Sigh, he was one of my favorite producers

True, but in my experience some schools have better programs than others...I went with my brother to visit a local college that has an animation course, and it was terrible! That doesn't stop almost everyone in my area from recommending it to me though.But there's also lots of regular universities that offer animation/computer graphics/art programs (Cornell for one! ) Or Brown or BU.
Personally I don't see how that matters... Besides, aren't DW and WDFA bigger than Pixar?Still, 39 languages are spoken at DWA. Can Pixar say the same? I'm just asking.
But do we know that's the reason he walked away? Again, the only places I'm hearing this is 2-D is from unreliable sources who don't seem 100% sure of it (coughJimHillcough). I always thought he left because Lassy wanted to make changes to the story that Chris didn't want to happen.To continue, its pretty much guranteed to be 2d, since that's the reason Chris walked away.
I'm still not happy with this idea...Then we found out that it was set in a jazzy New Orleans...
Actually, I think this was because the new director was, um...Brad Bird.When Rat switched directors, no one really made a fuss becuase we had seen next to nothing at that point.
Fine, so it had story problems. It's Lasseter's right to interject his advice and/or ideas. But does "story problelms" really warrent taking the DIRECTOR and the guy who thought up the idea in the first place away?I mean, what if the project just had story problems?
OK, fine, so why is there all this talk (if it's true) about AD going from 3d to 2d? If it had to do with story problems and not execution? I thought it's all "Story, story, story" not technique, (as Pixar stresses ad infinitum) so why is John Lassetter going back on his own mantra??but what if it just wasn't working and only had a little to do with 2D vs. 3D?