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Post by Daniel » December 30th, 2006, 2:52 pm

I agree cboy! Though, haven't you heard? Don Hahn left Disney a few weeks ago.

Sigh, he was one of my favorite producers :(

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Post by Meg » December 30th, 2006, 3:20 pm

But there's also lots of regular universities that offer animation/computer graphics/art programs (Cornell for one! ) Or Brown or BU.
True, but in my experience some schools have better programs than others...I went with my brother to visit a local college that has an animation course, and it was terrible! That doesn't stop almost everyone in my area from recommending it to me though. :P
Still, 39 languages are spoken at DWA. Can Pixar say the same? I'm just asking.
Personally I don't see how that matters... Besides, aren't DW and WDFA bigger than Pixar?

Anyway, let’s not turn this into yet another Pixar vs Disney vs DW thread. ;)

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Post by Groaning » December 31st, 2006, 6:39 am

Meg wrote:So is it officail that it's become 2D, or is that just a rumor?
I saw a short scene in 3D in the internet.
So, :roll:

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Post by Meg » December 31st, 2006, 10:46 am

True, and I saw the same thing, but that was just test animation (I think) from a while ago. They can still make it 2-D, I'm pretty sure it hasn't even been greenlit yet.

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Post by ShyViolet » December 31st, 2006, 2:47 pm

But Chris intended for it to be 3d. If you make it 2d, it changes the entire nature of the film.

Presumably, another director will take over anyway and start his own ideas...but if it's not 3d, and there's no Chris, then what's the point of making the film at all?

What if Toy Story was, at the whim of Disney, converted from 3d to 2d? The entire concept would have to be re-thought. Scenes that work well in 3d might not necessarily work as well in 2d. And if John Lassetter was suddenly removed from the project, what would even be the POINT of making it?

Like Shrek--going from 3d to 2d. It would have a similar story, but very different kinds of scenes if done in traditional animation. Changing form like this isn't just like flipping a light switch on and off.
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Post by Daniel » December 31st, 2006, 3:41 pm

Took the words right out of my mouth Vi :)

To continue, its pretty much guranteed to be 2d, since that's the reason Chris walked away. So I highly doubt it will be in 3d.

IMO, Disney has now officially "jumped the shark'. Not only continuing another mans work, and making it 2d, but in doing so, making a very big gamble.

I wonder what L&S would be, if it didn't have Chris. Now wonder, what would American Dog be, if it did have Chris. :(

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Post by Meg » December 31st, 2006, 3:55 pm

I didn't like Lilo and Stitch so I guess that's not directed at me... :wink:
To continue, its pretty much guranteed to be 2d, since that's the reason Chris walked away.
But do we know that's the reason he walked away? Again, the only places I'm hearing this is 2-D is from unreliable sources who don't seem 100% sure of it (coughJimHillcough). I always thought he left because Lassy wanted to make changes to the story that Chris didn't want to happen.

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Post by Daniel » December 31st, 2006, 4:25 pm

:shock: You don't like L&S? (I'll save you a rant ;))

I assume that's the reason, but, like you said, it came from somewhat unreliable sources. :?

Does Chris have a blog, or myspace? Maybe he mentions something there, but I doubt it.

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Post by Meg » December 31st, 2006, 4:26 pm

Not that I know of...I'd love to read it if he did though! :)

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Post by YCougar » January 1st, 2007, 1:50 am

I love how people are whining about Lasseter when they don't really know the full story behind it. I mean, what if the project just had story problems? It looked cute an' stuff, but what if it just wasn't working and only had a little to do with 2D vs. 3D? Unless there are better sources out there that do indicate Lasseter is taking over the world. :roll:

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Post by Meg » January 1st, 2007, 10:00 am

I know, that's why I don't try criticizing him if I don't know why he did something...Remember when he decided he wanted Randy Newman to do the music for The Frog Princess, and how nuts everyone went? Then we found out that it was set in a jazzy New Orleans...:P

This also reflects one of my problems with Disney and how they give out so much information on their films years before they're released or even green lit. It gets people excited for them, and when changes are made, everyone goes nuts because it's not going to be the same movie they've been waiting for. When Rat switched directors, no one really made a fuss becuase we had seen next to nothing at that point.

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Post by Daniel » January 1st, 2007, 3:25 pm

Can't I mourn over the not-yet-official Chris getting the boot? :cry:

I'm sure it will be good, it just would've been better with him ;)

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Post by ShyViolet » January 1st, 2007, 4:22 pm

Then we found out that it was set in a jazzy New Orleans...
I'm still not happy with this idea... :( I'd rather have a traditional fairy tale that they were planning on doing.
When Rat switched directors, no one really made a fuss becuase we had seen next to nothing at that point.
Actually, I think this was because the new director was, um...Brad Bird.
:P No one is going to complain that some guy was taken off a project and Brad Bird was assigned to it instead. (whether or not he was the right choice, although in this case he probably was, since it WAS HIS IDEA TO BEGIN WITH.) :roll:
I mean, what if the project just had story problems?
Fine, so it had story problems. It's Lasseter's right to interject his advice and/or ideas. But does "story problelms" really warrent taking the DIRECTOR and the guy who thought up the idea in the first place away?

Toy Story had story problems; does this justify booting John Lassetter?
Treasure Planet had tons of problems; does this justify canning Ron 'n John?
I'm sure Incredibles had its share of hiccoughs and story shake-ups; does this justify booting Brad Bird off the project? Didn't think so.
but what if it just wasn't working and only had a little to do with 2D vs. 3D?
OK, fine, so why is there all this talk (if it's true) about AD going from 3d to 2d? If it had to do with story problems and not execution? I thought it's all "Story, story, story" not technique, (as Pixar stresses ad infinitum) so why is John Lassetter going back on his own mantra?? :roll:

John Lassetter's a human being, not a god. He's extremely talented, but that doesn't mean that his actions should NEVER be questioned.
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Post by Brandon Neeld » January 5th, 2007, 1:44 am

Ok - I'm hearing conflicting stories here. Some say Chris got kicked off the project while others say he's walking away from it. Which is it? And as long as this is still a rumor and nothing's confirmed (not even that it's 2d or Chris is gone) I'm gonna reserve judgement for the moment.
"We're Dead! We're Dead! We Survived but We're Dead!!!" -Dash- "The Incredibles"

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Post by Ben » January 5th, 2007, 8:44 am

Walking usually means they've been asked to go and saves everyone face.

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