvious and the inbetweening is weak. Despite the hike up from TV level animation (though not by much), the insipid TV style direction lets it down. I looked at the "Peacock Princess" clip too, and it didn't do much to get me any more excited.

Wow! Look at that parade! Two whole elephants! Magic carpet cycles...now in CGI! A massive close-up on Iago's feathered @$$! Rhyming "diplomat" with "talent" in another run of the mill DTV song... Why, why, WHY!?

I guess Lea needs the work, but I just can't see how you guys can get even an inch excited about things like this. Once in a while - I have admitted in the past - the DTVs do surprise, but the most part is dross like this, and fans who show no difference in accepting it all are beyond me. Yep, opinions are opinions, but this kind of stuff is what gives 2D its supposed "bad name".

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