Wonder Showzen

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Post by Daniel » December 24th, 2006, 3:31 pm

I knew you would be happy Vi :) as am I :)

Jail? A little harsh, but than again, the KIDS :shock:

I honestly don't remember EW reviewing it, must have been a long time ago. *sigh* :?

Lets just hope it doesn't get reserected, ala Family Guy. Darn those DVD's :x ;)

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Post by Meg » December 25th, 2006, 10:41 am

Man, I wish Family Guy had stayed dead.

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Post by Daniel » December 25th, 2006, 11:53 am

What do you have against FG? :?

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Re: Wonder Showzen

Post by Daniel » April 30th, 2019, 7:44 pm

Guess which show is coming back? ;) No, it's not Wonder Showzen. Been so long that show is a complete blur. Was it really that offensive?

Anyhoo, Crank Yankers is the show being revived. Sounds somewhat interesting.

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Re: Wonder Showzen

Post by ShyViolet » May 1st, 2019, 7:57 pm

OMG this show! It was just so sick. :? But honestly I don’t even care all that much about all that gross stuff anymore, I know that kind of humor does appeal to some, so whatever.

MY REAL PROBLEM when I first started this thread (what was it, like 15 years ago! 😳) is still my problem now...it was EXTREMELY WRONG AND REPREHENSIBLE for the creators to use actual young children, all of whom looked well under 12, to communicate their unimaginably twisted view of the world. The fact that the show was basically a savage satire of the original Sesame Street, (with all of its joy and wisdom chewed up and then spat out) makes the children’s participation all the more creepy and demoralizing. :(.

Oh here’s the article I’d linked to...it describes the show’s content in more detail.


The kids who acted back then (2005-2006) would mostly be in their early twenties now. I feel horrible for them...they probably know by now that they were acting in a TV-MA rated comedy when they were like eight or nine years old. So disgusting. :(.


Interesting about Crank Yankers! I definitely enjoyed that show when I watched it. :)
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Good Boys

Post by ShyViolet » August 25th, 2019, 5:56 pm

Ok, this isn’t EXACTLY related to Wonder Showzen, but on a basic level it is: I originally started the thread because I was appalled by the use of under-twelve year olds participating in a TV-MA rated show, as I said above.

This is much, much worse than that.

Not trying to get on a soapbox or bash those who enjoyed this movie. I’m not here to judge what people find funny. I just find the idea of three twelve-year-olds acting in a raunchy, American-Pie-type, gross-out, R-rated movie to be unbelievably reprehensible.

To get to the point: The movie’s name is Good Boys, it came out about two or three weeks ago I think. Not going to describe the content here; I’m just linking to Rotten Tomatoes where it is currently 78% fresh. You’ll get a better idea of the material there.

Again....my opinions. I understand if not everyone shares them.

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Re: Wonder Showzen

Post by Ben » August 25th, 2019, 9:19 pm

Oh, you mean the live-action South Park rip-off? Yeah, we are currently living in a nadir of big screen American comedy...

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Re: Wonder Showzen

Post by ShyViolet » August 25th, 2019, 11:24 pm

Yeah, definitely.

This particular comedy was incredibly silly (came out in 91) but for some insane reason I’ve always loved it. Plus David Duchovny has a bit part lol! :o


It’s Shakespeare compared to infantile, um...stuff...we get nowadays. :?
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Re: Wonder Showzen

Post by Ben » August 26th, 2019, 4:23 am

Wow...Keith Coogan...blast from the past. At one point he was in every other teen movie and David Newman was scoring almost literally EVERYthing! :)

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Re: Wonder Showzen

Post by ShyViolet » August 30th, 2019, 9:01 pm

The most insane thing of all is that the three main stars aren’t even old enough to see their own movie, which is rated a hard R. And it’s not even like this is one of those serious dramatic films that have kids in them, and the child actors are protected by having content edited around them; every single scene in Good Boys has these children saying the F-bomb over and over again...and these AREN’T cartoon characters, but real, impressionable KIDS. :shock:

In so many of the reviews I read the same thing, that even with the constant vulgarity, Good Boys had a “good-natured” tone. I wonder if the reviewers would still feel that way if it was their children acting in this film... :?
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Re: Wonder Showzen

Post by Ben » August 31st, 2019, 4:11 am

Can’t they see it with an accompanying parent or guardian? ;)

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Re: Wonder Showzen

Post by ShyViolet » August 31st, 2019, 6:01 pm

Lol yeah...that way their parents can make sure their kids don’t “imitate the behavior they see on-screen.” :roll:
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Re: Wonder Showzen

Post by Daniel » October 1st, 2019, 3:56 pm

What's funny is they actually had a commercial running with Seth Rogen telling the three leads they can't see their own movie; They can do the acts, but they can't "watch" themselves do it.

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Re: Wonder Showzen

Post by ShyViolet » October 1st, 2019, 6:12 pm

Yeah, seen that. Pretty pointless of Rogen to film an “ironic” spot like that since they all drop F-bombs in it anyway... :roll:

I really don’t want to come off like a prude (as I’ve mentioned other times, I am, almost against my will, a huge watcher of Family Guy) and this statement might shock, but I truly believe Seth Rogen (and the film’s director) should be arrested for child abuse/exploitation. Really, I do. Watching PG-13 movies with curses/violence is one thing (I saw Tango and Cash at ten); ACTING, (not even watching), in a movie rated a hard R with explicit images/references to stuff that wouldn’t have even been tried with TEENAGE characters ten years ago, is, well, I’ll just come right out and say it: ILLEGAL.
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Re: Wonder Showzen

Post by ShyViolet » February 4th, 2020, 3:49 pm

Ugh... :roll:

I can only pray that this is the worst thing that happens to the three stars of GB’s:

https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/ ... st-1248158

*Article is actually from last October. But i don’t think that makes it any less valid...funnily enough that’s the same month GB became available for streaming.

I really don’t want to seem like I have no sense of humor but....well I won’t repeat everything again. I guess all I’m going to say is this: if that 20-year-old-guy who was arrested was one of the three young stars in his OTHER movie, I’m pretty positive Rogen would find the situation every bit as hilarious. :? (Which of course he would never admit publicly. But I wouldn’t put it past him...google the movie and read for yourself the situations he put his child actors in. The man basically has no conscience.)
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