The Simpsons

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Post by ShyViolet » October 30th, 2006, 2:16 am

Here's what some people are saying about Season 9: ... UTF8&s=dvd

Plus, this was written a few years ago, but very timely even for today: ... print.html
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by Daniel » October 30th, 2006, 2:53 am

Your good at finding stuff Vi :wink:

Very promising critism, makes me more intriqued. :P

I just dislike how they say 'its the last great season' :roll: so not true! I'm a huge fan and I still love the new episodes as much as the old ones, some people :? Ugh!

But this is just me :wink: I know you feel the same as them, but I won't hold it against ya Vi :wink: :)

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Post by ShyViolet » October 30th, 2006, 10:54 pm

But this is just me I know you feel the same as them, but I won't hold it against ya Vi
Not about all the episodes...I like some of them, even in the "new" seasons. But anything with "Jerka** Homer"....usually turns me off completely.

Some of the "new" ones that are cool (well, what, the last six or seven years?)

The Japan one of course. :D

The New York City one.

The Carnies. (intelligently written if EXTREMELY cynical)

Kidz News with Bart and Lisa! Kinda gimmicky but the last scene with Lisa "moving" Willie to tears is hysterical. "He's your son....after all isn't he EVERYONE's son?"

The ep with the "Adults vs. Kids" song, and the film "The Bloodening" that rips off the original B + W film Village of the Damned. British kid: "You're thinking about hurting us!" :wink:

The Run Lola Run episode....the three parter with "123 Fake Street."

When Homer and family go down to Florida for Spring Break because Homer's going paranoid and thinks that Charlie Rose is plotting to kill him while watching late night PBS. (BEST. SCENE. EVER.) Then they get arrested for "killing" the town alligator, etc...etc...

One of my faves ever: The Lisa Kudrow one, where "Alex" comes to Lisa's school and tries to make over all the girls into adolescent late 20th century brats with cell phones, mini dresses, high heels and credit cards. I really liked the message of it. But the subplot with Homer and Bart stealing the grease/fat from Willie is the first in a LONG line of jerka** Homer eps...and I mean the really bad ones like the Max Powers one, the Po Mo one, the Homer becomes a modern artist one, etc....After season 11 it was like completely new writers had taken over, which I think they did! :roll: (Plus why would Milhouse be mean enough to call Lisa "the dateless wonder"?)

The Hamlet riff (forgot which ep that was)

The fairy tales ep! One word: George Cauldron!

The "tall tales" episode with the drifter.

Comic Book guy falls in love with Agnes Skinner and vice versa.

Moe gets handsome and then...turns back. I don't know why but this episode cracks me up.

Homer gets smart....then dumb again. I actually really love this one. In a way I thought it was sad because it shows that Homer could have had a much more productive life if he hadn't shoved crayons up his nose, (or been born a Simpson, if you go by "Lisa the Simpson" a truly BAD episode which is only redeemed by the last five minutes of meeting Homer's loser male relatives, all played by DC of course! :) ) In a way I think the end was a cop-out but I guess if Homer stayed smart it would have changed everything...still, I thought it was so sweet when he wrote Lisa that letter at the end and really sad that he went back to being not just dumb but apparently even dumber than before, if you judge by episodes after this. :?

The Halloween ep from Season 9 which is coming to DVD is probably one of my fave Halloween ones ever...I LOVE the Homega Man (and while watching the opening fifteen minutes of 28 Days Later with Jim in the Church being chased by The Infected I was like "OMG, this is just like the Simpsons!" which I later learned was, of course, ripping off The Omega Man and the Day the Earth Stood Still! :D )

The the Fly episode, which has some of the best lines EVER:

Homer (after noticing he was teleported through the matter transporter device): Hmm!
Frink: I take it from that little impressed noise that you are interested in purchasing that matter transporter, sir.
Homer: Ahhhmmmm... Two bucks...? And it only transports matter? Well, uh, I'll give you 35 cents.
Frink: Sold! But I must warn you this devices carries a frighteningly high risk of catastrophic--
Homer: I said I'll take it!

(from the Frink Zone. :) )

Bart thinks the teleporter will turn him into a superhero, "superfly".

Bart: I'd be stupid not to do this!

