ShyViolet wrote:Glad to know I'm not alone!
Not while I'm here
ShyViolet wrote:
I didn't mean to raise this topic again on a family board like this, (because of the content) but it just must made me SO ANGRY that this show is on the air and that the no-good "expletives" who made it are getting even more money from DVD sales. There are kids who look like they're five years old acting on this show.
Family board?

aww were one big happy internet family

Its ok though, I'm glad you brought this topic up again, since I wasn't around when it was created
I second what you said! I'm mad that the show is still ON, what is on its third season

Its not bad enough that the show gets
good ratings, but to be a best seller, amongst greater shows, such a pity
ShyViolet wrote:
(BTW they orignally, NOT KIDDING, wanted to air this on Basic Cable--TBS I think--who of course rejected it. The writers/producers only chose MTV 2 because they had to.)

really? I didn't know that. With the way the show is, do they honestly think its basic cable
friendly enough
ShyViolet wrote:
I'm not crazy about DT to put it mildly, but I don't loathe it like I do this show. I just think it's gross sometimes and kinda pointless, but I can understand why some people like the "acid trip" humor and that sometimes I have laughed while watching it...although it's just not my thing, usually.
Not crazy? don't worry I won't hold it against you
But I guess it is just for me.... Although I wish they cut back on some stuff. Otherwise its one of my favorite shows. And even better, It has two spoofs of some of my favorite shows Spongbob and Pokemon! Hoot.....
Or in Drawn Together terms: Ling Ling, and Wooldoor.
ShyViolet wrote:
But Wonder Showzen is about one million times worse than DT combined with everything else on Adult Swim, then squared by infinity.
I don't know, I guess I only brought it up in hopes of making others aware.
I completly agree! Its so much worse than all that, its not even funny.
Well, you've made me aware. And hopefully other lurkers..... But just in case '
Don't watch! Do you want more KIDS to be featured next to these disgusting puppets?
"Won't somebody please think of the children!!"
(Inside joke