Grampa meets a "Hoochie" or loose woman in his retirement home who pretends to like him just because he gets a car and a liscence. Really gimmicky but DC does such a great Grampa! And I loved how they stumbled onto "Bronson, Missouri", (while looking for "Branson, Missouri"), where everyone looks like Charles Bronson, even the women and children!)

Krusty's daughter (Drew Barrymore) Love the literary references that open the episodes with the book fair, and Krusty's "wild days" during the Gulf War that got him a daughter.

There's other stuff I like too, can't think of it now though. However, many have pointed out on other forums like the No Homers Club that the "Homer gets hurt" or "Homer in pain" jokes have really crossed the line in a few years, even for cartoon standards. (not talking about Itchy and Scratchy) The scenes are often prolonged needlessly and show real blood and injuries--why would anyone want to see that? :?

Also, some eps are just...dull. Can't think of anything specific right now but one example: I think Stan Lee actually guest starred in one of the Comic Book Guy eps, which you think would be awesome, but was just the dumbest thing ever! How could ANYONE familiar with comics or cartoons screw up an episode like that???
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by Daniel » November 1st, 2006, 10:56 pm

ShyViolet wrote: Not about all the episodes...I like some of them, even in the "new" seasons. But anything with "Jerka** Homer"....usually turns me off completely.

Some of the "new" ones that are cool (well, what, the last six or seven years?)
Ya I agree, mainly Homer episodes are kinda meh. But some are good ;)
ShyViolet wrote: The Halloween ep from Season 9 which is coming to DVD is probably one of my fave Halloween ones ever...I LOVE the Homega Man (and while watching the opening fifteen minutes of 28 Days Later with Jim in the Church being chased by The Infected I was like "OMG, this is just like the Simpsons!" which I later learned was, of course, ripping off The Omega Man and the Day the Earth Stood Still! :D )
Oooh I didn't know that! I'm gonna have to remember that whenever I get to see this movie :)
ShyViolet wrote: There's other stuff I like too, can't think of it now though. However, many have pointed out on other forums like the No Homers Club that the "Homer gets hurt" or "Homer in pain" jokes have really crossed the line in a few years, even for cartoon standards. (not talking about Itchy and Scratchy) The scenes are often prolonged needlessly and show real blood and injuries--why would anyone want to see that? :?
Oh that forum :? Well I would have to agree. I cringe every time they show Homer getting physically hurt, and to top it off the bone cracking sound ugh!! I feel his pain.

Haha, Itchy and Scratchy. They get away with blood and stuff, and nobody cares. Gotta admit I love watching it, its just a fun little spoof of Tom & Jerry only more groewtesque (sp) :?
ShyViolet wrote: Also, some eps are just...dull. Can't think of anything specific right now but one example: I think Stan Lee actually guest starred in one of the Comic Book Guy eps, which you think would be awesome, but was just the dumbest thing ever! How could ANYONE familiar with comics or cartoons screw up an episode like that???
Ugh! I completly agree with you on that episode! Stan Lee is often amusing, but The Simpsons messed that up ;)

Not much else to add, you said everything I would have. It was dull, very dull :roll:

Theres always dull episodes once in a while, but most of the time their great!

Some critics declare The Simpsons is even more funny than new sitcoms that have premiered in the last years/months, and that's saying something ;)

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Post by ShyViolet » November 12th, 2006, 3:25 am

Wow, only a month till this comes out! So excited...

Also, one thing strikes me as funny: remember that ep where Mel Gibson calls on Homer to give him advice about how to improve his new "Mr. Smith goes to Washington" remake, and Homer tells him to put lots more bood and violence in it?? (including a shifty-eyed dog! :lol: ) Mel Gibson does, and the movie fails...

That episode has a whole new meaning today, if you get my drift... :roll:


Some critics declare The Simpsons is even more funny than new sitcoms that have premiered in the last years/months, and that's saying something
I'm sure THAT'S true...I personally can't stand almost anything that's on basic cable television other than Futurama, (some) episodes of Family Guy, South Park and maybe some Sci-Fi channel stuff. That's it. I hate "hip" comedies, (except Seinfeld, Frasier, and the occasional Will and Grace) game shows, MTV, and ALL REALITY SHOWS EVER MADE, (except for that Apprentice episode with Jeffrey Katzenberg on it. :wink:)

Simpsons has gone down in quality somewhat (at least from when it was in its prime in the 5th and 6th Seasons,) but I can easily sit through it, usually anyway.. But it'll never be the mindless trash that almost all TV is.

That's why, seriously, if I don't have premium cable like HBO, etc...I almost literally cannot watch television.
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Post by Meg » November 12th, 2006, 9:21 am

Sci-Fi is one of the only channels I watch anymore...:roll:

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Post by Daniel » November 12th, 2006, 9:26 pm

ShyViolet wrote:Wow, only a month till this comes out! So excited...
That was fast, are you gonna try to get for Christmas Vi? :)
ShyViolet wrote: Also, one thing strikes me as funny: remember that ep where Mel Gibson calls on Homer to give him advice about how to improve his new "Mr. Smith goes to Washington" remake, and Homer tells him to put lots more bood and violence in it?? (including a shifty-eyed dog! :lol: ) Mel Gibson does, and the movie fails...

That episode has a whole new meaning today, if you get my drift... :roll:
I remember that episode :), look what's happened to Mel since than *shrugs*

I think I got drift :?
ShyViolet wrote: Simpsons has gone down in quality somewhat (at least from when it was in its prime in the 5th and 6th Seasons,) but I can easily sit through it, usually anyway.. But it'll never be the mindless trash that almost all TV is.
Yes it has :( a little... I to doubt it will ever be that mindless, Matt wouldnt let that happen, would he? Nah....
ShyViolet wrote: That's why, seriously, if I don't have premium cable like HBO, etc...I almost literally cannot watch television.
It must be nice having HBO :), personaly those channels get old rather quick. I get them every now and again and the amount of encores per movie is ridiculous :?

Just recently I got the channel free for five days and they reran Batman Begins like twenty times :shock: a bit over kill in my books.

But if you watch Tv rarely, I don't see it being an issue ;)

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Post by ShyViolet » January 1st, 2007, 6:08 pm

Has anyone gotten 9 yet? I haven't, will soon hopefully.

BTW this season has the first appearance of Gil in "Realty Bites" which makes sense since he's inspired by Jack Lemmon's character in Glengarry, which was about the cutthroat world of real estate salesmen.

Plus I guess we were wrong about that cover--it's Lisa after all! :P
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Post by Daniel » January 1st, 2007, 6:40 pm

Nope, not yet :(

Btw, we have a thread for season 9

Poor forgetful Vi. (j/k) ;) :)

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Post by ShyViolet » January 2nd, 2007, 2:44 pm

I know, I was just too lazy to find it! :)
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Post by Daniel » January 2nd, 2007, 3:15 pm

Lazy? Tisk, tisk Vi. :P

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Post by ShyViolet » February 4th, 2007, 4:10 am

Just wanted to say that Season 9 is defintely worth getting--the episodes are very funny, if not that deep.

Also some interesting commentaries--City of NY vs. Homer Simpson--in the World Trade Center scene they sounded kind of embarassed and said: "We're sorry about this." (two surly NY guys yelling at each other from one tower to the other.)

Well,it's not like they knew what would happen, is it? :? It was still kind of cute to see. :P


BTW that same episode's commentary reveals that Brad Bird actually came up with the whole "Duffman" idea and even the "Duffman" dance, that he personally acted out! Ha ha! :P :lol:
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Post by ShyViolet » February 4th, 2007, 4:52 am

From the article
The most interesting and articulate contributors to the group -- the ones who can actually spell and punctuate -- are the ones who argue most passionately that the show has, in the words of fan Ondre Lombard, "turned into a cold, cynical, anything-for-a-joke series with one-dimensional characters."
I think that's a good analysis of the basic direction that this show has gone in and the reason it just isn't up to the quality of 1993-1997. I was thinking the exact same thing while watching some of the Season 9 eps--even though I like them, and I like plenty of episodes afterwards too.

But it just doesn't have the same feel as a Season 4 or even Season 7 episode, and the #1 reason is the CYNACISM. (although the writing is still sharp, but much more pop-culture than before.) A lot of the heart is missing.

Some people say this is due to a lot of the good writers leaving (partly true) and Mike Scully taking over. I mostly hold with the latter (although the former is important too.)


"Miracle on Evergreen Terrace"--In the midst of his greed and selfishness, Bart unwraps his presents early before the rest of the family on Christmas, sets the tree on fire and then hides the evidence. After the town discovers the truth after opening their hearts to the family for losing their presents, they loot their house and take all their things. The family is left fighting over a dishtowel.

"Bart Carny"--After the family is scammed by the Cooders father and son carnies, they trick them back and leave them homeless on the sidewalk. End of story.

"Trash of the Titans" Homer tries to be Sanitation Commissioner after refusing to take out the trash, makes phony promises, ruins the career of the real Commissioner, then to cover his mistakes dumps all the trash in Springfield and "moves" the whole town away.

"The Joy of Sect" --The whole family except Marge get brainwashed by the Movementarian cult. Marge gets them back by offering Bart and Lisa fake Hoverbikes, then Homer beer. End.

"Lisa the Simpson"--Lisa finds out that because of a genetic deficiency all the Simpson males turn out dumb, but the women don't so at least she'll still grow up smart. End.

This is basically the thematic outline that the show has stuck to until today. The Simpson family that celebrated Thanksgiving together after Bart ran away when wrecking Lisa's centerpiece in Season 3 is nowhere to be found.

That's why I'm very glad that the many of the original guys (writers, producers) have come back for the movie. :wink:
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Post by ShyViolet » February 4th, 2007, 8:39 am

It must be nice having HBO , personaly those channels get old rather quick. I get them every now and again and the amount of encores per movie is ridiculous

Just recently I got the channel free for five days and they reran Batman Begins like twenty times a bit over kill in my books.

I know it can be monotnous but I basically breathe movies, :P they're one of the few things on TV I can stomach. I don't get tired of them really, I feel like I'm taking them in and studying them for the first time whenever they're on.

(But I admit Batman Begins can be tiring after the 100th time....Batman 89 on the other hand....:wink: That one is on HBO a lot too.)


BTW here's a glimpse of the Season 10 cover! :)(no news on when it'll be released though) ... UTF8&s=dvd
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by Daniel » February 6th, 2007, 2:20 am

ShyViolet wrote:Just wanted to say that Season 9 is defintely worth getting--the episodes are very funny, if not that deep.

Also some interesting commentaries--City of NY vs. Homer Simpson--in the World Trade Center scene they sounded kind of embarassed and said: "We're sorry about this." (two surly NY guys yelling at each other from one tower to the other.)

Well,it's not like they knew what would happen, is it? :? It was still kind of cute to see. :P
Well, I was debating, but you've convinced me! ;)

Yeah, season 9 has a lot of my faves, and its before it went downhill (for a little while. ;))

Ooh, I love hearing the commentaries! There always so imformative and whatnot. That one sounded particulary interesting, I'll have to remember that! ;)
ShyViolet wrote:I think that's a good analysis of the basic direction that this show has gone in and the reason it just isn't up to the quality of 1993-1997. I was thinking the exact same thing while watching some of the Season 9 eps--even though I like them, and I like plenty of episodes afterwards too.

But it just doesn't have the same feel as a Season 4 or even Season 7 episode, and the #1 reason is the CYNACISM. (although the writing is still sharp, but much more pop-culture than before.) A lot of the heart is missing.

Some people say this is due to a lot of the good writers leaving (partly true) and Mike Scully taking over. I mostly hold with the latter (although the former is important too.)

That's why I'm very glad that the many of the original guys (writers, producers) have come back for the movie. :wink:
IMO, their way over analyzing things. Sure those did infact happen, in that way, but still, my gosh!

Espicially the christmas one. It makes perfect sence (for the Simpsons) the town didn't want to continue being mad at them, so they took their stuff. :? And I liked that particular dish towel ending. :cry:

Yay, for old writers! :)
ShyViolet wrote:I know it can be monotnous but I basically breathe movies, :P they're one of the few things on TV I can stomach. I don't get tired of them really, I feel like I'm taking them in and studying them for the first time whenever they're on.

(But I admit Batman Begins can be tiring after the 100th time....Batman 89 on the other hand....:wink: That one is on HBO a lot too.)
Interesting. Yeah, that's what I do sometimes to! How cool. :)

Why else would they call it HBO? The B stands for Batman. :lol:
ShyViolet wrote:BTW here's a glimpse of the Season 10 cover! :)(no news on when it'll be released though) ... UTF8&s=dvd
Wow, its about time the pets get some attention. Thanks for the notice, Vi! :)

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